Subject: Reject the girl brought in
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Post at 15-5-2012 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reject the girl brought in

I'm kind of new to scene, when i go to saunas or spas. I like to choose the girl even if its not the fs but something like hj. I went to a sauna and was given a chubby girl with jade bracelet but i wasnt impressed as she wanst pretty. Didnt like the idea of her touching my lb. She did touch it but no hj, werent really up for it and she really put alot of pressure in massaging, told her a few times aswell.

So, would like to know how to choose a different girl, didnt know wat girl till i got to the room and i didnt want to make a fuss and annoy ppl esp the girl incase i got stuck with her. I dont plan on repeating the girl as my back still hurts.  Am i supposed to tip the manager or tell him as soon as i get to the lounge area?
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Post at 15-5-2012 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 superuser2000's post

If you're talking about HK saunas, then forget it !  you can't see and chose girls beforehand in any HK sauna

go to Macau, almost all saunas would let you chose your girl
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Post at 15-5-2012 16:56  Profile P.M. 
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Sheung Wan - Hing Loong Bldg., 6 Wing Lok St.
2/F Massage Parlour

If your looking for a good massage i recommend Kitty at the above for everyone. She's gives a great full body massage. Foot stepping and face massage included. One time when i went up in the lift in the building it stopped at 2/F and she poked her head out and said "massage?" and she was kinda of cute so 10 massages later i like to go for a relaxing time, no worries and she gives a no nonsense HJ. She also doesn't use any oil which i hate and no need for a shoer just walk in and lay down on the massage tables. Recommend her for your hurt back and sore aches and pains. Charges $300. About one hour.
Kitty 53604232. Speaks little English.
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Post at 15-5-2012 18:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 pussycrazy's post

It'll be interesting to see if the OP is only interested in saunas ... and the choices he can pick from
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Post at 15-5-2012 23:13  Profile P.M. 
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Thx for the feedback, i aint just interested in saunas, with walk ups etc i know wat im getting for but with this particular sauna they gave me a chubby girl who has now caused me more pain than before, i only had some tiredness but im hurting pretty much everywhere cos she used too much force. She says everyone uses moreforce. this i will defo avoid if i return there but just wondering if i can reject the girl i dont like wen i first see her.

Yes i told her a dozen times i was hurting.
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Post at 16-5-2012 03:04  Profile P.M. 
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Hey Super,

I'm always shy to reject a girl too, but have learned over the years that they are pretty used to it.  Just be polite and mix your rejection message with something like, "Wow!  She's so beautiful but not what I'm looking for.  Next girl please!"  And then when the girl is out of the room reiterate to the manager that exactly what you want.

Whatever you do, don't make a face of disgust when you get an unattractive girl.  Politeness goes a long way, and you're right not to want to offend, the trick is to balance that consideration with a certain directness so that they don't walk all over you.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 16-5-2012 11:23  Profile P.M. 
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Thx all, i think i will also tip the manager aswell, im sure he ll be smart enough to know wat that means.  Even if there is no fs, id still like someone who is pleasing to the eye.

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