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Post at 26-10-2010 11:18  Profile P.M. 
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Don't let your friend tattoo you :-)

A Queensland man faces criminal charges after allegedly tattooing a 40cm-long penis onto his mate's back.

Police allege the man, who was not a professional tattooist, talked his friend into having the tattoo while the friend was visiting him at home.

After the 25-year-old victim got home, he was horrified to discover the tattoo was far from what he expected. Instead of a Yin and Yang symbol with some dragons, the tattoo featured a 40cm-long image of a penis and a slogan implying he was gay. He contacted police and they charged the 21-year-old man with assault occasioning bodily harm.

The tattoo victim now faces the pain and expense of having the tattoo removed with a laser.

Police allege the tattooing followed a disagreement between the pair that culminated with the man taking offence at something the victim said.  “Apparently he went round to the other bloke’s house and somehow in the course of the conversation the subject of tattoos came up,” .

“The victim wasn’t interested at first but he was talked into it and he said he wanted a Yin and Yang symbol with some dragons.

“He rolled him on to his stomach and the bloke started doing the tattoo and there was another bloke standing there watching saying, ‘Mate, it’s looking really good’.

“He was told not to go out into the sun and not to show anyone for a few weeks.

“When he got home he showed it to the person he lives with and she said: ‘I don’t think it’s the tattoo you were after’.”

To add insult to injury, he was allegedly punched and thrown out of the Bundamba man’s house after he was tattooed.

The 21-year-old is scheduled to appear in Court on November 15.  He was charged with two counts of assault occasioning bodily harm and one charge relating to the Public Safety Act.
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Post at 26-10-2010 15:07  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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I cant believe the guy would have a dissagreement with someone then let him put a tatoo on your back. I hope he wins enough in the lawsuit to make it worth the pain of removing it
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Post at 26-10-2010 20:47  Profile P.M. 
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Well this is interesting, i wonder how close of a friend he was or maybe this was another prank turn sour....
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Post at 27-10-2010 06:13  Profile P.M. 
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I admire the determination and follow through of the tatoo-giver.  Also his advice notto show anyone or go out in the sun for a few weeks.  Ha ha.

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