Subject: Nationality Problems?
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Post at 11-7-2011 13:43  Profile P.M. 
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Nationality Problems?

I've been enjoying reading the reports and the entire site for that matter. My understanding is that not all WG accept westerners. Are the majority of punters and report posters Asians?
As a westerner, what would be the most accepted chance to punting. Would walk up, hotel call in, or specific WG?
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Post at 11-7-2011 16:17  Profile P.M. 
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I am HK born and 100% Asian so I have no problems dealing with the agent or WG. To be honest, most of the reports
I have read are made by westerners/gweilos ( sorry if that offends anyone ).
It seems to me that in Hong Kong, most agents and WGs have a basic level of English and understands that you are there
for sex as they deal with many westerners on a daily basis. My suggestion would be to first read up on walk in and hotel
reports made by other bros to see if the agent or WG is westerner friendly.

My honest recommendation for a language-troubled foreigner would be a walk up.
In a hotel call-in, agent or HG might BS you or refuse you.
But in a walk up, you have plenty nearby of WGs to choose from in the event that you do get rejected.
Just knock on a door, wait for WG to reveal herself, and decide if you want her or not.

Imagine going to a mall and shopping for girls to have sex with.

[ Last edited by  realvision at 11-7-2011 16:19 ]

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Post at 11-7-2011 17:48  Profile P.M. 
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yes... westerner might have disadvantage because like you said not all WG accept westerners.

However most WG do.

On the other hand, HK Chinese have a disadvantage when it comes to some freebies on craigslist or WG in Wanchai.

so... basically win some lose some can't have them all
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Post at 11-7-2011 23:42  Profile P.M. 
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This is a good question.

I have a couple of close American friends that are of Indian decent.  They would like to join me next time in HK and Macau for some fun but are hesitant because they think there will be some racist stuff that they would not want to deal with.

Are there any bro's out there of Indian decent that can share their experiences?  I'd like my friends to join me, but they are sensitive to slights so I certainly dont want to set them out to be pissed off.
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Post at 12-7-2011 00:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 nyc101's post

They will find that while many people in HK are prejudiced against Indians,
WGs, especially those with some experience, are generally less so. Reason?
The international language of money.

Being sensitive to slights, though understandable, is not a good starting point.
Several bros of South Asian descent have done quite well for themselves with
WGs, including HGs, thank you very much. Their secret, if there is one, is to
have a sense of humour and not take themselves too seriously; it doesn't hurt
to be well groomed and freshly showered as well. See reports by rajrammer
(British Indian) and indguy.

And I second realvision's suggestion: Start with a busy walkup building. If you
are turned down by one girl, just laugh and move on to the next one. She
doesn't know what she's missing.

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TheButler   12-7-2011 20:18  Karma  +3   Right on. Just roll with it.
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Post at 12-7-2011 16:21  Profile P.M. 
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you are gonna be dealing with WGs saying no to you at some point
but it doesnt matter because there are plenty of WGs that will say yes
esp if u have a fat wallet
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Post at 12-7-2011 20:22  Profile P.M. 
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I've never been turned away at the door.

Now they do think twice when I unzip my pants . . .

Only thing that I've noticed, or perhaps imagined, is the western guy upcharge, but hey when my weiner is doing the thinking an extra Jackson seems irrelevant . . . . . . mostly because my weiner can neither add nor budget properly.

Anyway, one big tip: book by SMS.  It's the magic secret to getting through to agents that don't speak much english (seems like everyone can read more than they speak) and it also helps prevent mistakes.  Booking by SMS makes a HG appointment every bit as easy and reliable as a walk up.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 14-7-2011 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 12-7-2011 20:22
I've never been turned away at the door.

Now they do think twice when I unzip my pants . . .

Only thing that I've noticed, or perhaps imagined, is the western guy upcharge, but he ...

Thanks for the tip. I had not considered this.
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Post at 15-7-2011 11:00  Profile P.M. 
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and then there are many asian WG's that love bangin western guys

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