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Post at 11-2-2011 23:07  Profile P.M. 
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Englishman, Japanese and Chinaman

3 soldiers are caught by pirates. One and English, one a Japanese, another a Chinese from China.

They were imprisoned in a small island. One day the leader of the pirates came and offered them a challenge. He says "  I will let each of you have a chance to escape. You will run towards the other side of this gorge viathis 100m long bridge. But my men will be taking aim at you with their guns and pistols as target practise. If you can make it to the other side, we let you leave".

The Englishman volunteered first. He ran as fast as he could, but he was shot when he reached only 25m. Before he died, he cries out "God save the Queen!". THen he died.

THe Japanese soldier was next. He ran for 50m and he was shot. His last words were "Long Live My Emperor!!!!"

The Chinese soldier was the last. He made the dash and he passed 25m, the bullets missed him. Passed 50m mark and still the pirates missed him. He passed the 75m mark safely. And when he reached 99m, alas he too was shot.  He fell on the floor and these are his last words................

"Fuck all your grandmother's fucking asshole lahhhhhhhhhhh! TIU LEI MA EI !!! @$%(*#$&%@(*#@"          <==3

[ Last edited by  tshirt at 11-2-2011 23:12 ]

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