Subject: Vancouver in an interesting state regarding prostitution
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Post at 14-10-2010 13:45  Profile P.M. 
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Vancouver in an interesting state regarding prostitution

There was recently a ruling by the Superior Court that certain laws that basically made prostitution illegal were endangering sex-trade workers (full article here: Basically this paragraph sums it up:
"Last week, Himel ruled in favour of three sex-trade workers who argued that laws prohibiting them from communicating for the purpose of prostitution, running a bawdy house and living off the avails of prostitution put their lives at risk."
The ruling basically dismisses the laws against prostitution in Ontario, but this will most likely be fed into challenges in other provinces as well of course unless the appeal by the federal government is successful.

However, what's even more interesting is the recent crackdown on "bawdy houses" in Vancouver these past few weeks.

Read here:
and here:

Looks like this is all the rage right now. Will see what happens next month.
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Post at 14-10-2010 14:27  Profile P.M. 
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Just have to look at the United States.  The second it's illegal, you get the pimps coming in beating up on the girls.  No health care, long hours, and basically in alot of times it a form of slavery.  When it's legal and properily regulated it tends to
stay relatively okay.  Like Amsterdam, it's like legal, and rarely anything goes wrong.

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Post at 14-10-2010 16:43  Profile P.M. 
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Damn. I have been to a few of these houses in Burnaby and Richmond! I am heading to Vancouver in Dec and was looking forward to visit those houses. I may need to make some phone calls now.....
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Post at 15-10-2010 00:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 chewie10's post

I've lived in cities were they will let a murderer go free so that they have an extra cell to lock up a streetwalker.  WTF, that is so annoying.
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Post at 15-10-2010 21:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 chewie10's post

stop posting nonsense!  Have you been to Amsterdam to make that statement?  If you ever been there, you would know the element of crime is very active there.  Ask anyone here who has been there or do a little research and you know that is true.
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Post at 16-10-2010 19:24  Profile P.M. 
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Is that why Perb keeps on going down ? I've been noticing a ton of spa and sp sites from Vancouver just dropping like flies right now !
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Post at 16-10-2010 21:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by chewie10 at 14-10-2010 14:27
Just have to look at the United States.  The second it's illegal, you get the pimps coming in beating up on the girls.  No health care, long hours, and basically in alot of times it a form of slavery. ...

In the states it was amusing when i saw the tv segment on legalised marijuana. It was like heaps of shops popping up everywhere

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