Subject: China approves Canada as tourist destination
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Post at 26-6-2010 12:57  Profile P.M. 
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China approves Canada as tourist destination

How is that going to affect the mongering scence overseas in Canada?. If  a wg of hotelgirls calibur work in canada, they can easily command a 160$CAN and up.  In the end, money is all the matters. I wouldnt be surprised if there is a influx of younger chinese girls to canada very soon. Maybe its time for the ______ to share the wealth.


[ Last edited by  uwotextbook at 26-6-2010 13:28 ]
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Post at 26-6-2010 13:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

Yo bro, you may be right, but please edit your post.
"Chinaman" is offensive to many Chinese and non-Chinese
as a racial slur, for historical reasons. Thanks.

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geoduck   26-6-2010 13:22  Acceptance  +1   Is uwotextbk a racist or insensitive?
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Post at 26-6-2010 13:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

Yes uwotextbook, please remove the remark "Chinaman" and if you're unaware this is a racial slur, then you do now and can refrain from using this word in future. Many people find this offensive.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 26-6-2010 15:11 ]

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doghead   26-6-2010 13:50  Acceptance  +1   And I thought he is a hua qiao/wah kieu.

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Post at 26-6-2010 13:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 26-6-2010 13:26
Yes uwotextbook, please remove the remark "Chinaman" and if you're unaware this is a racial slur, then you now and can refrain from using this word in future. Many people find this offensive ...

i changed it, sorry. yes im unaware that its a racist term.

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Mister   26-6-2010 15:01  Acceptance  +1   No worries, we live and learn.
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Post at 26-6-2010 15:04  Profile P.M. 
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Doghead, yes OP is Chinese but in his early 20s, and unfortunately
many North Americans don't get to learn much history in
school. It's not restricted to that continent, either. In Japan,
most people his age would have little if any knowledge of
the Nanking Massacre, for instance.

Incidentally, I mentioned Canada (Jiānádà) in small talk with
an HG from the PRC recently, and she seemed completely
unaware that there was a country by that name! I guess
that's why they're f^cking us for $$$ instead of working
as bankers or teachers.

[ Last edited by  Mister at 28-6-2010 00:29 ]

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Post at 26-6-2010 15:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Mister at 26-6-2010 15:04
Doghead, yes OP is Chinese but in his early 20s, and unfortunately
many North Americans don't get to learn much history in
school. It's not restricted to that continent, either. In Japan,
most peop ...

yes i was born in Hong Kong , but let just say i didnt go to a traditional Hk school. Im not going give any excuse though.
but you know testosterone is helluva of a hormone. I made a little mistake and in the context of this topic, chinaman term used was not important at all. And im being called a racist and being insensitive. I should take cover.
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Post at 26-6-2010 17:54  Profile P.M. 
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Hmmm how clever of the Chinese government... First they took over the US by buying up all the debt.. Now their seeding people into Canada lol Long live China !
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Post at 26-6-2010 20:25  Profile P.M. 
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The mainland Chinese have already been buying up the most expensive properties in Toronto and now it looks like these properties are set to go up more in value. Mainland Chinese prefer Toronto while HK people prefer Vancouver but think there would be a trickle down effect that would even affect the Prairie Provinces.
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Post at 26-6-2010 21:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 geoduck's post

I don't know about that!! Have you been to the's pretty boring!!!
But seriously you are right...offshore money is picking of properties in Vancouver and Toronto, giving
the impression that the economic crisis is over
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Post at 26-6-2010 21:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by uwotextbook at 26-6-2010 13:29

i changed it, sorry. yes im unaware that its a racist term.


The word ________ is still there. You need to edit your reply to geoduck.


Geoduck and Mister please edit your post too and remove ________.


[ Last edited by  Weelock at 26-6-2010 22:16 ]
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Post at 26-6-2010 22:13  Profile P.M. 
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I could see it now tons of Chinese tourists coming to Canada bringing their bad habits.  Just like the Americans coming over in the 60's and 70's to Europe and the Japaneses to the USA in the 80's.  When China first opened up, Hong Kong and Macau local people noticed the Mainlanders with their bad habits, especially when Disneyland opened in Hong Kong.

