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Post at 2-8-2010 12:13  Profile P.M. 
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'Miss Chubby' beauty queen??

Who are they kidding here? This is a freak show, legitimising obesity.

Italy names 'Miss Chubby' beauty queen
August 2, 2010
Forget those pencil-thin model types. Italy has chosen a full-figured woman as new beauty queen, proud of her ample body weighing in at a hefty 170 kilograms.
Angela Scognamiglio said she was "very moved" when she was named on Saturday night as the new "Miss Chubby" at the complex-free contest held in the Tuscany village of Forcoli, near the city of Pisa.
"I am very moved, I feel as if I've won the lottery," the 33-year-old from Naples said after beating out 30 other contestants for the title.

As in all past 20 editions of the pageant, there is only one condition for entry: you have to weigh more than 100 kilograms.
Contestants paraded before an audience of 2500 at a local hotel on Saturday night, wearing gowns, or for those who cared to show more, undergarments. Some even dared a little glamour striptease.
But the crucial moment in the contest was the weigh-in, stepping onto a huge red scale where everyone could see the result - with the roundest beauty clinching the title.
No big prize for the winner, just a huge cake to share around, and perhaps for all the contestants a boost in self-esteem in contrast to the mockery many obese face.
"When we get on a bus, people nudge each other, and whisper, making fun of us, and it's the same on the beach," said redheaded Marilena Amato.
"We are the victims of severe discrimination, it's as if we are second class citizens," said another contestant, Antonia Bartolo, a 37-year-old nurse from the Milan region.
The contest is also about "entertainment, a chance to get to know people who face the same problems I do", she added.
The contest's founder, Gianfranco Lazzereschi, says the event showcases other types of beauty in women.
"It is a showcase for full figures," he said, flanked by two contestants, "Why can't these two women show off? Why is it necessary to follow the dictates of what's beautiful?"
The full-figure pageant, says the founder, is a way to send a different message about beauty.
Link here: ... 20100802-1120y.html

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Post at 2-8-2010 12:42  Profile P.M. 
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Exactly... Since it's hard to stay lean and fit, let's lower the standard.
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Post at 2-8-2010 23:29  Profile P.M. 
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Oh come on... I'm sure she is a wonderful person on the inside and she is very happy with the way she is...

Until she dies of a heart attack at 35yo, or clogs up the Italian medical system with constant health problems for the rest of her life.

The contest's founder, Gianfranco Lazzereschi, says"
"Why is it necessary to follow the dictates of what's beautiful?"

Because no-one like looking at rolls upon rolls of fat, dipshit! How the hell would you even f@$k that???

Oops, I think I just made myself sick...

[ Last edited by  lister01 at 2-8-2010 23:31 ]
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Post at 3-8-2010 14:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

Find a fold and f^&k it!

I wonder how much "parading" they actually do...don't wanna get all sweaty or getting a stroke walking down the runway. I guess they have to try and make them feel better about themselves, esp with all the stomach tying surgery, people like to escape and not face reality/consequences of the actions.

Plus, I'm sure there are enough chubby chasers to make it worth while
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Post at 3-8-2010 17:28  Profile P.M. 
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Without a doubt she is very sexy.     I'm guessing a double d cup size, with enough cushion to make a man real comfortable.     Plus sizes are good as long as the she has a good vagina!
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Post at 3-8-2010 20:14  Profile P.M. 
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what is wrong with Italy...

Undergarments and strip tease??? lol there's chubby but this is to the extreme.
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Post at 3-8-2010 20:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

Bleeding 'eck, thats shocking

But before Hong Kong, that wouldnt be so shocking. Now, after being here for 1.5 years, we're kinda spoilt with so many fit girls walking around everyday
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Post at 3-8-2010 23:28  Profile P.M. 
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I wonder how many of the male judges would give her a "go"?
she has a just need to find it...
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Post at 4-8-2010 00:25  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by shipit at 3-8-2010 20:14

what is wrong with Italy...

Undergarments and strip tease??? lol there's chubby but this is to the extreme.

Just thank God there is no swimsuit!

Oh, and sorry if I upset any "chubby-chasers"... each to their own!
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Post at 4-8-2010 04:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

atomic i love you man

but this is one insane post

i'm just glad you don't have nude pics of this chick

hey for you guys who love beefy girls

don't you guys worry i will not fight you at all for this

as the saying goes


geez could anyone here give that girl a piggy back ride?
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Post at 4-8-2010 11:46  Profile P.M. 
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Has anyone seen the Eddy Murphy movie, "Norbert"...?

Agreed captaincaveman - big girls need luvin' too, just not from me!
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Post at 4-8-2010 13:37  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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Reply #3 lister01's post

The only way to F**K that is to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot
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Post at 5-8-2010 11:05  Profile P.M. 
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Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder but even with the light turned off, no sex for a year, and copious amount of alcohol would help me with this one.

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