Honestly it doesn't matter too much ...
Key question is what sort of girl are you trying to pull?
better to think of it like fishing ... what sort of lure do you choose for the target?
Are you trying pulling a girl that wants to be seen next to an Armani suit and a Rolex?
Are you trying to pull a girl who is fussy about jeans and t-shirts?
Are you trying to pull an 'alternative' girl who gets turned on by a confident guy who shows up in sandals and shorts?
Or ..?
Personally, I've even been picked up when I went clubbing in beach shoes. Go figure

Truth is that dressing down can make you stand out in a crowd of stiff pompous poseurs. As long as you're confident with it, whatever you wear will work.
In Hong Kong you can show up looking like you just walked out of the office (because you have)
Or you can take the trouble to look trendy, with a smart casual outfit
Or you can show up like your great-aunt chose (or worse: made) your clothes for you
As long as your clothes are clean, fit your figure, and avoid garish colours you'll do just fine ... unless you want to pull a clown-lover that is, in which case, you know what to do
Show your personality and mood. You'll get further by being authentic than you will by trying to please the crowd.
Oh, one last thought: if you REALLY care about your appearance, the SINGLE most effective thing you can do is get in shape. Seriously. Nothing pulls better than a tight waistline and a trim butt, when you show up in front of a line-up of eager but beer-gutted MBAs.