Subject: Biggest Bang for your Buck!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 29-6-2012 13:38  Profile P.M. 
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Biggest Bang for your Buck!

This topic is a continuation of a discussion we were having on a thread in the Mainland section ... xtra=&page=5###

But since this is a topic I believe applicable to mongering in general, I’m starting this thread here.
Most discussions I’ve seen on this as well as other mongering boards usually centers upon the quality, the highlights/drawbacks of gals, complaints/praise of them – but I hardly see discussions on things FROM the WG’s POV….and how we all can take advantage of THEIR feelings and druthers!

I’ve had quite a few discussions with WG’s – in general and in earnest – about their feelings towards us mongers, their pet peeves, their joys, their  favorites things etc and not just about the money part – which I would like to ignore for purposes of this thread as I think it probably already gets discussed too much/ad-finitum in other threads.

OK – first, a few pet peeves I hear time and again, and my opening for discussion as to how we AS MONGERS could minimize its impact on the session we’re paying for.

** Dirty, sloven mongers – Most gals just hate it when a guy’s filthy, got BO, got dirty long finger nails/unshaven and scratching them all over etc.  This one’s an easy one!  Guys, just coz you’re paying for it, don’t mean that you could be a slob AND expect your partner to be still all eager to do you.  Apply the same standards you would with civvies and for sure you’d get best results.

** Obese/fat guys – Well, not much one can do about this – or is there?  I mean gals always complain about being literally squashed by overweight guys to the point of not being to breathe when fat guys, constricted by the size of their bellies, tend to push excessively trying to get their LB’s in their LS’s!  For you guys overweight, try to have them on top, on the side and of course Doggy style more. And when doggy-ing – please make sure that you do have firm footing as falling flat on them can be quite disastrous.  And if you really need to bend their legs over your shoulder to gain maximum penetration, limit such moves to when you’re on the side with her and NOT when you’re on mish.

** Rough play – OK, there ARE technicians who do specialize on such – and even those who only discover such to be a niche for them when it happens; but I’d suggest that for most of us, it’s really NOT a good idea for you to “Push the boundaries”.  I’ve heard gals telling me how terrified they were when guys start to get rough with them – never knowing where it’s going to go to.  If you really enjoy rough play – then you should clearly and politely discuss such requirement for their full consent AND agreement prior to embarking on such.

** Drunks – the bane of WG’s! Drunk guys have a tendency to last way too long, make a mess, be belligerent/uncooperative and usually then end up NOT really enjoying the session …  or even forgetting about it totally. Do yourself a favor – DON’T get a WG when you’re drunk, for not only are you NOT maximizing your punting dollar, you’re actually also putting yourself in danger for being robbed, rolled or even just conned.

** Drugs – ditto as per drunks. But besides illegal substances, which we are not allowed to discuss on this board, there is also the question of erectile dysfunction medication.  I’d say that most WG’s would prefer that we mongers do not use/use less such ED meds as it usually means a longer – and harder – session. I don’t know what we who needs such meds could do to turn this matter to our advantage when dealing with a WG – but at least perhaps best NOT to even mention that one has taken such meds

** Kinkiness – OK, we’re all types us human – some of us more kinky than others and some thinking an act is normal whilst others think its depravity; all kinds.  But here again, a clear discussion and delineation as to your desires versus her limits is definitely in order prior to ANY activities.

** Anger – now this is one thing that most gals are terrified of. Most have had clients who somewhere along the act suddenly display anger…for reasons they really cannot fathom.  To them, they’re already providing the most intimate of action that a human is capable of performing and all of a sudden a client would get mad. You as a monger, if you have any issues – again discuss it with your gal what your issue is and do not just explode on them. They’re already psychologically disadvantaged as being the provider in the act/they’re also at a definite physical disadvantage in regards to size – so consider the effect it has on your gal if you blow your top. Anger of any kind/for any reason will usually just result in a totally dissatisfying experience for both parties. Also, best you do NOT embark on getting a WG if you’re somehow or other already generally pissed off.

I’m NOT on any kind of Save-a-Ho campaign/trying to come up with a manifesto for WG’s or anything like this – rather, I just want to discover what makes for the biggest Bang for the Buck – for after all, the gals are always trying to get the Best Buck for their Bang!

Ok guys – Fire Away!
SEAN – yeah, I do love mongering!!

