Lustful Lord
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Post at 4-8-2010 23:31  Profile P.M. 
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Totally Shagged

so there i was back at the airport in Dubai and feeling rather randy. My wife (who I worship even though I'm a serial mongerer) would be tired from running everything alone and I was in3 hours earlier than I thought so I thought I'd empty my balls before heading back home.  The internet is a bit crazy in Dubai these days so I'd looked up a few contacts whilst still in HK and decided to go to a bar and then try and contact a rather stunning Cuban girl ( http://modelivana.webs.com/aboutme.htm ) I'd seen on the site.  I'll give a full report at some point but the long and short is that I hooked up with a Russian girl in the bar and had an exhausting hour with her.
Got home, still slightly early, to find the kids were away and the wife was horny as hell!  She wanted me there and then in the hall!!! Well what can a man do but try his best, first time I've ever pretended to come, had to persuade her into the shower with me so she didn't notice the lack of gentleman juice dribbling out.  Some sort of retribution I think

Recent Ratings
kaka   5-8-2010 11:26  Acceptance  +3   SHOWER excuse, that's a GOOD one! THX!
hkjiggy   5-8-2010 10:51  Acceptance  +2   LOL...ran out of gas
DArtagnan   5-8-2010 09:29  Karma  +1   Nice mini-report!

Kinky King
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Post at 5-8-2010 10:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jilluk98's post

Luckily she was so horny as to tell you to cum anywhere else, otherwise...

But good on yer, if they can fake it so can we!

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