Originally posted by twiceAweek at 23-1-2010 01:02
heater available means there is a heater in the room so on cold days you would not freeze when you come out of the shower !
mongering means ... gosh, I don't know how to explain it ... something like ...
I would think it comes from the old term - fish-monger, iron-monger. Often there seems to a nagative connotation - scandal-monger, war-monger...
It has even made it's way into the dictionary:
"One who habitually patronizes prostitutes.
A really old word for a pimp, one earns a living by "owning" a stable of prostitutes."
So it sounds like it started as a term for pimps and is now used to describe all of us! Again with the dictionary, a whore-monger is:
"a person who consorts with whores; lecher"
That is much more broad and explains how the customers got this name!
If anyone cares - the quotes come from