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Post at 22-11-2010 22:27  Profile P.M. 
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Chap stick

Is it me or my lips are damn dry after every session.  This has prompted me to have chap stick at all times.  The last time I forgot it and had to buy some, thank god she was a kissing machine!  Anybody else share my pain?
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Post at 23-11-2010 03:46  Profile P.M. 
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No never observed this after a session. As I travel >8h by plane to come to HKG, I feel this the day after arrival...
but not so bad, the relative humidity in the air in HKG is quite high and I am fine without chap sticks within a short time.
And off course a kissing WG helps as well during the first day :-)
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Post at 23-11-2010 14:56  Profile P.M. 
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Really?  Dry lips after sessioning?  Despite having never been a boyscout, I guess I believe in always being prepared.  I don't carry chapstick with me, but I always apply some in the mornings and when I'm about to go see someone at night.  No matter how moist her lips are, it hurts to kiss her (lips and other body parts!) if my lips are dry and cracking.  And another bonus with using chapstick: you don't want cracked lips bleeding if you're going to be swapping spit and more with a working girl.

So make sure you keeping using that chapstick!
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Post at 26-11-2010 11:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sux0rhj's post

Yes absolutely.  But most people don't know that chapstick is actually addictive.  When you use it, your lips stop producing their own natural oil.  So once you've started regularly using it, you get hooked.  This happened to me.

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Post at 26-11-2010 14:04  Profile P.M. 
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Usually your lips get dry if you are dehydrated - when I spend too much time in aircon I do not drink as much fluid and my lips normally end up very dry as a result.
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Post at 26-11-2010 19:07  Profile P.M. 
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I always carry lip balm with me 24/7.  Gotta have kissable lips for the WG!
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Post at 26-11-2010 21:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sux0rhj's post

Yeah but I mostly suffer after daty on a girl with stubble.  Ouch!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 28-11-2010 22:37  Profile P.M. 
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How do you think the girls feel after a session with a punter with a  5o'clock shadow
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Post at 29-11-2010 00:53  Profile P.M. 
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same, i sometimes get dry lips after sessioning..
try apply a bit of vaseline before.

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