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Post at 18-11-2010 19:07  Profile P.M. 
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Beach Volleyball, anyone?

Bikini clad girls distract volleyball players

GUANGZHOU, China (AFP) - Bikini-wearing Asian Games beach volleyball cheer squads are proving too hot for some competitors who claim the scantily-clad dancers make it impossible to concentrate.

"They had an effect on how we played," Yemen beach volleyballer Adeeb Mahfoudh told the Tianfu Morning News on Wednesday.

"I think they had something to do with our losing the match."

The Yemeni men's team lost their Tuesday clash to an apparently more focused team from Indonesia, the paper said.

Organisers of the Guangzhou Asiad have hired four cheerleader squads, each made up of eight girls in swimsuits, to entertain fans during breaks in the beach volleyball action, said the newspaper.

Besides cheering on the already capacity crowds, the girls also perform routines that include traditional Chinese elements including martial arts and fan dancing.

"These girls are very beautiful. With them here, more people will pay attention to beach volleyball," smiled Mahfoudh.

"If I can, I hope to watch them perform at the next match."

During an "inspection" tour on Tuesday, Kenneth Fok, deputy delegation head of Team Hong Kong -- and reportedly romantically involved with China's Olympic diving champion Guo Jingjing -- said the beach volleyball venue was "orderly" and the rally team "sexy," the paper said.

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Post at 18-11-2010 21:45  Profile P.M. 
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Nice.  I like the girl on the top right.  She looks like MCOT.  Has anyone been out there to see them?  I would hope on the 2hour ride to see that.
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Post at 22-11-2010 00:36  Profile P.M. 
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Being a huge butt guy! Girls volleyball has always been my favorite sport!

I also love the dimples on girls lower back. (dimples of Venus)
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Post at 22-11-2010 20:19  Profile P.M. 
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"I think they had something to do with our losing the match." hahahah.. Blame it on the girls!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 23-11-2010 01:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 lister01's post

Oooooohhh!!!  You're really gonna get "the wrath" from the Mods now!!

Youn forgot to attribute and to provide a link to the article!!


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Post at 25-11-2010 20:18  Profile P.M. 
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I live near a well known beach in LA which hosts a pro beach volleyball tourney every year. The female contestants, who usually go 5'10" to 6'3" are not exactly slouches themselves. This collection looks better than the girls who worked the Olympics. Also, I remember Ms. Guo, she's pretty hot herself.

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