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Post at 6-9-2010 17:20  Profile P.M. 
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British women 'ugliest in the world'

Beer-swilling British women are branded the 'ugliest in the world'
British women are considered unladylike and generally foul.
Beer guzzling, belching, hideous dress sense - and that's some of the nicer things the rest of the world said about British women.
The nation's females were lambasted when asked which country had the ugliest women in an international poll. 
Votes poured in, with people from around the globe eager to point out how overweight, unladylike, and generally foul British women are.
Major complaints centred around how many are 'rude', 'drink pints of beer like men' and 'end up drunk in the gutter'.
The UK's (not so) fairer sex were also accused of unashamedly breaking wind and belching in public, of letting their fat hang out, were smothered in 'bad tattoos' and committed crimes against fashion by proudly sporting 'too-tight bikinis and football shirts'.
The tongue-lashing was in response to holiday website Real Holiday Reports which posed the question.
We easily scored the dubious honour of topping the poll, scoring 22.4 per cent of the votes, with American women following us with 16.7 per cent.
The Germans came in a close third with 15.7 per cent, followed by Eastern Europeans and Spaniards, with the Turks at the bottom of the list.
Many of those who voted said they were thoroughly put off by what Britain has to offer in way of females.
Holiday expert Gary Hewitt, who runs the website, said he was not shocked that Britain had scooped the dubious honour of topping the ugly poll.
He said the results confirmed his suspicions about ugly British women and said their behaviour abroad left a lot to be desired.
He said: 'They are increasingly seen to behave more like British men and end up drinking as much as their blokes and letting it all hang out.
'It's not a good reputation and if we want to improve our image we need to sharpen up a bit.'
Link here: ... l?ito=feeds-newsxml
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Post at 6-9-2010 17:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

i have to agree on that from what i have seen, read, etc until proven wrong...

though I would like to hear what other bros here thats from the UK have to say about this article..

RICO: what do you think????
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Post at 6-9-2010 17:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 6-9-2010 17:20
Beer-swilling British women are branded the 'ugliest in the world'
British women are considered unladylike and generally foul.

I dont know... I think the 2 chicks in the pic in your link look like they'd be fun...
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Post at 6-9-2010 17:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 6-9-2010 17:20
Beer-swilling British women are branded the 'ugliest in the world'
British women are considered unladylike and generally foul.

oh... now I get it...
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Post at 6-9-2010 18:04  Profile P.M. 
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I think girls from the US Midwest aren't that hot either. Been to Milwaukee a couple of times and see these really big women munching down steaks and pancakes for breakfast. They're really huge, like 500lb huge and I looked tiny there amongst the women.
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Post at 6-9-2010 22:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 geoduck's post

Yes, and they would eat you for breakfast if they could!  

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 6-9-2010 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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After spending any reasonable amount of time in Asia with Chinese, HK, Thai, Philippino girls i can say that western chicks are sadly lacking in every department
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Post at 6-9-2010 22:47  Profile P.M. 
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The report is correct. I've been in the UK for decades and have seen the decline first hand..... also because of the heavy drinking/smoking/tanning/drug taking by the time most of them are 25 they look like they are 40 years old. Add in the bad food and terrible role models. Such as Ulrika Johnsson who has 5 children by 4 different fathers also the antieducationism which exists where it is seen as a negative trait to have an IQ above 60, it leads to disaster!

On the other hand sex on a first date is fairly common, as are BBBJWS and Anal (on first dates!) offered, but as above any girl out of her teens (I'm talking 16+ not younger) deteriorates really badly.

However the WG quality is appaulling from websites I've seen and also places where I have to drive through to get to work women of the night here work ALL hours and its horrible, women think they can stick on a short skirt and go out hooking

Life is short very...
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Post at 6-9-2010 22:54  Profile P.M. 
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It's actually the Anglo Saxon gene. I had mentioned the US Midwest earlier on in the thread and realized that people from Milwaukee are mostly Anglo Saxon. Germans are also Anglo Saxon but their gene pool has been blended mostly with Eastern Europeans in the past several decades and produce babes like Heidi Klume.
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Post at 7-9-2010 02:29  Profile P.M. 
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Guys judge for yourselves

Life is short very...
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Post at 7-9-2010 02:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 TonyToro's post

I am still not able to see the "woman" in her.

Imagine this.
If you call for a HG to come to your room, and through the peep hole you found out that the HG looks like that.
My question is would you open the door, or call for the security?
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Post at 7-9-2010 02:43  Profile P.M. 
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This reminds me of something, who is that guy who regularly appears in Stephen Chow movies? He usually is dressed as a woman of some kind but keeps his beard.

Found it!

[ Last edited by  Kennichi at 6-9-2010 18:44 ]

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Post at 7-9-2010 09:58  Profile P.M. 
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It sounds alright if you just want a shag, but I wouldn't be interested in any sort of relationship with most of the gals I've seen in the UK - working or not. And as has been pointed out, that lifestyle ages them terribly.

Now, each to their own, but I do not understand the explosion of 'big-booty girls' in American porn these days - to me most of the girls are just chubby or downright fat - it is almost as though American men are altering their perception of beauty based on what they can get. Strange...

Has anyone seen Ladette to Lady? Classic English gals at the their worst!!

I enjoy a Western punt once in a while, but you just cannot go past the asian gals!!
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Post at 7-9-2010 10:51  Profile P.M. 
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when you look at some of them I think it would be more fun to poke your dick out a window and try to screw the world
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Post at 7-9-2010 11:48  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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Reply #7 reggid's post

I agree 100% most of the American girls have put on so much weight over the years. There are still some good looking ones but far less than there were 15 to 20 years ago
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Post at 7-9-2010 12:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 catmando56's post

I think the poll was probably a European based poll which is why the U.S. didn't get a mention. I've read a lot of comments though about the BBW phenomenon in the U.S. Mind you the men aren't apparently any slimmer, but then no ones paying them for sex.
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Post at 7-9-2010 12:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 7-9-2010 12:03
I think the poll was probably a European based poll which is why the U.S. didn't get a mention. I've read a lot of comments though about the BBW phenomenon in the U.S. Mind you the men aren't apparen ...

Not so... Americans came in second:

"We easily scored the dubious honour of topping the poll, scoring 22.4 per cent of the votes, with American women following us with 16.7 per cent."

Interesting to note that they are using the word ugly to describe gals behaviour - when I heard ugly, I tend to think in terms of looks only.

On a side note, I read in a newspaper (and we know the tabloid press NEVER lie) that 1 in 8 English teenagers will get pregnant. Classy...
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Post at 7-9-2010 14:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

I'm pretty sure its mainly due to the chavs invading Spain (Ibiza etc), Portugal, Greece (Corfu) and any place that is hot! Brits abroad!

I lived in London and some of the chicks are hot, but often than not theyre not actualy brits.

I agree though that binge drinking is huge in the UK so the habits quoted by the OP and article are probably quite widespread, esp in places like Middlesborough (no offence to any bros who hail from there), where most people's hobbies would include binge drinking or burning cars.
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Post at 7-9-2010 18:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Kennichi's post

How about the Asian (indians + East Asian) girls?  Do they subscribe to same lifestyle as their Anglo-Saxon sisters?
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Post at 7-9-2010 18:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 doghead's post

Can't speak for England, but asians in Australia tend to integrate very quickly, certainly the asian descent children growing up here have the same attitudes as your average aussie girl. Thanks to an asian diet when young and good genes they tend to look better, but in all other respects are the same and I would be surprised if those growing up in England are any different.

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