Subject: Off Topic: Need help finding service apt / Hotel in BEIJING near a subway
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Post at 16-3-2011 05:29  Profile P.M. 
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Off Topic: Need help finding service apt / Hotel in BEIJING near a subway

Off Topic: Need help finding service apt / Hotel in BEIJING NEAR A SUBWAY

Need suggestion with finding a service Apartment or hotel that is NEAR A SUBWAY exit. Near means about 5 minutes walking distance. Might be in Beijing for about 8 to 10 days. Price would be around 300 to 375 RMB a night and preferably a 3 star hotel. Also not too far from center of the city maybe 3 ring ? Telephone, address if possible my friend can speak and read Mandarin. Being a GF place not necessary.  thanks.....

I already know about ctrips, agoda, elong and other websites that offering hotels and prices.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 16-3-2011 09:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Weelock's post

Try call 114. They have plenty of cheap and neat hotel chain, e.g. Hotel 168, Vienna, Boutique, etc.
Just let them know your criteria, they will sort it for u in less than 1 min.
For better rate, call 12580.

Last I was in BJ for 10 days, stayed in a RMB200 boutique hotel - 10 mins walk to station or taxi to city.
Let me check the matchbox later for the name/phone of the hotel.

In China, I never had to book days in advance. Upon arrival in a new town/city. Call up the number and book or just walk in. I love spontaneous.

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Weelock   17-3-2011 02:19  Acceptance  +1   thks.pls reply back

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9


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