Subject: New York - Cops bust nearly 200 in prostitution sting
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Post at 17-1-2012 12:36  Profile P.M. 
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New York - Cops bust nearly 200 in prostitution sting

A heads up for those drive through punters in New York

Police arrested nearly 200 people in a 4-day citywide prostitution sting.
The weekend long raid, that started on Thursday and ended Sunday, had cops hitting 27 precincts which resulted in the arrest of 10 prostitutes, 186 johns.
Cops also seized 56 vehicles.
Undercover cops pose as hookers and collar those johns looking for a prostitute, sources said.
The sting was part of an initiative run by the NYPD’s civil enforcement unit, dubbed “Operation Losing Proposition” which deters street prostitution by seizing the cars of prostitute’s customers.
The Brownsville section of Brooklyn saw the most arrests with 3 prostitutes and 16 johns, followed by Jackson Heights Queens where police nabbed another 14 johns.
All 186 were charged with patronizing a prostitute, police said.

Recent Ratings
SEAJ   17-1-2012 14:34  Karma  +1   Lol! The joys of punting in the Good Ole You Assss of Aye!

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