Subject: NV Woman Sentenced To Life For Forcing 13 Yr.Old Boy To Touch Her Breasts!
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Post at 7-5-2010 00:47  Profile P.M. 
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NV Woman Sentenced To Life For Forcing 13 Yr.Old Boy To Touch Her Breasts!

Only in america...
IMO this is a really fucked up sentence, the crime does not justify the time.
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Post at 7-5-2010 09:11  Profile P.M. 
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That is fucking ridiculous!  But with all due respect, the guilty party isn't exactly a stunner...or even a maybe she scarred the boy for life and got a life sentence in return.
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Post at 7-5-2010 09:23  Profile P.M. 
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most likely, she'll get off for good behavior, but i didnt watch the whole vid to see if it was life without parole.
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Post at 7-5-2010 09:59  Profile P.M. 
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US laws - they can be a bit ridiculous. When I was working for a US firm, I was given only 24 hours notice to board a plane for NYC. Was not informed of what sort of meeting it was. When I arrived, found they summoned all the overseas offices reps (2 from each country) and it was a seminar on sexual harassment in the working place. My company was being cautious in light of the recent lawsuits lodge by former female employees. It was a waste of time. Some of the directions were ridiculous, including not to complement on a female coworkers appearance. This is not applicable to Asia and I do not see why a coworker would sue you when you say something like "Wow, you're looking really good today". Stuff like that.
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Post at 7-5-2010 11:35  Profile P.M. 
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sounds too extreme for such a minor offence..
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 7-5-2010 13:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 chhsasa's post

Eligible for parole after 10 years.

America is a fucked-up country with fucked-up laws. I wouldn't even transit through that fuckin country any
more after the treatment my Chinese wife received from some ass-hole immigration official a few years ago.

And this idiotic, mandatory sentence came about because of the hysteria surrounding the sexual molestation
of young girls by men, mostly as a result of lobbying by bitches who'll believe anything a child says over what
a man says. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass and that poor woman suffers.  

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Post at 7-5-2010 13:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 Jake's post

True that.....ridoncolous and hypocrite country. Bullies....

Talk about the idiot immigration, if I have money to go for holidays, US is the last place I wanna go....

Such tight control was introduced back in the days when lots of imigrants going into America to chase their dream.
But who the fuck want to domicile in US now?

No offence to bros from US, but that;s the ugly truth...

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Post at 7-5-2010 17:01  Profile P.M. 
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Life sentence?
Thinking back to when i was 13. Would any of you be scarred for life?
I mean back then i'm sure all of us would be really excited at the opportunity.
Kind of like how most of us were very excited about having a playboy under the bed or something like that. Just looking would make us excited back then. Dont really think a life sentence fits the crime at all.
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Post at 7-5-2010 22:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 Jake's post

i thought it she was eligible for parole in 70 years... maybe i am wrong.. have to watch it again
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Post at 8-5-2010 00:48  Profile P.M. 
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LOL, that is completely messed up, I didn't watch the whole video either, but seriously? while fill our prisons with such petty crimes when we should be worried about the bigger offenders?

Tax paying for that?
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Post at 8-5-2010 04:33  Profile P.M. 
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Well when they first conceived of this law it was to punish/deter men from participating in lewd acts with girls under 14 in state of Nevada. I don't think they ever envisioned this scenario back then, equal rights.... well becareful what you wish for. Its funny because She would have received less time if she just killed him instead.
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Post at 8-5-2010 05:55  Profile P.M. 
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she didn't look that great and that's probably why she got such a harsh punishment
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Post at 8-5-2010 15:32  Profile P.M. 
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I saw the whole video.  I thought the most interesting part was watching the lady's lawyer go into a hissy fit to explain the mandatory life sentence ruling by the court to be unconstitutional and that basically women do not deserve such long sentences for sexual abuse and that a murder charge would not deserve a sentence as harsh as this mandatory one.  She even produced some tears.  What an actress!  With her terrible whiny defense, I lost all respect for her.  

Well like it has been said above, eventually equal rights mean women will face the same unfair punishments as men has faced for years.  Hopefully equal rights will lead to some legal reform.  
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Post at 8-5-2010 18:50  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 7-5-2010 09:59
and I do not see why a coworker would sue you ...

They sue you because the CAN.  There's a gross asymmetry in the U.S. legal system that makes it easy to be a plaintiff, hard to be a defendant and impossible to fine someone for bring a frivolous suit.

There's also an asymmetry to sexual harassment/assault.  Call me out if you think this is wrong, but isn't there a world of difference between a teenage boy groping a woman's tits versus a guy exposing himself to an underage girl for example?  Personally, I would not have been traumatized by a couple of hooters at age 13, I probably would have just splooged in my pants.  But I'd be in favor of throwing the book at a dude predator chasing underage girls.

Perhaps this judge was trying to apply a universal standard for pedophilia?

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 8-5-2010 22:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by darmour88 at 7-5-2010 17:01
Life sentence?
Thinking back to when i was 13. Would any of you be scarred for life?

From memory, I would have walked on broken glass to touch some titties as a young teen... It really seems to have been caught up in laws that exist for other versions of the crime. Crazy stuff. On the other hand, I can understand why these laws need to exist and why their interpretation needs to be very literal... any "exception" made for a case like this can potentially present precedence that can become loop holes for more serious crimes later on.

It will be interesting to see what sort of sentence former NFL star Lawrence Taylor will get. He faces charges for allegedly raping a 16 year old girl.
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Post at 9-5-2010 02:39  Profile P.M. 
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Poor boy he might become gay or an sex addict because of this incident haha
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Post at 9-5-2010 08:14  Profile P.M. 
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I used to hide under my dad's secretary's desk when I was 5.  She knew I was doing it, and she was a fucking hot 20 year old.  I used to smell her pussy, and it was sort of stinky but I like it.  Sometimes, my dad still calls me out on it and it is 20+ years later.  That definitely turned me into a sex addict, and she's probably 40+ now, but if I saw her, I would bone her!!!
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Post at 9-5-2010 13:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 TonyToro's post

Lawrence Taylor will either hire a high-priced team of lawyers to get him off or, far more likely, he'll pay the
girl off to withdraw the charges - same as Kobe Bryant did. LT is a scumbag, but he's a rich scumbag and he
won't serve 1-day in jail.  

Does anyone believe for a second Michelle Taylor would have served a day if she'd been a rich bitch.    
In the US, it's one law for the rich and onother for the poor.  

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Post at 9-5-2010 13:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 TheButler's post

the judge stated that he was unable to apply any other sentence as the law did not permit. He was forced to sentence life.

but i agree wif u man... at 13 u wouldnt be traumatised.. maybe alittle repulsed but still strangely drawn in..
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Post at 9-5-2010 17:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by cnf at 7-5-2010 22:01
i thought it she was eligible for parole in 70 years... maybe i am wrong.. have to watch it again


the defense argument was the worst ever sentence for a woman committing a sex crime on a minor was 70 years, which is still less than a Life sentence (the parole doesn't count).  

And that's more than 1st degree murder (50 years) ... i.e. if she'd deliberately killed the boy she'd have got a lesser sentence under the statute.  

Even the judge said it was completely fucked up ... but he did a Pontius Pilate on her and washed his hands ... guess it's down to appeal process now, and political campaigning.

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