Subject: uwotextbook 嘅近況
Buggered Beggar

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Post at 2-8-2010 17:32  Profile P.M. 
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uwotextbook 嘅近況

我都算係無無穿無爛啦。希望你哋記得我啦。多謝各位陪伴左我咁耐。尤其係hunter比到我嘅反應係最好, 我確實好鍾意你哋架,但係我一定要離開。我會好掛住你哋。我要去下一個forum做我需要做嘅野。hunter應該知道我將會做Dmut。玩都悶啦呢度。

我無野另外嘅野想講。 大家要保重啦。 再見
Buggered Beggar

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Post at 2-8-2010 17:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 talluser's post

twiceaweek 唔好再ban我,我唔會再溝事。

thanks so much

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twiceAweek   3-8-2010 00:27  Karma  -3   don't worry, no banning here !
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 2-8-2010 21:58  Profile P.M. 
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many of us can't read chinese, care to translate?
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Post at 2-8-2010 22:15  Profile P.M. 
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Roughly speaking it says....

I used to be uwotextbook. I am here saying good bye to you all because I think you are stupid enough to not know what google translateis, or that some people in this English forum may not be able to type chinese but can read it. He sends accolades to Hunter, and implores Twice not to ban him again despite having two account is a banning offence.

Anyway, for uwotextbook,

בבקשה אל תבזבז את הזמן שלנו יותר, ולנסות לא לקבל התחתונה חבולה
כאשר להיטים שלה על המדרכה. הפין.

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conqueror77   8-8-2010 09:02  Acceptance  +2   thanks for translation
geoduck   3-8-2010 00:36  Karma  +1   akka, didn't know you were Jewish LOL
doghead   3-8-2010 00:21  Acceptance  +1   What does ur hebrew say?
sirtiger   2-8-2010 23:59  Acceptance  +1   tks

How do you take a piece of cheese from an angry Welshman? Caerphilly
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Post at 2-8-2010 23:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 akka's post

Thx taking the time translating for the rest.

We usually ignore the pest.

thread close.

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 3-8-2010 00:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 akka's post

Hebrew ?

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akka   3-8-2010 22:49  Karma  +1   dont bruise you arse as it hits the pave
sirtiger   3-8-2010 01:00  Acceptance  +1   Please do not waste our time anymore, an

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