1. Smoking in private places      

2. cutting in line, can't wait         

3. Kids urinating in public            

4. overall rudeness                  

5. Cell phone ethics                     

6. spitting in private places like hotel     

7. Buy things made in China and bringing them back home, ie iphone and ipad  

8. Getting rid of the huge trade surplus         

9. Bring plenty of girls to make love        

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 27-6-2010 13:56 ]
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Post at 26-6-2010 23:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 smilybob1's post

You're right about the prairies. I've been to Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, frickin cold in the winter, in fact, much, much colder than Harbin in China. Hot in the summer. Can't forget those cold winter days when I had to plug the car radiator into a power socket otherwise it doesn't start in the morning. I also recall having to start the engine up 20 mins before driving off otherwise it just gets to cold inside the car and scrapping the ice off the windshield every morning. Have never experienced anything again like January in Saskatchewan and hope I never have to go there again.

As to the Chinese investments I was referring that the influx of Chinese would find their way to places like Calgary, Regina and Winnipeg sooner or later and as property in Vancouver and Toronto rise, it would have a trickle down effect on all properties in Canada. This is unprecedented move by China and will bring a big boost to the Canadian economy.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 27-6-2010 00:26 ]
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Post at 27-6-2010 00:45  Profile P.M. 
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Property prices in Vancouver are already crazy in comparison to the average annual salary. It's crazy here and people keep continuing to pay the ridiculous prices, but yes, pricing will continue to climb.

In terms of higher quality WGs coming over here. I think there will definitely be an increase in higher calibre WGs finding their way over to Canada, but there already are some gems here. Interestingly enough, there are a large number of punters (myself not included) here who prefer WGs who are a lil more experienced (read older) than ones who are new to the business. The current average donation for a good young K or J-girl is $160. If there were a jump in pricing for Chinese WGs, I don't think it'd last very long since the average salaries in Canada are so low. *Breathes in a big deep breath of fresh Vancouver air* Oh wells
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Post at 27-6-2010 13:19  Profile P.M. 
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Total off the wall question here, but since uwotextbook is of chinese descent, isn't he 'allowed' to use the c-man word?  Sort of like black guys in the U.S. have license to use the n-word and only jewish comics can make jokes about jews?

I know that his use of the word was unintentional and that he has retracted it, this question is more out of rhetorical curiousity!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 27-6-2010 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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can we please get off this 'c' subject and move on ... what's said been said and the OP has already
acknowlegded the point !
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Post at 27-6-2010 13:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 Grimlock's post

For WGs going to Canada take Singapore as an example. Since the Singapore Government made it easier for PRC citizens to enter the country the place is now flooded with PRC WGs. Also think many PRC WGs would like to hook up with someone with a Canadian passport and move their entire family over. PRC people are of the opinion that life is good in North America but if the truth be known. All my HK friends after getting their Canadian passport can't wait to get back. Life was just a bit too slow for them there.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 27-6-2010 13:42 ]
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Post at 27-6-2010 14:22  Profile P.M. 
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Can somebody (any lawyers here? ) please legally explain to me what this means for tourists going to Canada ? Yes, I do mean tourist because that's what it says. As far as the ideal world goes; somebody cannot work, even as a prosititute, as a tourist.

Even before this rule/law, whatever it actually means (i cannot figure out still, someone kind enough to explain the implications?), there are a lot of chinese WG's in canada. Go see for yourself ... canada is a nice tourist place afterall.

[ Last edited by  Fifa at 27-6-2010 14:48 ]
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:09  Profile P.M. 
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Why not just write 'Chinese' instead of blanking it completley with a __________?

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geoduck   28-6-2010 01:33  Acceptance  -2   Being repetitive again?
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Fifa at 27-6-2010 14:22
Can somebody (any lawyers here? ) please legally explain to me what this means for tourists going to Canada ? Yes, I do mean tourist because that's what it says. As far as the ideal world ...

It's the same in Singapore and HK. The PRC girls are not supposed to work either but they do nonetheless. With more Chinese tourists this will attract investment as these tourists if wealthy enough would send their kids to school in Vancouver or Toronto and some will buy properties for their kids to live in.

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