I took a couple of WGs on the cable car ride, purely out of the goodness of my heart.
Have climbed the steps before to the giant Buddha at the other end, but opted not to when I took the WGs as I was already knackered
and been up there before. (the Buddha that is)
opted to stay at the bottom and have a smoke!
But if you ain't been before it's a nice day out.
Tip: Both times I have been I opted to pay the extra for the Crystal Cabins. Queuing seemed to move quicker IMHO. And I have to say on my second trip I was really glad I did, as on the return trip, the standard queue was massive, and the Crystal one was much smaller.
Did wonder if you would be forced to walk the path of enlightenment if you are unlucky enough to miss the last Car!
Don't think I'd come out the other side too enlightened if I did!
That said to answer your question, lots to do if you look depending on what does it for you! Personally I've done a few touristy things, but generally comes down to mongering for me
Love to chill, monger when I want and not have a schedule other than what I have to do for work.