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Post at 25-6-2010 06:54  Profile P.M. 
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something made me squirm in pain today

I was in the library this morning and still is right now. Sometime this morning an old chinese guy in his 50s, bald and fat, sat next to a young teenage girl,who is possibility still in HighSchool.

The old man began to ask her questions about signing on to the internet and the conversation would happen in segments with him asking more and more questions over the course of about 30 minutes.

At first I thought his intentions are genuine and he is just trying to get his computer working in the library. Then the conversation proceed to topics about his camera and showing his photo to this girl. How he would like to teach her how to use a camera and How he would get up at 6am and take pictures etc. etc.

This is where I start to feel grossed out.   . Kinda like the situation you see in TV. The girl begin to pack her stuff and gave a excuse and left.
Before she left, the guy even had the guts to ask her number and if he will see her again. This is when I start to squirm in pain and start to

I thought this would only happen on some TVB drama but no, this pathetic act does happen in real life. Its a real eye opening to see it in action in real life.

No offence to men in their 50s. But if you're in your 50s and you'r blatantly trying to flirt with a highschool girl. It IS something really really wrong, im sorry.
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Post at 25-6-2010 07:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

i dont think there's anything wrong if the guy in his 50s dont look like 50. if there's a fit guy and not bald talking to a teenage girl, i dont think anyone would say anything.

maybe that reaction came from the fact that this guy was way out of shape and bald?
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Post at 25-6-2010 08:29  Profile P.M. 
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Naw, that's not the lesson here.  The lesson in this little story is one of what this hobby and the availability of sex can do to your head.  You get so used to the easy, young poon that your self restraint disappears and you start getting flagrant about hitting on girls.

Self control.  Hang onto it or you're going to find yourself in jail.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 25-6-2010 09:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

Wait till your are 50 yourself.

Dude, walk away if you dont like what you see, mind your own business.
I think you are just jealous of that bald dude.

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geoduck   25-6-2010 10:01  Acceptance  +3   Exactly what I was going to say....

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Post at 25-6-2010 10:23  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by uwotextbook at 25-6-2010 06:54
I was in the library this morning and still is right now. Sometime this morning an old chinese guy in his 50s, bald and fat, sat next to a young teenage girl,who is possibility still in HighSchool.

What time did the library open?

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Post at 25-6-2010 10:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

You think that this shit doesn't work.  I've seen it work, I have friends who do this kind of shit with 18-20 year olds and according to them, 1 out of 100 will fall for something, especially the fobby girls from China.  When I was in my late 20's I still had teeny boppers coming up to me to get my number even though I already had 2 kids already and married for a while.  I dressed a bit more young and still played a lot of basketball at the local parks.  Now I only play with guys my age.  

I have a friend who is in his mid 50s now, divorced for 15 years so since he was about 40, I've seen him with 5 young girlfriends.

His first one was a 18 year old fatty girl, cute young face, huge tits, very white smooth skin but guys her age didn't dig her.  He picked her up at a small Chinese mall in Flushing.  After he dumped her, I took sloppy seconds, great BJs and a great fuck overall.

His second one was  a very young girl who came from Fujian, she was the kind of girl I would not have dated when I was younger, I would fuck her now.  Her parents owned a Chinese fast food joint in Long Island and she was making a delivery to another friend's house on superbowl sunday, he got her number and fucked her for a few months til her family moved to Rhode Island.

The third one was a bad girl from Chinatown.  Asked him to buy her some alcohol, (21 is the legal age to buy and consume alcohol here) he said "what are you going to do for me?" he actually bought the booze for her and got her number, she banged him for a month and draining him for over 6000 USD in shopping sprees,drugs and booze.  This girl was hot to look at, always cleavage shirts, tramp stamps galore, crazy colored hair, a pretty decent looking face covered up with lots of dark makeup and a potty mouth like you wouldn't believe.

