Originally posted by AsnDragon at 4/23/12 12:22 AM
Never took cialis or Viagra. Just out of curiousity, does it really maintain it's hardness that well? and does it make it hard to cum after cumming a few times? I'm just wondering how bad of an experience it would be to just be constantly hard and not able to cum and let your LB calm down a bit for a little rest.
I've posted about this topic numerous times. There's no use taking any erectile dysfunction drugs if you have no problems getting an erection. Assuming that this is you and you're still curious, what viagra and cialis do is make it easier for blood to flow to the penis, thus making erection easier. After you've had orgasm, it'll be quicker (note that I didn't say easier) for you to get another erection. Getting an erection is dependent on you being turned on (as is normal without the aid of drugs). It won't just appear. However, viagra and cialis won't make it easier for you to cum. That all depends on your own refractory period. If normally it takes you an hour to "recharge" (your refractory period -- and it's different for all guys and your age) then that won't change.
Side effects include flushing of the face (a telltale sign to the working girl that you've either been drinking [and probably won't be able to get an erection or cum] or taken viagra or cialis), a stuffy nose (another obvious telltale sign), mild headache and desensitivity of your penis (sex is just pumping away without any feeling -- trust me this really sucks for both you and the girl).