Subject: Multimillion dollar up for grabs
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Post at 2-7-2010 08:13  Profile P.M. 
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Multimillion dollar up for grabs

Multimillion dollar up for grabs
July 2, 2010 - 9:47AM

The world's "most valuable" internet domain name,, went up for grabs on Thursday. It last sold for US$12million ($14million) in 2006, a German firm handling the sale said on Thursday.
"It happens very rarely that an Internet address of this calibre goes on sale," Cologne-based Sedo said. "(The) sale of offers the new owner a unique opportunity to became market leader."
Sedo, which said it is the world's biggest trading platform for domain names, is selling on behalf of US firm Escom after creditors filed for insolvency protection, a joint statement said.
Other domain names have also changed hands for huge sums in the past, with selling for US$3million ($3.5million). for 892,500 euros ($1.3 million) and for US$1 million ($1.1 million), Sedo said.
"Owners of domains like this have a clear competitive advantage. Visitors land automatically on the websites of the owners just by entering what they are looking for. The listing in search machines is also improved," it added.
Link here: ... -20100702-zrk4.html
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Post at 2-7-2010 09:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

Wicked. Certainly a prime domain. I wander what plans the owners have for it, whether they make their own porn company, videos, images or just directs links.

The domain doesnt get many hits now but it will certainly pop up in search engines more often because of this valuable keyword, sex.
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Post at 2-7-2010 13:01  Profile P.M. 
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wow.. had no idea that a domain names are wroth so much..
i should of invested in this years ago..
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Post at 2-7-2010 13:20  Profile P.M. 
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I think that this domain going on sale again illustrates that these are highly overvalued. A company does not need a common word to succeed on the net.  Just from the top of my head, I cannot recall one large and successful site whose domain indicates what te site is about. eBay, amazon, facebook, twitter, are much more memorable than if they decided to go by,, or

Domain is useless unless there is compelling reason for a user to visit a site.
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Post at 2-7-2010 23:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 m12rightnow's post

not too late. tons of idiots out there register names just to park it & do nothing until someone wants to pay top dollar for it

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