Originally posted by lapcheong at 22-2-2011 13:08
Seems like many big tits come with big aureole and nips ? from my experience at least...
maybe they've got sucked too much already.. haha , making me think of the urban myth:
does sucking on nipple enlarge them eventually
yes i think so. I used to see a girl who's left nipple is slightlyl larger than her right. She was conscious that I notice the difference and told me that her right nipple is de-funct, so she'll always prefer her left. When I asked prefer to do what? She said, "for guys to suck on!". What a tease

Originally posted by shootingstar at 22-2-2011 16:39
well the bigger they are may not always be the better, i like tits that are not small but not big as that jap star. too big cant do much with them. size big b or c are enough for me. i doonno but what do you guys think. about big nipple, not really my cup of tea nor is when the nipple area is too dark.
I don't know about others, but for me, I like to put him face inbetween them, and best of all, watch them bounce! Will never get sick of watching the way they bobble around... that sight is always amazing!