Kinky King
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Post at 16-6-2010 06:51  Profile P.M. 
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Sexsomnia! A perfect excuse! ... r-study-claims.html

A growing number of people claim to suffer from “Sexsomnia”, a type of sleeping disorder where sufferers have sex while they sleep, a new study has claimed.

Canadian researchers found almost one in 12 people had admitted engaging or initiating some sort of sexual activity while they slept.

Men accounted for three-quarters of the self-reported "sexsomniacs", they found.

Experts say such sexual behaviour that occurred while sleeping can range from masturbation through to physical intercourse.

In their study, presented at a recent sleep conference, researchers from the Sleep Research Laboratory at the University Health Network in Toronto, found the disorder was more common than previously thought.

Article continues at the link

I'm not a whore monger, I suffer from Sexsomnia, my sleeping personality has the wisdom to check out sex141 for a good target make a call to a 007 sometimes and sleep walk all the way to a WG's room perform the dirty deed (which because I am asleep I dervive no enjoyment from) and pop back into bed completely unaway - you gotta believe me my wife....

Life is short very...
Lustful Lord
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Post at 16-6-2010 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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LOL. The person who would believe you would either be very understanding or very dumb....or understandably dumb

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