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yazoo   26-7-2012 14:18  Karma  +3   V true.
HKPooner   3-7-2012 15:47  Karma  +2   Well said!
Tuffbod   2-7-2012 17:18  Karma  +2   More interesting but true facts from SEAJ Sifu..
Weelock   2-7-2012 01:34  Karma  +2   Sounds like ME,"guy’s filthyBO,got dirtyLongFinger nails/unshaven"
homer168   30-6-2012 19:52  Karma  +4   Well said Sean, well said.
devilgodspeed   29-6-2012 21:52  Karma  +3   Nice Topic!
matsumoto   29-6-2012 21:37  Karma  +2   Nice OP Sean!
JackTheBat   29-6-2012 15:29  Karma  +10   this rocks. YES, talk to WGs and you will end up having MUCH better sex!
AsnDragon   29-6-2012 15:11  Karma  +3   how you know so much being so young?
Frenchexpat   29-6-2012 13:52  Karma  +2   Spot on!


Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 29-6-2012 13:58  Profile P.M. 
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Totally agree. Had some discussions with the WG and they usually dont like dirty fat guys. As Sean said, imagine yourself in the same situation with an ugly girl, smelly with pimples, would you do her? I certainly wouldnt, my hand has more sex appeal than this!
Being fat is not a fatality. Its just about working out and eating more reasonably (withsomething else than finger or fast food).
The comment I heard is "I pay so she should be happy". Well she is happy because of your bucks but would be even more and give a better GF experience if on top of this she would be paid to do someone she thinks is sexy!

For the rest I cannot imagine. Hitting a girl or playing rough with one is not in my nature, so cant even imagine what a session looks like but I can understnad they may bescared (even if some punters are certainly acting).

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SEAJ   29-6-2012 18:32  Karma  +2   Kudos to a French Gentleman!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 29-6-2012 14:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Frenchexpat's post

OK - another pet peeve:

** Grunting/snorting - Auditory perception is one of our 5 senses - hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.
And just like how some moans and yelps emanating from a WG can turn us on, let me tell you that most WG's I talk to consider some of the grunting and snorting and other noises coming from mongers to be disgusting. They're already performing an animal act for pay - and such sounds reminds them too much of their bestiality.

So unless you REALLY need to snort/grunt/moan to fully enjoy your session, I'd suggest you refrain - or at least limit such sounds as much as possible. and oh yeah - do NOT fart either!

SEAN - weird ain't it - what turns one on and off!

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HKPooner   3-7-2012 15:49  Acceptance  +2   Agree - Farting is BFE. Only for the special girls!
newbieenewbiee   29-6-2012 15:02  Acceptance  +1   Farting is part of the BFE I provide these girls from their perspective


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Post at 29-6-2012 15:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SEAJ's post


wow, where do I even begin. I think i am guilty of breaking some of the following pet peeves that girls have.

1 Obesity/being fat-- You've seen me. Sure I use to be fit once a long time ago when i was younger. BUt being 65 does take a toll on your "figure" Yes a bit too much beer and indulging in all of those company dinners and such hasn't been kind to my wasitline. BUt I do try not to put my whole weight on them when doing Mish, i am mindful of that, but I do know that nobody likes guys who are overweight. Sigh*

2. Drunks--how can you help it after a long night at the KTV when buddies keep asking you to drink or clients of mine want to drink and it's rude to decline. But yes, i do get a bit drunk and it becomes an obstacle in bed when it comes to cumming. We can'thelp it!

3. Kinkiness-- well i do have some fetishes, but I never bring them upon the girl during my first session, only ask them after 2 sessions or more to partake in more kinky activities. Perhaps sexy lingerie, photo taking (which some thing is unacceptable) and toys as well.

I don't know about grunting or snorting noises...never have heard of any girls complaining about that before.

Other pet peeves I hear from girls are:

1. pompous attitudes/talking down to them-- it's hard enough being a WG, but they cannot stand conceited men who feel likejust because they have paid them for sex that they are their sex slaves. rubbing them down tot he dirt by calling them names or treating them like they are the lowest social class level in society.

2. Guys who swear and use foul language-- girls hate guys who swear and use obscene language and foul language. Yes even in English or cantonese these girls all learn and know what bad words mean. There's this one guy who always swears in front of women and talks down to them and many girls hate him.

