Originally posted by HKSEXHOLIDAY at 29-5-2012 18:26
Hi my girlfriend and I will be holidaying in Hong Kong next month and my gf and I are very keen for our first threesome while we are there. We are looking for a sexy young outgoing girl to satisfy the ...
Fuck off, get the fuck outta here with this, ain't no bro here want's to read this shit. Yeah were jealous, so what. JK LOL
I think the bro's above have given you some pretty solid advice, wanchai's the way to go. Since the girls at wanchai will naturally do a guy and prob won't naturally do a chik, if you want the real girl on girl thing, have your gf do the talking and flirting with the girl of choice. If their is some real attraction between the two, and your girl can pull a bird that is into her, your prob guaranteed to get some real girl on girl.
Last edited by scootermonger at 30-5-2012 00:49 ]