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Post at 22-2-2012 12:28  Profile P.M. 
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Taking a dump in CWB - Incredible

Right in the middle of a busy street!

Our cousins from the mainland.


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AsnDragon   11-6-2012 15:36  Karma  +1   That why HK ppl hate mainlanders? LOL!
fefeku   5-6-2012 14:45  Acceptance  +1   i would give you more point if i could! this is indee fuck up !! lol
Blue_Pacific   22-2-2012 13:26  Acceptance  +1   Just the title of this thread made me LMAO


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Post at 22-2-2012 13:18  Profile P.M. 
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wow WTF! Does this happen in HK often? I was in the Mong Kok area a few weeks back after checking out the night markets and I ventured onto one of the main streets, Nathan Rd I think and I saw an old woman (probably age 70 or so) full out take a leak right on the side of the sidewalk inches away from the people walking by. She looked pretty bum'ish so maybe she was homeless I dunno.

I feel a bit home sick after watching this vid lol. I miss Canada where washrooms are never locked, opened to the public and cleaned 10x a day. but then again to find a hot asian wg there is a whole different story.....
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Post at 22-2-2012 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SEAJ's post

He be also be a HK man......cant really make out if he is actually chinese in the clip.

or Prolly there's a chinese stamp on his silky white ass saying " Made in China" ?

Maybe he is a Macaonese or a Singaporean? or a retard escaped from tai po?

shit actually happened 3 weeks ago and apparently this guy got "kuku nuts" issue.

[ Last edited by  hunter at 22-2-2012 14:29 ]

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Post at 22-2-2012 14:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SEAJ's post

Well...if my memory serves me right, I remember seeing someone doing the same in HK in 1976. Back then I could not tell if the person was a local or one of the just arrived mainlanders. But at least back in those days, no self-respecting sharply dressed person would be squatting on the street like the kid in the video.

Or maybe that kid was making an instructional video instructing Hongkies on how to squat properly to make a nice dump. You can even see him stumble a bit but he quickly regained his balance and continued on his dumping. Great skill!

Think about all those Hongkies cursing those squat toilets in China that do not have proper handrails or even walls to prop themselves against as they curse their own cheapness in not getting a 5 star hotel room.

Reply #2 Mikemikemike's post

Cmon, you never seen drunk ppl pissing on the streets in Canada? If I stay out late at night in HK, I am bound to see someone pissing in doorways, alleys, or against shutter gates, because the well-educated, sharply dressed and drunk ppl were just too lazy to wait until they found one of the numerous 24hr public toilets to go for a piss.

[ Last edited by  doghead at 22-2-2012 15:00 ]
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Post at 22-2-2012 17:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 mikemikemike's post

lol, this kind of thing happens everywhere. Ok, so maybe not so much in the open like this guy, but shit, pee on the streets, alleys, walls, I've seen it all many times while I was still in the US.
This guy just happened to be filmed...

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sexwstrangers   23-2-2012 22:35  Acceptance  +1   What slum of what city would that be? Never seen anything like that!
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Post at 22-2-2012 18:30  Profile P.M. 
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Funny thing, but it's just 1 guy unlucky to be caught, definitely not representative of anything. It can happen, maybe he had some dim sum and had a monster diarrhea, so no other solution !

But yeah, he's ugly, he could have avoid the middle of the street !
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Post at 22-2-2012 22:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SEAJ's post

I'd of laughed if one of them trucks cleaning the gutters went past...

I remember when I was on the bus around 3 years ago. Sat at the back and it was quite busy on the way to work. When a woman around 70 years of age literally lifted her ass cheek and farted loud as hell!

I was lost for words... And no one even batted an eye lid...

Welcome to Hong Kong.

[ Last edited by  Petay_1283 at 22-2-2012 22:14 ]

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Post at 23-2-2012 08:05  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by angst at 22-2-2012 17:13
lol, this kind of thing happens everywhere. Ok, so maybe not so much in the open like this guy, but shit, pee on the streets, alleys, walls, I've seen it all many times while I was still in the US.
Th ...

i have never seen this happen in the U.S.
why is he just standing there with his pants down after he is done?

