Subject: Burnaby man accused of using Craigslist to sexually exploit women
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Post at 14-10-2010 14:01  Profile P.M. 
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Burnaby man accused of using Craigslist to sexually exploit women

A 47-year-old Burnaby man faced five charges Wednesday for allegedly forcing women from Hong Kong to work in his brothel.

In what police called a “sad example of the abuse and exploitation of women,” Jian Feng “Michael” Li allegedly sponsored women from Hong Kong to work in the sex trade when they arrived in Canada.

He allegedly ran four brothels, in Surrey, Burnaby, Coquitlam and Richmond, and advertised them on Craigslist.

Police said they believe Li was making up to $40,000 a week with the women under his control.

Li appeared in provincial court in Vancouver on Wednesday to face one count of living off the avails of prostitution and four counts of keeping a common bawdy house.

The victims involved were provided with immediate access to housing, health care and other services, police said.

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Post at 14-10-2010 16:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 5-htp's post

$40,000.00 a week?! That is like 2 Million + a year. I am in the wrong business!! I am sure they made a lot of money off from me. I use to go to a few house in Burnaby, and Richmond when I would visit Vancouver 2 - 3 times a year!
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Post at 15-10-2010 00:38  Profile P.M. 
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I doubt they were unaware of the arrangement before getting on the plane.  To say they are being exploited is misleading and/or naive.
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Post at 17-11-2010 20:13  Profile P.M. 
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Is it that easy to sponsor women here these days?
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Post at 17-11-2010 23:11  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bruce_leeroy at 17-11-2010 20:13
Is it that easy to sponsor women here these days?

arent sponsorships suppose to be family/relatives etc? i doubt he had that big of a family to sponsor..

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