Subject: Handset Photos - Real or fake?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 23-5-2012 13:48  Profile P.M. 
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Handset Photos - Real or fake?

I just noticed a new feature available called "Handset Photo".

So being curious of this new feature, I clicked on it. It led to a page of girls that have Handset Photos. Then clicked on a girl to see what a Handset Photo is. Well it turns out that Handset Photos are photos apparently taken by users using the eCe App on their smartphone.

Basically one gets to see the real photo of the girl's face without any photoshop.

Now my question is this : "Is the person taking the Handset Photo the same person who takes the professional db pictures before photoshop?" or that person can be someone like you or me. How does one get to contribute a Handset Photo to the db?

Here is a link showing an example:

Maybe someone can post the db page for permanent purposes.

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Post at 23-5-2012 13:58  Profile P.M. 
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I honestly think the ones that are up as of right now are kind of fake... as in they're not by punters, but by the photographer.

If you visit the section with all the handset photos and you click on some random gals... you see that they are basically wearing the same thing as the photoshopped pictures...
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Post at 23-5-2012 20:43  Profile P.M. 
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I doubt if these photos are posted by punters. Even if they are posted by punters using the eCe app, they are definitely photoshopped by pros first and then posted on the girl's DB.

From the link in your post, the handset photos are surely photoshopped and anyone can easily make it out. And I don't think if any punter, like you and me, would be taking an extra effort of photoshopping the photos and then posting it as we all want to see the original stuff.
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Post at 23-5-2012 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 doghead's post

Just another way to market the WGs, an attempt at legitimize the PS DB photos. As with everything take it with a grain of salt.

While the phone photos don't really add any value, I do like the videos. Those probably can be manipulated as well, just takes more effort I believe.
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Post at 24-5-2012 02:56  Profile P.M. 
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90%+ of the real pics that bros post don't come anywhere close to the quality of the "handset photos" in the link. Main reason is lighting, especially in the walkup places where it's dimly lit by purple/pink lights. Extra data points never hurt, but I def don't believe those are pics by amateurs.
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Post at 24-5-2012 04:44  Profile P.M. 
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What app exactly is it? I haven't heard of it. Is it available on iPhones or androids only?
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Post at 24-5-2012 10:20  Profile P.M. 
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I imagine they are taken by their agent. Maybe they're not photoshopped, but they're not going to post any bad ones. It's like with facebook profile pictures.
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Post at 24-5-2012 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 spinaclez's post

It is there for iPhone also. Just search for it somewhere in this forum for the iPhone and you will definitely find it.
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Post at 24-5-2012 21:29  Profile P.M. 
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They may/may not be photoshopped but its interesting to see they are obviously less 'shopped than the regular pictures so you can get a comparison between the usual DB pics and the new handset ones (agreed they aren't going to post bad ones but it still gives you more of an idea of the level of PS-ing on a girl).

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