Subject: True Blood trio get naked for Rolling Stone
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Post at 19-8-2010 05:14  Profile P.M. 
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True Blood trio get naked for Rolling Stone

I love this show, it and "Mad Men" have to be some of the best TV ever made. The whole "Twilight" thing just annoys me, I saw the 1st movie off a pirate disc when I was in China and it's message of teen angst and abstinence made me feel ill. Needless to say I haven't been lining up to see the sequels.

True Blood trio get naked for Rolling Stone
        •        True Blood stars strip off
        •        "Vampires are sex" says creator, Alan Ball
THE stars of True Blood have stripped off and bared all for the latest issue of Rolling Stone.
Naked and covered in nothing but blood Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer and Alexander Skarsgard have encapsulated what is all the rage at the moment- hot and heavy vampire sex.

Posing for the September cover of the magazine Paquin stands sandwiched between a brooding Moyer and Skarsgard with a strategically placed thigh and hand to cover any cheeky bits. 

In stark contrast to the forbidden love story of Twilight, True Blood creator Alan Ball, says the idea of celibate vampires is ridiculous: "To me, vampires are sex." 

"I don't get a vampire story about abstinence. I'm 53. I don't care about high school students. I find them irritating and uninformed." 
Well while you won't find any angsty students on True Blood, you will find plenty of horny hedonists.

The sex scene tally continues to rise with Ball using every available orifice for intercourse: gay, straight, between humans and supernatural beings, and supernatural being on supernatural being, whether he be werewolf, dog or an enormous Minotaur-looking being called a maenad.
Though, as Rolling Stone author Vanessa Grigoriadis' writes: "None of the sex is quite as good as vampire sex, which can happen at the astonishing rhythm of 120 bpm while simultaneously devouring one's neck and making your eyes roll back into your head."

Stephen Moyer -  who plays Bill Compton, the undead Southern Civil War Veteran - has his own erotic intepretation of vampire lovin'.

"If we go from a base level, vampires create a hole in the neck where there wasn't one before. It's a de-virginisation - breaking the hymen, creating blood and then drinking the virginal blood. And there's something sharp, the fang, which is probing and penetrating and moving into it. So that's pretty sexy. I think that makes vampires attractive."

He laughs, adding: "Plus, Robert Pattinson is just hot, right?"
Link here: ... rfmyi-1225906743228

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Post at 19-8-2010 06:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

Mad Men I love, but True Blood?  Still on the fence.  IMO, its not as captivating as Mad Men, or maybe because I'm not as crazy about vampires and stuff like that.
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Post at 19-8-2010 09:12  Profile P.M. 
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true blood is good stuff been watching it from the beginning.

this latest season is they are going a bit overboard with the supernatural stuff i feel.
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Post at 19-8-2010 09:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

What I thought when I saw this post:
"Three hot vampire chicks naked - hell, yeah!!"

When I opened it:
"Two vampire dudes naked - Urgh..."

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hkjiggy   19-8-2010 14:43  Acceptance  +1   My thoughts exactly!
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Post at 20-8-2010 15:42  Profile P.M. 
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still can't believe that is the little girl from The Piano ..
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Post at 20-8-2010 22:15  Profile P.M. 
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True blood is a solid show, definitely one of the better vampire shows out there. The rest are rather childish and have actual value when you watch them kind of like the Twilight series which is just horrible...

However there are a bunch of other shows out there which are equal or better, all of which have nudity:

1) Californication
2) Hung
3) Spartacus

Those 3 are worth watching as well.
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Post at 20-8-2010 22:22  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the heads up on this series, True Blood. Never heard of it before and now downloading the entire season One serires. Unfortunately, this will take at least 4 days.

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atomic3d   21-8-2010 05:08  Acceptance  +1   Well worth the trouble.
bethpageblack (itchy)
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Post at 21-8-2010 07:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 geoduck's post

If you haven't heard of Mad Men, you should look into that as well.  Actually, if I may be so bold, we all (141 members) should.  Set in the 60s in New York, Madison Avenue advertising, before the feminism movement.  Lots of sexist comments, good old fashioned 3 and 4 martini lunches, one night stands, etc.  Good stuff.
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Post at 21-8-2010 08:09  Profile P.M. 
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i heard some good things about the show and saw some clips on youtube. just wish i had the time to watch it, plus i usually wait till the series finish before i watch it. never know when the show cancels like "las vegas" and never gives the show the proper ending.

This quote made my day, got me cracking up:
"None of the sex is quite as good as vampire sex, which can happen at the astonishing rhythm of 120 bpm while simultaneously devouring one's neck and making your eyes roll back into your head."

This person is crazy talking like they really know what vampire sex is rofl
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Post at 21-8-2010 08:46  Profile P.M. 
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True blood is not bad, I watch it but my favorites are still Dexter, Entourage and Californiacation. The hot chicks in the latter two shows are

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