Subject: Sham Shui Po, is it safe?
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Post at 2-8-2010 06:42  Profile P.M. 
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Sham Shui Po, is it safe?

heard reports that you're more likely to get nasty std's if you play around (not hotel girls) in SSP, as opposed to wan chai, cwb etc.

what are your thoughts?
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Post at 2-8-2010 07:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 exchar's post

you can get STDs everywhere, even HG or a civilian girl. practice safe sex, and dont be a statistic.

and never assume that one area/race/time/whatever is SAFER/CLEANER than the other.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 2-8-2010 13:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 exchar's post

You can get STD shitting in the toilet......good luck.

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kaka   2-8-2010 14:16  Acceptance  +1   that's why i squat~!

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Post at 2-8-2010 17:12  Profile P.M. 
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WTF, ssp maybe the poorest district in hong kong, but doesn't mean STDs are highest. What kind of reports are you reading??!
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 2-8-2010 18:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 hunter's post


After u wipe ur fatass, do you throw the used toilet papers wrap with chocolate filling int the dust bin or you flush it d. I bet you do the are so very chinese!!!

Careful with the squat, u might lose one side of your butt.........

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twiceAweek   2-8-2010 20:36  Acceptance  -2   Stop talking shit !!! lol

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Post at 10-8-2010 14:55  Profile P.M. 
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Mate, dont worry about it too much, like the other fellas have said, safe sex is priority, you could get std from a 5 star escort for all you know.

I still go to ssp every now and then, you get some hidden gems there, and some of the thai girls there are great, great service and great rates.  
So definitely do not be too timid about it, its a completely different experience.

Even temple street is worth checking out, there's a lot of threads about it already so i won't get into it, but yeah, play it safe.

Remember, girls in ssp or causeway bay are not gonna be that different in background or where they're from (china), and they're always gonna want to protect themselves as much as you want to protect yourself.  

hope that helps

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Post at 10-8-2010 15:21  Profile P.M. 
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you need to use condom to reduce the chance to get STDs. Some reports said that even you use condom you still have chance to get STDs.

It is true that the quality in Sham Shui Po would be as not as good other parts in town, however, their prices are cheaper and sometime you maybe can get a OK one too.

Good luck.
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Post at 28-8-2010 10:28  Profile P.M. 
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Use condom can prevent STD no matter in SSP,TST or CWB
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Post at 28-8-2010 10:46  Profile P.M. 
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sham shui po is much safer in the neighborhood than what it was known for before.
take your precautions and you will be fine
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Post at 28-8-2010 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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SSP's girls just older,the place is more dirty,but is safe if u use condom,

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