3. Flaunting and being boastful about themselves-- girls like humble men as well. If you are going to flaunt your wealth you better walk the walk and really blow tons of money to wow and amaze the girls. if not it's better to just keep your mouth shut as these girls have seen high rollers come into town. so guys who talk about how rich, how powerful and important they are is an annoyance

4. Cheap clients-- they hate the overly frugal, penny-pinching type of guys. they like guys who are at least fair in paying. Not one of those clients who bargain with them on pricing, try to short change them in some way. guys that don't give 10 RMB cab fare when you live in Clipper hotel and the girl is at Hui Mei BBS which is a 5 minute cab ride or 10 minute bicycle ride away.
5. Men who have Wives--- this is a bit of a stretch since many mongers have one or the other. But WG iv'e met have an extreme disdain for men who have wives. it's strange because they expect the customer to be a honorable many and not monger when they are married and stay faithful. But yet, most mongers monger because they feel trapped in a marriage or relationship. I don't know many single mongers out there, very few-- but girls hate Cheaters and liars. a paradox considering many WG themselves are cheaters and liars.

6. big dicks-- girls in China that i know 90% of them hate guys with big dicks. they abhor having to endure the pain of a big dick pumping away at their fragile vaginas.

7. guys that can last very long in bed-- many WGs hate having sex. they do it so often they are numb to the whole experience.Thus guys who last long in bed is their biggest nightmare. after doing a guy who lasts an hour, they are dead tired and then they have to go and do 3-4 customers? I don't think so, they are so tired the just call it a day and go home to rest, thus they end up earning less money. They like the guys who cum quick. 30 second to 1 minute men are their favorites. WGs have gotten so lazy that they like even the old folks (excluding me) who just pay them to talk to them and no sex is involved. Some customers don't even want to touch them, they just want the girls to undress and the guy wants to jack off while looking at them and touching their breasts, no penetration at all.

go figure.. girls just want anything that is easy money.

just my two renminbi on this issue


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HKPooner   3-7-2012 15:51  Acceptance  +1   without 5 income drops 60%
STAGMAN   2-7-2012 23:17  Acceptance  +1   No. 5 is bull
johancusco   1-7-2012 19:29  Acceptance  +2   good point except no. 5.
lowdrider   29-6-2012 22:10  Acceptance  +1   very accurate
SEAJ   29-6-2012 18:33  Karma  +2   Worth a helluva lot more than just RMB 2. Thanks!
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Post at 29-6-2012 16:08  Profile P.M. 
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did u come across any discussion over foreigners??
ABC's, korean, white dudes, black dudes etc ..........

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SEAJ   29-6-2012 16:23  Karma  +1   Different topic. Y don't U start another thread w/this specific topic? Tks!
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Post at 29-6-2012 17:44  Profile P.M. 
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so the ideal customer for a WG is a rich/generous, well spoken, fit, good looking, small dicked, premature ejaculating chinese who is allergic to alcohol.

Ok...i fit half of the criteria....the later half.

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sirtiger   7-7-2012 00:43  Acceptance  +1   lol
szabob   2-7-2012 08:07  Acceptance  +1   hehehe
lowdrider   29-6-2012 22:11  Acceptance  +1   exactomundo
SEAJ   29-6-2012 18:34  Karma  +1   LOL!
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Post at 29-6-2012 18:52  Profile P.M. 
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dang jetfable,

rich - naaah
generous - to an extent
Well Spoken - YUP
Fit - 70 Kgs is ok i think
Good Looking - Ummm naaah
small dicked -
Premature ejaculating - Ummm sometimes
Allergic to alcohol - no but donot like to drink that much.

LOL i think i fit most of them. No wonder they are all smiles

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lowdrider   29-6-2012 22:11  Acceptance  +1   that's what gals like! :)
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Post at 29-6-2012 19:04  Profile P.M. 
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spray some cologne on, shave, brush your teeth, trim your pubes, cut your nails and WASH UR LB so it doesn't smell. that is what I have heard from WGs

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AsnDragon   1-7-2012 01:34  Karma  +1   And bring lots of cash too!
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Post at 29-6-2012 21:13  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Sorry if I seem like one to ruin the party. And despite my trailer trash ways, I do try to be presentable and be courteous and all that jazz. But at the same time, I think all of the stuff that you're saying about the WGs are pretty much what most girls would expect from ANY guy. But at the same time, I don't think we need to "go out of our way"...they're not our S.Os...!

ie...being drunk. I'm not a big drinker to begin with. But if I'm out with a girl on the town, obviously I'm going to try to stay sober enough to take her back to her trailer in a somewhat gentlemanly fashion. I don't think that I should have that same expectation with WGs. OK, I might be wasting my money for getting them to stay the night if I'm piss drunk, but isn't that my perogative?
Many of the WGs I talk to don't like being plied with alcohol either. Are you going to order Ginseng tea for them all night long too?

