Arriving in HK Monday evening, 6 pm from the UK. Then popping in and out of the mainland.....Guangdong, Shenzhen, Shanghai 4 or 5 times in the enxt 2 weeks. So applied for a multi-entry 6 months Visa.
Been trying to get it approved for over a week - getting a BJ from Cheryl Cole is much easier I'm sure - and they keep asking for some "local government document" which I have 1 more day to get before they will approve it.....
The point......
Last resort is I arrive in HK without my Visa and apply there. Anyone got any tips or advice on how to get one turned-around in 24hrs. Remeber arrive at airport at 6.00pm on Monday. First cross-border attempt is Wed 9.00am.
This actually suits me cos it means I get to try out more 141's in the wallet isn't too happy though!!!