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Post at 10-8-2011 04:45  Profile P.M. 
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Dress Codes in bars/clubs

Dearest Brothers,

Quick question as i haven't sampled the bar/club life yet and fancy doing so. Is there a dress code? will I be ok in a shirt (proper or polo) and blue jeans with shoes?

is there a minmum standard? (i.e. no trainers etc.) I've looked around the net and can't find anything concrete (one said blue jeans may be frowned upon but that was about it). is there a difference between HK island and Kowloon?

Any advice would be gratefully received.
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Post at 10-8-2011 05:16  Profile P.M. 
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If you mean the popular Soho clubs and such (ie: non-mongering bars) then dress up if you hope to get some civvie action.  Nice jeans are fine (if you look good in them!).   HK is quite loose as far as dress-codes, but girls are girls the world-over - leave your trainers at home!  Wear a nice shirt and shoes.  The better you "advertise" the more luck you'll have.  

If you mean the WanChai punting bars than anything goes.  On a hot day you'll see some guys wear sandles, shorts, and a T-shirt.  The WGs still accept their dollars - though you can tell even they think it is tacky to show up in a niteclub wearing sandles.  They are dressed to kill and you look like you came from the pool.  If you look great they will flock to you, if you look like a beach-bum you'll have to chase them.

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investor   10-8-2011 06:12  Acceptance  +1   good info, thx
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Post at 10-8-2011 06:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 wander's post

So pretty similar to back in the UK/US, smart casual, tidy jeans, shoes and a nice fitting smart shirt go a long way.

Sorry about the vagueness in my original post - i didn't think about the difference between girly bars and civvie bars but everything you say makes total sense.

thanks for the heads-up

p.s. if i get any action in a civvie bar, do i post a report?

(that last bit was a joke just in case anyones wondering)
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Post at 10-8-2011 07:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 investor's post

The 141 rule with civvies (that "put-out" on the first date) is that you must forward their digits to me for personal verification.  Thank you in advance.  Hehe

Actually, there is a basic rule here...  Civvie's reports are not encouraged, but are okay if the report somehow relates to WGs or provides other relevant WG info.  Certainly any detail or pic that might identify the gal is strickly forbidden.  We've all chatted about a civvie now and then (I've done it), but the essence of this forum is sharing useful information about PUNTING.  Describing a great civvie pickup doesnt really help any Bro at all, is unverifiable, and often just a chance for a bro to brag.  Save it for your mates down at the pub...


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DArtagnan   10-8-2011 09:19  Karma  +5   Good advice, and sound guidance!
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Post at 10-8-2011 09:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 investor's post

Honestly it doesn't matter too much ...
Key question is what sort of girl are you trying to pull?  

better to think of it like fishing ... what sort of lure do you choose for the target?  

Are you trying pulling a girl that wants to be seen next to an Armani suit and a Rolex?
Are you trying to pull a girl who is fussy about jeans and t-shirts?
Are you trying to pull an 'alternative' girl who gets turned on by a confident guy who shows up in sandals and shorts?  
Or ..?

Personally, I've even been picked up when I went clubbing in beach shoes.  Go figure   Truth is that dressing down can make you stand out in a crowd of stiff pompous poseurs.  As long as you're confident with it, whatever you wear will work.  

In Hong Kong you can show up looking like you just walked out of the office (because you have)
Or you can take the trouble to look trendy, with a smart casual outfit
Or you can show up like your great-aunt chose (or worse: made) your clothes for you

As long as your clothes are clean, fit your figure, and avoid garish colours you'll do just fine ... unless you want to pull a clown-lover that is, in which case, you know what to do

Show your personality and mood.  You'll get further by being authentic than you will by trying to please the crowd.  

Oh, one last thought:  if you REALLY care about your appearance, the SINGLE most effective thing you can do is get in shape.  Seriously.  Nothing pulls better than a tight waistline and a trim butt, when you show up in front of a line-up of eager but beer-gutted MBAs.

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wander   10-8-2011 14:00  Acceptance  +2   Agree, but venue-appropriate boost your confidence as well

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 10-8-2011 14:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply to Dartagnon

I agree completely Bro.  But, I will say that dress matters - you CAN make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!  (Though she reverts to the sow's ear come morning.  Damn!).

What kind of girl we trying to pull??  A hot one that will fuck us later that nite!  I don't think most of us discriminate beyond that...  

Anyway, wearing a great fitting stylish suit to the beach is hard to pull off!  James Bond could do it - the rest of us would look like mental-health patients.  Ditto the opposite:  if it's a nightclub and the gals surrounding you just spent 3 hours doing their hair/face/whatever-else-they-do they are not terribly impressed with bermuda-shorts-boy trying to buy 'em a drink.  (Unless he looks like Marky Mark).  Can you pull it off?  Yeah - guys get the benefit-of-the-doubt card for 90% of what we do (wish it was 100%!) But you are still digging yourself a hole to start with.  But, most the guys I see doing that have beer guts and are unshaven.  Good luck with that.

Anyway... In Wanchai it scarcely matters - but I have watched girls say "I am just here for drinks" to a Bro and then leave with the next punter who came along.  WG's work hard to judge us quicky too ---  are we nice, gentle, rough, an asshole, stinky, rude, rich, diseased, etc. Etc.   

I'm just saying....

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Rico   23-9-2011 02:18  Karma  +1   Dammit there goes the spandex..!! Tuxedos on the 9th then...??
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Post at 23-1-2013 04:31  Profile P.M. 
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Some good info here , pretty much everywhere I got I wear the same kinda things usually shorts or jeans if colder and a rock/metal band shirt like Metallica or iron maidenplus I have tattoos
Will this give out the wrong vibe
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Post at 23-1-2013 11:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 investor's post

HK is very image concious. Best to dress up nicely if you plan to pick up chicks  or make casual friends.
As watch in TV....

Same in big city in China. Pubs / Clubs here are 10 times more happening than those in HK. This include chicks.
But most important bring enough $$ to spend. Chicks dig it here.
You can just walk over to another tables, drink, cheers and chat with them.
They are far more friendly.

However, for KTVs, all i need is thick wallet, I wear shorts and sandal to the KTV.
KTV gals meet ugly fucks  like me everyday. It doesnt matter if I wear giordano short or Armani Jeans, they still get 1,000 at the end of the nite. No biggie.

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Post at 23-1-2013 21:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 hunter's post

You addressed the comment to investor, but his comment was posted in august last year and hasnt been on since. Good points though for other bros.

Wander: You get guys in shorts occasionally, including guys I have gone out with. Wanchai is fairly laid back but it doesnt give a good look if picking up Monday-Friday  bargirls. Okay for Sunday crowd though

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travelpro   30-1-2013 21:31  Acceptance  +1   August 2011! Not even last year!
hunter   24-1-2013 11:45  Acceptance  +1   ooppsss....didnt see the posting date.

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