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Post at 11-9-2010 16:16  Profile P.M. 
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September 11th

However you feel about the United States, her people or her policies, you cannot deny that the attacks of 9/11 were atrocious tragedies. Thousands of lives extinguished against their wills. Imagine the terror experienced by everyone who perished and even those who survived the attacks. It was a day when the best and worst aspects of human nature manifested themselves through the actions of heroes and cowards.

I hope that we can all take some time today to appreciate the lives that we live. To be able to enjoy everything from simply breathing to being able to hobby at leisure. Life is precious and fragile and it should be cherished as often as possible.

I hope that if I am ever faced with a hellish situation like those experienced by the victims of 9/11 that I will be able to conduct myself like the first responders who rushed into the face of certain doom or the civilian passengers of flight 93 who attacked the terrorists with their bare hands or the young soldiers who hold the line against a faceless enemy.


Never forget.
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Post at 11-9-2010 17:47  Profile P.M. 
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I will always remember! I will never forget where I was when it happened. I decided to join the ARMY right after 9/11. Can you believe that it has almost been 10 years since it happened?  Time sure does fly by fast.
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Post at 11-9-2010 17:57  Profile P.M. 
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Quite simply no.

As 9/11 is overegged, and has been subverted and used to the point whereby it has simply become meaningless and twisted that really although 3000 people dying is bad, the fact that politicos are constantly digging up their graves for their own ends is the nasty bit It is ingrained so deeply now it is generally used as propaganda when other things are much more dangerous*

I.e it has been used as excuses for wars based on lies were far more people have been killed how do you think these innocent people feel when they are bombed?


This is one incident, how many more are convered up?

Before you say it I was in Manchester in 1996 when it got bombed.

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Post at 11-9-2010 19:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by speedracer at 11-9-2010 17:47
I will always remember! I will never forget where I was when it happened. I decided to join the ARMY right after 9/11. Can you believe that it has almost been 10 years since it happened?  Time sure do ...

Are you still in the U.S. army? Did you fight in Afganistan or Iraq?
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Post at 11-9-2010 21:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Kennichi at 11-9-2010 17:57
Quite simply no.

As 9/11 is overegged... I.e it has been used as excuses for wars based on lies were far more people have been killed how do you think these innocent people feel when they are bombed?

Bro, the original post is talking about a tragedy that cost almost 3,000 civilian people their lives. That others have died is also bad not because there are more of them, it's just bad. There is more than one way to politicise these horrible situations, your's is just another way.

Originally posted by Kennichi at 11-9-2010 17:57
As 9/11 is overegged, and has been subverted and used to the point whereby it has simply become meaningless

There is nothing "meaningless" about it Bro. Very poor choice of words.

From the 19 COWARDS who crashed planes in 2001, to the subsequent war we all wish never happened, to everything before and in between... Lets just accept the whole thing is bad... but the loss of so many lives is never meaningless.
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Post at 11-9-2010 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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9 years later and still didn't capture the leader behind this tragedy.
Really sad for many USA people who lost their family in this sad tragedy.
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Post at 11-9-2010 23:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 atomic3d's post

I am now out of the ARMY. I finished my contract. However I was thinking about going back as a few of my friends are still in and are scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan. I did a tour in Iraq and a tour in Afghanistan. Both times I saw combat.  I was an enlisted Ranger infantry.

-Ranger Lead the Way!
escritic (Just a teddy bear)
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Post at 12-9-2010 01:23  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Reply #5 TonyToro's post

In some eyes, they were cowards. In some eyes, they were heroes and would go to heaven where 70 virgins waiting for them.

Yesterday CNN talked about Osama bin Laden's influence on Al Qaeda nowadays. Some experts said that his influence has dwindled because he has been trying to save his own ass. Yet, Al Qaeda is still very active without Osama.

To me, 9/11 gives Americans a reality check on how we, Americans, should behave as a superpower in the global community. However, many have failed to recognize it. The majority of Americans are still ignorant and arrogant. If we choose to stay as a superpower in the world, we need to change out mentality and adapt. The weakening of the US dollar, the economy crisis, the failure of education program compared to the rest of the world, are all alarming signs of slipping away to be superpower. Maintaining military prowess alone doesn't make a nation as superpower. It takes supremacy in diplomacy, economy, technology, culture, and domestic happiness. So far, America has failed a good percentage of it.

