I really appreciate you've made big efforts to provide me with link. I would be glad to give you even +10 acceptacnce for this link bro. But I'm just a "member" here. So, I can't give any acceptance, can I ?.
Don't get me wrong, I really liked the 100 girls vid and I'm dowloading it right now! I just thought, I would get more turned on by 100 gals than the 20 and 6 gals vid. But, I realized it was too much to handle. The guy didn't even sample all of them. Though, if I had been given the choice of the number, I would have chosen 100 girls because it's something that I'll always remember (and it would never happen anyway). But sex-wise, I would get better experience with a limited number of girls. 10 girls would be fine for me, and now I really want have the 6 gals experience, which I might be able to do in the future.
Cheers bro. I owe you +10 acceptance when I'll get conqueror status