Some Bar Girls are part time maids, some have other businesses they are trying to get off the ground and raising money to make that possible. Some are full time WGs. The BETTER looking bar girls are full time WGs while they are in HK.
Bar Girls don't tend to have "pimps" or agents in the same way that 141 girls do, but sometimes there is a "tour group" organiser they have borrowed money from to get to HK in the first place.
Most 141 girls are from PRC. Most Bar girls are not. Of course exceptions in both cases. In many cases they have never even heard about 141. Often the speak good english so they can make more money working from a Bar than splitting profits with their agent. It also means they can be more in control of who they go with and occasionally find a Bro who's prepared to overpay.
STD's are possible whatever way you punt and there is always a possibility. I have heard African (Angolan) Bar Girls have more of a problem but I don't know that is a fact.
check out posts 1, 4 & 5 at the link below for more info.
Last edited by TonyToro at 16-6-2011 16:56 ]