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Post at 12-9-2010 08:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 escritic's post

Osama Bin Ladin is dead.

He died some years ago, unfortunately there's too many people on both sides who profit from the Osama lives myth. Bit hard to capture or discredit a figurehead who's dead. Bit like the Santa Claus and Jesus myth.
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Post at 12-9-2010 08:58  Profile P.M. 
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so you're saying Bin Laden is actually dead because they haven't been able to prove whether he is alive or dead from all the raids and bombings?

nevertheless, we should respect the people who have come to protect the world (like the US, and all countries pitching in) because there are obviously guys out there willing to take advantage of countries where they are divided and disrupt future peace.
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Post at 12-9-2010 09:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by escritic at 12-9-2010 01:23
In some eyes, they were cowards. In some eyes, they were heroes and would go to heaven where 70 virgins waiting for them.

They were ALL COWARDS. Which ever way you want to look at it, if they truly believed they were going to "heaven where 70 virgins waited for them" while "3,000 INNOCENT civilian unsuspecting infidels burned in hell" that makes them double cowards. What is heroic about that???

Ironically it would have been "braver" if they thought the muslim religion was a load of crap and they believed they were simply giving their lives to draw attention to the plight of their brothers. That would have still been very wrong but not as cowardly as thinking they were headed to paradise as a result of what they did. Every single one to a man... COWARDS!

Sorry Bro, crap comment. They were cowards full stop!
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Post at 12-9-2010 09:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 rockypop's post

He died from untreated kidney disease back in late 2001 - early 2002, rather than any result direct of military operations carried out by the U.S.
http://whatreallyhappened.com/WR ... l?q=osama_dead.html
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Post at 12-9-2010 12:25  Profile P.M. 
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i saw the buildings fell right in front of my eyes, i was at work in brooklyn looking across the harbor..we were stunned..i remembered people were walking around real sombered ..i will never forget that day..
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Post at 12-9-2010 14:24  Profile P.M. 
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Amen. 9-11 has forever changed the way we travel and think about people. Everyone is a suspect and a terrorist. Nobody is safe, you have to be inspected
at airport check points without your shoes. The lines just got longer and it's quite inconvient to travel these days.
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Post at 12-9-2010 14:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 atomic3d's post

thanks for the link, that clears up a lot for people who have been still speculating that he's around.

they're playing a lot of 9-11 documentaries on this day but it's all about leading up to the 9-11 events and not really post-911
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Post at 12-9-2010 15:04  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Reply #11 TonyToro's post

Obviously people in some part of this world believe that was the brave thing to do. Hence there are volunteer suicide bombers. Ever heard of jihadist? Your personal view doesn't make it the universal truth for everybody. It's like eating pork. Some people have no problem with pork and some won't due to religion belief or other reasons.

Interesting article.
http://webcache.googleuserconten ... p;ct=clnk&gl=us

"The Jews and Christians are also forbidden from eating pork. Here is a quote from the Old Testament to that effect: "And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase." Deuteronomy 14:8

Many Christians believe that this verse was directed only at the Jews. But Jesus himself says during the Sermon on the Mount; "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." Some Christians say that, after a vision by St. Peter, God cleansed all animals and made them fit and lawful for human consumption. If ALL animals are cleansed by Peter's vision, this includes dogs, cats, vultures, and rats: but you just don't see people getting excited about a cat-meat sandwich like they do over barbecued pork or bacon. Others say that it was Paul who rescinded the law forbidding pork to humans, in order to appease the Romans, who enjoyed the taste of pig-meat. Many excuses have been given, but none are very sound.

Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "Agentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat. "

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Post at 12-9-2010 15:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by escritic at 12-9-2010 15:04
Obviously people in some part of this world believe that was the brave thing to do. Hence there are volunteer suicide bombers. Ever heard of jihadist?

"Jihadists" are also cowards. All of them. Look at it through THEIR eyes instead of YOUR's. They think they are going to heaven to f*ck virgins all day if they commit murder suicide against often innocent and unsuspecting civilians. That is what THEY believe. What is even remotely brave about that? It's not brave, it's weak as piss!

Look at it through the Jihadist's eyes instead of your eyes. They are killing the innocent for personal gain... not religion.

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