Subject: hookers in china
Kinky King
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Post at 24-1-2010 23:37  Profile P.M. 
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hookers in china

Read that there was approximately 10 million girls working in the sex industry and that was a conservative estimate. NGO's and other agencies have estimated it to be as high as 20 million girls. There are 1.3 billion people in China. Let's do the math here folks : And these are very rough but workable numbers.
half of them would be males: 1.3/2=625,00,000
half would be over the age of 40: 625,000,000/2= ~312,000,000
half would be under the age of 15: 312,000,000/2=160,000,000
so now you have 160,000,000 girls that are between 16-39, ages where girls most likely work in the sex industry until they retire
half of those would be normal girls ie non WG and would never want to be a sex worker or they're jsut too butt ugly, fat, handicapped et
so now that brings our total to 80,000,000 girls left who could be working in teh industry. So if there are 20 Million sex workers in China out of a total of 80 Million girls who are 16-39, not ugly, handicapped, or fat that means there are 1/4 girls who are sex workers in China. That seems like a very high number. correct me if I am wrong and these are rough estimates.
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Post at 24-1-2010 23:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 venetiangirls's post

VG, you mind citing a source?  I haven't read much on the subject, though the numbers wouldn't surprise me given the country's large population and the disparity btwn rich and poor.  Disparities like that always lead to the enhancement/further development of so-called shaddy/morally questionable/black market type services.

[ Last edited by  banger at 24-1-2010 23:51 ]
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Post at 24-1-2010 23:47  Profile P.M. 
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I am too tired to test the Math but VERY interesting just the same.

Another favourite of mine is Mongolia:

Approx: 3,000,000 people
Female: 1,600,000
Aged between 20 - 29 YO: 600,000
Of those 600K, about 590,000 are extremely cute, speak great english, have tits, understand our jokes and love to F*CK as much as we do...

at least in my experience.
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Post at 24-1-2010 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 banger's post

if you go to CIA world factbook on the internet and look at China's population statistics it gives you all the breakdown. The 20 million sex workers was from an article I read. I was just curious because when i read that, it seemed like so many and so I decided to do a rough breakdown and that is the number I got roughly. MInd you that this is a rough approximation, plus or minus 2-3 million girls but still very much.
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Post at 24-1-2010 23:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 TonyToro's post

I once had a Mongolian chick on Lian Hua Lu and she was a hot piece of meat. She was one cunning son of a beeeyatch though. I wrote a thread on her  long while back. Long story short, she said she will spend the night with me for $500 bucks, i agreed, paid her and after the first fuck, said she was hungry and wanted to get some food. She said there was a macdonlads downstairs and that she'll go grab us some food. stupid me said "OK, sure". She left to "get" some food but that whore never came back. got jipped out of $500 bucks for a one shooter. Hot girl though but heard these mongolian chicks were very tricky
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Post at 25-1-2010 00:26  Profile P.M. 
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In a country with 1.3 or 1.4 billion people....

ALL statistics are gargantuan! Especially China....

2 million doctors, 700 million migrant workers, what 200 (or is it 400) million people on the move during the Chinese new year etc etc.

And as far as the number of WG's there is here - well, I'm happy when I get just ONE good one!

One thing though - IMHO, MOST WG's in China only does it for a set/shorter period of time vs. their sisters in other countries.  Most WG's I know are only doing it until they can either take care of a particular need at that time, or have set their mind on putting away a certain amount of $$$ in order to go back to wherever they come from and start their "regular life"

The ones who end up working in the "industry" longer than they wanted to - usually will end up overseas....or become kept women, mommies etc. The sad fact of the matter is that there is just no demand for the older WG's in China.

Just my POV

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Post at 25-1-2010 00:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 SEAJ's post

"Starting their regular life".....haaaahha.  you make it sound like its a rite of passage for women in china. And prob in some ways it is. I mean, 20Million women as sex workers, majority of young and pretty, doing it for a set amount of time and moving on. Sounds like the definition of a rite of passage to me.
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Post at 25-1-2010 00:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 SEAJ's post

and by old we mean 30+. Hell as long as they dont have a baby, 30+ still looks pretty damn attractive to me. Chinese men seem to think that once a girl is over 25 she is old and can be tossed aside for a new group of young ones. Like you said, it is a sad state of affairs. No wonder so many girls are depressed and commit suicide over there. Seems like the pressure is much more for them than the males.
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Post at 25-1-2010 00:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 venetiangirls's post


Actually...that is probably a pretty accurate description!  Ain't no telling if that next old bag you see in China had served your Dad or your uncle in her "past life"  LOL!


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Post at 25-1-2010 00:51  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by venetiangirls at 25-1-2010 00:41
and by old we mean 30+. Hell as long as they dont have a baby, 30+ still looks pretty damn attractive to me. Chinese men seem to think that once a girl is over 25 she is old and can be tossed aside fo ...


You're kidding!  23, tops 25 and they're old bags in China.  True!!

A gal I used to keep and who I still keep in touch with is telling me how hard a time she's having trying to find a suitable guy to get married to in her home town.   She was 23 when we ended and its now been over 2 years and she's not been able to hook one yet - and she's telling me she's getting pretty desperate!!  

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Post at 25-1-2010 00:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 SEAJ's post

dude, that just put a disgusting picture in my head.
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Post at 25-1-2010 01:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 venetiangirls's post

And howzabout your progeny???!!!

The same thoughts are gonna be in THEIR minds!!
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Post at 25-1-2010 01:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 SEAJ's post

how desperate is she getting? And how cute is she? Maybe we can work something out
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 25-1-2010 01:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 venetiangirls's post

VERY cute....and she owns her 4 storeyed @120 sq m. house (collecting good rent) and running her own business (this ain't doin' all that great of late, though!!)

And since you don't mind WG's - this one's only been a kept woman and not ever worked as WG.  A bit better no?

A big Laisee coming my way??

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Post at 25-1-2010 01:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 SEAJ's post

LOL!!!haaha. Can't say I am not interested. haaah. It does sound very tempting. got any pics of her to share. Also what do you mean by "only been a kept woman"?
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Post at 25-1-2010 01:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 venetiangirls's post

NOPE - I for sure will NOT put up her picture here or anywhere!!

Besides factory, facial salon, regular jobs etc - the "worst" she'd done is being kept by MOI!!

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Post at 25-1-2010 01:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 SEAJ's post

so what gives? why not continue to keep her?
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Post at 25-1-2010 01:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 venetiangirls's post

Coz when we started, we both agreed that it was for max 1...2 year tops.

And 3 years had passed and she'd already "worked" her way to what she originally planned on - Plus PLUS!

and she was getting on in age - close to 23 - so.....

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Post at 25-1-2010 01:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 SEAJ's post

so is my girl getting to that stage, desperation stage so that's why she's wanting me to meet her parents. Never mind, wrong thread to be asking this in.
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Post at 25-1-2010 01:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 venetiangirls's post

THAT.... is probably part of the answer ....further to your other thread.


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