[ Last edited by  timewaster at 23-2-2012 08:07 ]
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Post at 23-2-2012 12:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 timewaster's post

I guess he's looking for toilet paper. As he's a clean and civilised guy, he needs to swip clean his ass before putting back his pants lol !
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Post at 23-2-2012 19:26  Profile P.M. 
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agreed, the way he stands there after he's done tells me that this guy may be mentally ill or otherwise not playing with a full deck . I have seen street do this in New York but never openly.

I love it the way the typical Hongkie non-confrontational attitude prevails and everybody just walked by like they don't see what's going on of course if I saw this happening not sure what I would say to the guy

Hell after a long night in Wanchai  even I will walk down a dark alley in place against the wall

Keep on mongering

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 23-2-2012 19:28 ]
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Post at 23-2-2012 22:40  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by timewaster at 23-2-2012 08:05
why is he just standing there with his pants down after he is done?

He's probably expecting more to come. That did not look like any healthy shit. That looked a bit like a 'I shouldn't have eaten that fucking street food' shit. I've definitely had food in HK that kept me within striking distance of a toilet for hours and hours. But if you've really got to get somewhere.....maybe this is the result?
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Post at 24-2-2012 04:00  Profile P.M. 
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OMGAWD couldn't he have found a back alley to shit in?

Not the first time I see human shit in HK, about a month back I saw a big heap of steaming shit on the MTR platform at Fortress Hill.

I didn't see the culprit, but I narrowly missed stepping in it.

The stench was awful.

I pity the MTR worker that had to clean that mess up.

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Post at 24-2-2012 15:59  Profile P.M. 
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I agree that he probably could've found a more discrete place. But sometimes, when you gotta go... you go in your pants.
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Post at 25-2-2012 04:43  Profile P.M. 
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Not as good as taking a shit in the middle of the road, taking a piss in Mcdonalds Fortress Hill while people are eating..

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doghead   25-2-2012 15:36  Acceptance  +1   Damn. those parents really spoil the kids.

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Post at 27-2-2012 11:50  Profile P.M. 
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when he stumbled i was sure he was gonna go full shoe in that steamy pile
i think his partner in crime was out looking for some TP
he seemed to be waiting on the one that was blocking the camera for him

when i lived in germany
there was a hotel building called the house of 3 colors
and it was
3 buildings connected
all 3 a different color

only WC they had was a long horse troff out back
when you go to pee you get a shock if your new to the game there

all the men were jerking off in the troff

me and my friends were around 20 years of age
we were a little stunned

the guys looked at us


then one of the older men said

its ok

we do this to make the girls work for their money

because you get to fuck until you cum so we all jerk off first
just before going inside

[ Last edited by  jinjew at 26-2-2012 22:55 ]
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Post at 5-3-2012 12:42  Profile P.M. 
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Thats a bit gross, I'm sure its not a common thing though, a tleast I hope so!
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Post at 10-3-2012 13:40  Profile P.M. 
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I'm sure he's standing there while his buddy gets a tissue or something.  I love how he checks his watch!  But he couldn't be bothered to just do it over one of the drains on either side?
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Post at 3-6-2012 20:12  Profile P.M. 
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lol, oh shit, that's hilarious.

freakin nuts man.  perhaps it's staged.  I mean, perhaps some college kids just saw America's Funniest Videos and Jackass and decided, what the fuck, let's become internet sensations.  lol
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Post at 5-6-2012 07:27  Profile P.M. 
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Not as nuts as this I've heard my friends talking about...

3 Mainland ladies on the MTR

One of them holds a bag

Other holds a kid

Third lady is the lookout blocking the view while the kid does his thing...
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Post at 7-6-2012 20:07  Profile P.M. 
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Its abit disgusting. However "if you have to go, you have to go" ... can't really hold it in if you're busting for a shit.

I've seen it happen on a plane. The toilets were all occupied and this passenger had to go, so he dropped his pants right in front of the toilets and did his business right there and then. This was on a 747 right at the back of economy where the toilets are. I guess he just couldn't wait.

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