The fourth was a Malaysian girl, I don't know if she was a WG but she was crazy.  She took over his sublet in Manhattan for a few months, made trouble with the bars downstairs his apartment, and when he kicked her out she didn't go without a fight.  I think she really loved him but she was crazy.  He simply didn't care for her anymore and one day we went on a trip to Atlantic City together.  My friend was driving and she decided to teach him a lesson by offering me a BJ, he told me to just enjoy it.  I took the BJ and she really thought it would make my friend jealous, he could care less and continued driving as I came.  I fucked her that night in the hotel too.  Crazy bitch ended up marrying some white guy, poor guy! LOL

He is now in either Hawaii or Bahamas with his new young GF (I can't keep up with this guy), some white girl he met from work.  Before he left, he spent a bundle on her and told me he got as far as sucking her titties.  I guess it's the challenge for him, but he has the money to spare and no real responsibilities.  Hopefully he is fucking her good right now.
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Post at 25-6-2010 12:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

Just remember, there are always young girls that like old man. This is evident in so many oldman-youngwoman couples we see in the world today. Okay, the girl may be in it for the money, fame or whatever - but afterall, the girl is in the relationship out of her own choice. This old man may be trying to find a girl who perhaps feels the same in some ways. You never know... another young girl may not reject him! But yes i agree, its very wrong morally if the girl is too young and certainly a library is not a place for this kind of stuff.
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Post at 25-6-2010 12:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 Fifa's post

I am sure if the old guy persists he would probably be able to pick up a few girls this way and shagged them too. He was not doing anything illegal, just chatting with the girl. Even if the girl was 18, she could still report him to the police for sexual harassment if she felt uncomfortable. Police cannot arrest him but it's always embarrassing to be questioned by police in public.
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Post at 25-6-2010 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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I don't think the issue is the charming Spring and Autumn romance, I think perhaps uwotextbook was barfing over the slimey old perv hitting on an innocent young thing that clearly didn't want the attention.  At least that's how it looked to him.

Old guys/young girls or old girls/young men, whatever floats your boat so long as it's consensual.  My prior post in this thread was about how this hobby can sometimes dull our ability to take "no" for an answer.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 25-6-2010 13:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 Fifa's post

Actually, libraries are very good pick up venues... It's very easy to get conversation going in a library, and often on topics that interests the girl. And yes, from experience!

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hunter   25-6-2010 13:46  Acceptance  +1   i saw lots of old man in the library

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Post at 25-6-2010 13:44  Profile P.M. 
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hey, sounds like you already saw me today.
i'm in white cloth and actually i'm just 45yo.
just kidding.

for me i can't help following items saw:
a. newspaper headlines
b. local news headlines
c. sports
d. weather

so, i can't help everything happened around(maybe you can). i'll just leave away in situation as don't like today's headlines.

of course, if it's a emergence and i'm able to help. i will help.

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Post at 25-6-2010 14:28  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 25-6-2010 09:49
Wait till your are 50 yourself.

Dude, walk away if you dont like what you see, mind your own business.
I think you are just jealous of that bald dude.

no, acutally he is one touch away from me reporting him to the library staff members.
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Post at 25-6-2010 14:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 uwotextbook's post

You should have reported him to the library staff but on what grounds? Having a casual conversation with the girl about photography? I think you should give it a rest and not harass senior citizens.
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Post at 25-6-2010 15:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 uwotextbook's post

I can't believe people are defending this old perv.....If the girl was in high school then it was most definitely inappropriate. Looks like we have some closet pedophiles on the forum Where's Chris Hansen when we need him?

From uwotextbook's observations(if they are truthful), it seems like the old man was grooming the girl for an encounter that would undoubtedly ended badly for the girl. And yes, I watch a lot of Dateline NBC

[ Last edited by  asianman888 at 25-6-2010 15:26 ]

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TheButler   28-6-2010 01:26  Acceptance  +5   right on. I'd drop a dime on him.
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Post at 26-6-2010 01:31  Profile P.M. 
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Exhibit A - Old bald guy with hot young girl

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/ ... 0654091&ref=rss
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Post at 26-6-2010 03:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 lean9088's post

His financee is about 32yo, not really a hot young thing.
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:17  Profile P.M. 
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By the time you are 50, pretty sure your attitude is more along the lines of "fuck it, why not have a stab?"
Maybe she's got daddy issues and you'll get lucky.
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

did this happen in HK ?
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 asianman888's post

I believe our friend uwotextbook has a lot of issues he needs to come to terms with ... things he needs to resolve in his own mind ... read what he's posted in the past !
as for this case in point, it might be likely that he's read more things into thia situation then what actually transpired
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:51  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by uwotextbook at 25-6-2010 06:54

I was in the library this morning and still is right now. Sometime this morning an old chinese guy in his 50s, bald and fat, sat next to a young teenage girl,who is possibility still in HighSchool.

I'm still curious about the timing... The post was made at 06:54, so what was a school girl, an old man, and our dear OP doing at the library. Was it even open?!

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geoduck   28-6-2010 01:53  Acceptance  +2   Good observation

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