...wondering if other bros have noticed this...it's not as if this is the first time nor am i the first to have seen this...
...here is the new kg maya:
http://sex141.com/en/viewid.php? ... ype=-1&keyword=
...now lets look at the recent batch of listed 'jgs':
http://sex141.com/en/viewid.php? ... ype=-1&keyword=
http://sex141.com/en/viewid.php? ... ype=-1&keyword=
http://sex141.com/en/viewid.php? ... ype=-1&keyword=
http://sex141.com/en/viewid.php? ... ype=-1&keyword=
..now my point is, we can clearly see that
1. these pix are all photoshopped to hell
2. the gals do not (in 90% of instances - i say this confidently through first hand experience) match up to the stats as listed
3. can clearly see that there is no difference when it comes to a kg/jg
...honestly speaking as a mongerer, i don't give a shit whether they list them as kg or jg as long as they are hot and very importantly, accurate to their pix/stats and provide good service...i keep going back anyway when i have an affixation for these gals over the chi gals and when i want variety from time to time...
...what isn't so cool on the 007's part is their need/insistence to keep telling us that the kgs are jgs (because hk people are crazy for anything japanese
...and because of the above (and in the general price indices for all j made products [because there is a perception of high quality] of all sorts which in this whacky market, can fetch at an astronomically higher price point and people still pay!!!), they charge at a much higher price than the hot k gals...
...personally, if they bring in 'real' hot k gals, that satisfy my above complaint, i would have no problem paying the prices they currently list the j gals for the k gals...
...(cause after all aren't we paying those prices for k gals already???
...if only the price matched the quality each and every time....
...now what do you other brothers (especially those who frequent the j and k gals) think?