Good personal hygiene...I don't know about you....but I do try and practise good personal hygiene regardless if there's anyone around to see it. But this isn't a date. I'm not going to go have my hair coiffed or my nails done just to please a WG. I'm going to do it because that's what I feel is right for me. But I really don't see why (at least in THIS discussion), all about how to cater to a WG.

You know what they want? They want what every person / girl wants. To be treated with respect and to be able to leave with dignity. They want you to be nice, gregarious, generous, and conscientious. Surprise surprise.

What I DO agree with, is to save your more interesting kinks for after you get to know a girl and see if they're amenable to them. And you're there to have fun. And while she's there to provide a service, you'll have a better time if she's having a good time. That little security box inside your rooms? Check your issues in there for the night.

A guy can't help if they've got a big pecker, or a dinky one. And while we ALL want to be in wonderfully olympian shape, our time / careers / lives don't always allow for that to happen. It's hard to get Jenny Craig to deliver to a trailer park ya know! hahaha

Bottom line. Go out. Have fun. If she's having fun. You'll likely have more fun too. Treat people the way you want to be treated.


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SEAJ   29-6-2012 23:56  Karma  +1   U'd be surprised to learn fm Wg's how gross some guys can be.
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Post at 29-6-2012 21:45  Profile P.M. 
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And another....

...agree with all the ones noted by Sean in his OP and , having had similar conversations with a number of PRC gals, I'd suggest a few areas of discomfort that have been brought to my attention more than a few times:

1. LANGUAGE BARRIER: Total lack of language capability as it generally makes the interaction more awkward (so, if you aren't Chinese then it's probably worth making an effort to learn some basic stuff to help break the it would anywhere)

2. BODY HAIR: body odor goes w/o saying I suppose and Sean's already noted it but a number of the girls remark about being turned off by guys with excessive body hair. When one considers that most SN routines incl catbath, it shouldn't be hard to understand why lah! So, assuming hairy guys aren't going to get a body wax before mongering, one might consider giving the girl a break and guiding her away from particularly hairy chests, bellies, backs if a catbath is part of the routine. Or, if you're just hairy all over, extend another part of the menu and forego the catbath altogether.  There's usually plenty of other options on the menu!

[ Last edited by  matsumoto at 30-6-2012 01:23 ]

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doghead   30-6-2012 00:37  Karma  +1   R those the same hirsute guys who shave their balls/groin?
SEAJ   30-6-2012 00:06  Karma  +1   Hirsute guys! Never even thought about them! LOL
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Post at 29-6-2012 22:52  Profile P.M. 
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*Molest them when they go into bathroom.  Some guys do that.  Feel up her boobs, her LS, her butt.  I guess girls will be ok with touching in the room, where it's out in the open, but once the guy follows her into bathroom (or a closed room), his play may go beyond what's acceptable in public.  

*Rough play.  Sometimes guys play in the KTV room.  Playing is one thing, but some may cause slight bumps or injuries to the girl.  Some may rip her clothes.  Either way, playing within reason is ok, but when it gets a bit rough, it may sour the girl and she'll think you're an immature ass.

* Guys who calls to reserve the girl, then bails.  Self explanatory.

*smelly dicks.  It's the reverse pong...the dong.  It's where the dick is uncircumcised and has residual cum below the head.  Kinda like duck butter, but on the dick.  Girls can't BBBJ to that, right? (ok, I made this up.  I did hear girls say dicks can smell, so I dunno)

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AsnDragon   1-7-2012 01:35  Karma  +2   Yes girls hate uncircumcised penises
gmpink   29-6-2012 23:48  Acceptance  +1   i used to have a gf that ate up all the dick butter. and ive also had ones that ...
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Post at 29-6-2012 22:52  Profile P.M. 
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Based on the conversations i had with the WGs here in the Phil, most of them dont like those big fat, dirty and drunk customers.
I cant still recall one of the WGs also related to that some customers would offer them a certain amount of money like 5k - 10k pesos just to take drugs with them before goin into the main event.
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Post at 29-6-2012 23:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 lowdrider's post

Lowrider, "residual cum below the head of an uncircumcised penis"......ughh, pls don't post any pix of the phenomenon described or, if you must, stick a high RA on it so I can't see it

[ Last edited by  matsumoto at 30-6-2012 01:18 ]

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AsnDragon   1-7-2012 01:35  Karma  +1   Residual cum! Hilarious but true
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 29-6-2012 23:52  Profile P.M. 
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Great stuff guys!!

