Originally posted by yeah9911 at 8-6-2010 11:03
I agree the west is more subtle. At least we tend to package everything so its easily digestable to the masses.
In China I get the feeling its forced down their thoughts at an early age.
hmmmm ....
very interesting perspective there ...
the whole point is that in China, there are people who have had so much force-fed down their thoughts, from such an early age, that they don't even think it's subtle: they don't even think at all about it ...
... which is dangerously close to saying "we package everything so its ..."
If you are a fish, the one thing you cannot comprehend is water. Until you're out of it.
Likewise, we live in our chosen favourite political environment. Yup, even those of us who ran away from the political environment we were born in have chosen another to take its place, one that we like better, because it's more in line with the way we think, i.e. more in line with the thoughts that were (maybe) rammed down our thoughts at an early age ...
OK I'm being deliberately provocative here ... back to the ordinary whingeing ... and I certainly agree that I for one would not willingly subject myself to a regime like the one in PRC. No way Jose, not me, I wouldn't fall for that one!
except ...
by choosing to live in HK I actually have done just exactly that ...
oops ...