Subject: Trip timing
Lustful Lord
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Post at 14-5-2010 15:17  Profile P.M. 
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Trip timing

Hi Bros,

I'm planning a trip to Asia and will be including Macau & DG as part of my destinations. I will be in Asia in Late Sep to Early Oct. I'm trying to figure out if I should monger in Macau/DG at the beginning of my trip or at the end. I'm aware that there's National Holidays early is it a bad time to monger in China before the National Holidays? I've hard from the past that law enforcement are more strict during this time? Thanks in advance.

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Post at 14-5-2010 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Sent's post

"I'm trying to figure out if I should monger in Macau/DG at the beginning of my trip or at the end"
- Why not monger at the beginning and at the end?
"is it a bad time to monger in China before the National Holidays?"
- Some WG do take the day off / visit families, but it doesnt mean all WG will take the day off. Good times are only found by those with enough curiousity.
"I've hard from the past that law enforcement are more strict during this time?"
- Thanks for that bit of information.

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Post at 14-5-2010 19:19  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Sent at 14-5-2010 15:17
Hi Bros,
I'm planning a trip to Asia and will be including Macau & DG as part of my destinations. I will be in Asia in Late Sep to Early Oct.

The biggest problem with Mongering in China during or leading up to Holidays is the LE can sometimes blitz and make everyone nervous. They also do it before major events... can be a real pain in the ass! I don't think Macau has the same problem and HK certainly doesn't. However a very good time for mongering in HK is the second half of October, especially Wan Chai bars. Not sure how flexible your destinations or timing is but worth considering... Good luck!
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Post at 14-5-2010 20:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 TonyToro's post

In Macau, the immigration department may hit saunas to check if anyone is outstaying their visa welcome. Plus, given that all PRC wgs are on tourist visas then technically are working illegally in Macau - so double whammy.

Of course this doesn't affect punters just an inconvienence...

Also, the government will provide monetary awards if someone provides info to any overstayers that are caught...

[ Last edited by  asia-play at 14-5-2010 20:07 ]
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Post at 14-5-2010 21:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 asia-play's post

I've experienced these so called inspections and no one gets caught. The saunas are tipped off and the inspection lasts under 10 mins and usually take place between 11am to 1pm. I was there several years ago for a a noon time delight and saw the immigration officers and a few police asking questions at the reception counter but they did not even go inside the sauna. Besides, the WGs don't overstay,they will hop on a plane for Thailand turnaround flight to extend their Macau tourist visas.
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Post at 15-5-2010 23:52  Profile P.M. 
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Looks like I may have to avoid China this time then and just stick to Macau. Thanks for all the advise.

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