Well...if my memory serves me right, I remember seeing someone doing the same in HK in 1976. Back then I could not tell if the person was a local or one of the just arrived mainlanders. But at least back in those days, no self-respecting sharply dressed person would be squatting on the street like the kid in the video.
Or maybe that kid was making an instructional video instructing Hongkies on how to squat properly to make a nice dump. You can even see him stumble a bit but he quickly regained his balance and continued on his dumping. Great skill!
Think about all those Hongkies cursing those squat toilets in China that do not have proper handrails or even walls to prop themselves against as they curse their own cheapness in not getting a 5 star hotel room.
Reply #2 Mikemikemike's post
Cmon, you never seen drunk ppl pissing on the streets in Canada? If I stay out late at night in HK, I am bound to see someone pissing in doorways, alleys, or against shutter gates, because the well-educated, sharply dressed and drunk ppl were just too lazy to wait until they found one of the numerous 24hr public toilets to go for a piss.
Last edited by doghead at 22-2-2012 15:00 ]