Subject: Prefered Age?
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Post at 9-6-2010 02:13  Profile P.M. 
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Prefered Age?

What age do most of the girl's here prefer? do they mind your age at all or does it not matter?
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Post at 9-6-2010 22:47  Profile P.M. 
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I think they mainly care about your mannerisms and your money. If you are polite and show them the cash I do not think they would worry about your age.
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Post at 9-6-2010 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 lukys7en's post

Didn't you post the same thread already?
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Post at 10-6-2010 02:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 lukys7en's post

I think it has more to do with bellies, they prefer NOT to deal with the big American beer belly.  Age is more a concern that the really young guys are too energetic and the really old guys take too much work.  30-50 is their sweet spot and someone under 200lbs!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 1-7-2010 08:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 10-6-2010 02:16
I think it has more to do with bellies, they prefer NOT to deal with the big American beer belly.  Age is more a concern that the really young guys are too energetic and the really old guys take too m ...

thats going to be hard. cuz most American has all the extra features, America quote "more to love"
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Post at 1-7-2010 09:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 TheButler's post

Actually, I think preference has more to do with penis length than belly size. Most WG's prefer small penis, so they feel less pain and less feeling in general, so as to get it over and done with easily.

Age is usually irrelavent so as long as your wallet is older... if you know what I mean.
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Post at 1-7-2010 14:52  Profile P.M. 
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Most of the time, prefers the younger ones.
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Post at 1-7-2010 14:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 Myworld's post

because they cum faster ?
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Post at 2-7-2010 04:07  Profile P.M. 
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As long as you don't die on them, you're probably young enough.  
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 2-7-2010 04:16  Profile P.M. 
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i read in a magazine once where real professional girls don't have preferences in general. Its all business but they generally draw the line at bad odor on a person.
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Post at 2-7-2010 12:13  Profile P.M. 
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They prefer the ones who tip/pay more. Age and everything else is secondary.
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Post at 2-7-2010 12:36  Profile P.M. 
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I have seen guys with severe congenital body problems such as dwarf visiting a FS massage in Bangkok. The girl looked so happy to be picked by him. I guess he treated her well in the past. Our appearance including aging don't seem to make much difference.
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Post at 2-7-2010 13:04  Profile P.M. 
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I think the girls would prefer a good looking young guy over an overweight ugly old dude but in the end they care most about getting as much customers they can.  They are highly unlike to reject a customer due to age or looks alone.

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Post at 2-7-2010 14:53  Profile P.M. 
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who are we kidding here? if all the customers are brad pitt's they would be much happier and a lot more girls would be in the business.

the girls are still human afterall, and physical attraction are part of being human.
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 2-7-2010 21:03  Profile P.M. 
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come on, wg are not all robots.  I know a handful of civi female gals who says looks are not too important to them.  I seen them date 300lb guys as well or guys who are shorter than them.

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