Now confirmed that we ALL here are gentlemen mongers!

For in the final analysis - a happy WG makes for a happy punt!

Thanks y'all for participating and giving your own pointers on how to avoid faux pas when out punting...and maximizing one's pleasure as a result!!

SEAN - learning lots here!!

Ps edit
Further to my rating comment - some of the things I heard from WG's/witness mongers myself!
Well.... let's just put it this way.... some guys take on a totally different personae when with WG's vs. IRL.
Especially in Chang Ping where too many zeroes thinks that they've turned into heroes... just because their financial wherewithal gets multiplied there.
Besides which, I'm never too old to learn new/more tricks...and tips on how to make my sessions all the more pleasurable.
Biggest Bang for my Bucks!

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 30-6-2012 00:07 ]

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UncleDad   30-6-2012 04:04  Karma  +2   I'll drink to that. =)~


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Post at 30-6-2012 01:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 matsumoto's post

Haha, never did get that groin-shaving thing but to each his own. Actually noticed a western guy w shaved groin climbing out of the pool at Emperor last year. To say he was getting some funny looks from the Chinese dudes and Viet massage girls would be an understatement.
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Post at 30-6-2012 08:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SEAJ's post

Very good topic SEAJ.  Setting a higher standard on our side of the equation, i.e. the one paying the $$, has to be a good thing.  As I said in one of my very first posts on this forum, if the lady is happy you will get a better service.  And isn't that the bottom line in P4P ?

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 30-6-2012 09:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 Blue_Pacific's post

Yup - correctomo!

IMHO, too many guys expect that just because they're paying, that the provider will just automatically be forced to provide him with EVERYTHING he desires.

Yes, the sex is pretty well guaranteed, but the actual experience can vary widely, depending on so many little things.

And then there are those of us who are well/TOO experienced in mongering - and just get jaded; expecting that his next pop/gal should at least equal if not exceed his previous experience....and getting frustrated...and expressing his frustration...when even the least bit disappointed.

And these gals....well, they have to deal with ALL sorts of guys and the point that they themselves get jaded with the whole thing; and conversely getting all enthused when the client she has on hand even shows the smallest amount of consideration.

SEAN - keep on mongering!

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AsnDragon   1-7-2012 01:37  Karma  +2   Am I the too jaded brother u takin abt?


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Post at 1-7-2012 01:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 SEAJ's post

It's funny because when you start describing these aggressive guys I kind of know who you are referring to. I too have seen it with my own eyes. Women do strange thingsto men as well. I've seen guys get into fights with each other over one girl.

SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 1-7-2012 17:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 AsnDragon's post

AsnDragon           1-7-2012 01:37          Karma          +2           Am I the too jaded brother u takin abt?

Nah - definitely not referring to you singly as I've seen with my own eyes this phenomena befalling too many other punters!!

And the same with your having seen "aggressive guys" - coz I've seen way too many of these plonkers. Total zeroes thinking themselves heroes!

One of the worst cases is a guy who I've seen do/already have a reputation for ALWAYS following his sat KTV gals into the toilet - where he would be very insistent on getting "serviced" (in the West, for sure it would be a case of rape) and then only pay the gal her sitting fee at the end of the night.

Can you imagine this totally evil travesty??

SEAN - sometimes some guys really pisses me off!!


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Post at 1-7-2012 18:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 SEAJ's post

Holy Cow!! What kinda guy follows the girl into the bathroom and gets serviced by her and only pays sitting fee?!?! no wonder the sitting fee at Yihao is going up in price, with all of these incidents happening these days. I'm sure it's not the norm, but doing this type of stuff really ruins it for the rest of us.

I have heard of a group of guys who sat this one girl at a KTV in CP. When this girl gets a bit tipsy, she goes wild! she was giving guys blow jobs in the bathroom one by one and getting tipped by each brother one by one. I believe if the brother pays her for this service (not just sitting fee) and each brother pays well for getting serviced by her then that is ok in my book. She should still get the sitting fee but get paid additional money for each time she services each customer.

It's amazing, but apparently she services about 3-4 guys that evening in the bathroom. I think it's exciting, but some of the bathrooms in KTVs, especially at the end of the night is a disaster and quite dirty in my opinion. I prefer to be in my clean bathroom or bed back at the hotel room.

But then again that's just me.


Recent Ratings
johancusco   1-7-2012 19:33  Karma  +2   Another good point.

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