Poll Subject: WGs I visited who used recreational drugs regularly  single choice [Show Voters]
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Subject: WGs I visited who used recreational drugs regularly
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Post at 22-10-2009 21:38  Profile P.M. 
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WGs I visited who used recreational drugs regularly

A senior bro recently reported on his visit to an HG who mentioned she used the drug K.

I'm curious what proportion of the WGs the more experienced members of this forum
have encountered in HK/Macau used drugs (not including alcohol and tobacco) regularly
(to the knowledge of the bros, of course, whether through the girl mentioning it
or from observation -- including participant observation ).

In many western countries, of course, a high (no pun intended) proportion of
the WGs are addicted to hard drugs, and many are in this line for no other
reason than to fund their habit. In most cases the end result is not pretty.

It seems to be different here, but am I naive to think so?

[ Last edited by  Mister at 22-10-2009 21:40 ]
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Post at 25-10-2009 01:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Mister's post

what is K, are you referring to Ketamine (horse tranquilizer).  I would think any lady who takes it up the hershey highway would need a bit of a horse tranq.
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Post at 26-10-2009 01:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 joboo8's post

Yes, I believe that was the one. I was aware it's used
by some kids in HK, but apparently it's popular on
the mainland as well.

I would think any lady who takes it up the hershey highway would need a bit of a horse tranq.

Your point is well taken.
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 20-4-2010 09:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Mister's post

how am I supposed to know???

it's not like it's written on their profile ...

as far as I can tell, never noticed a girl being on drugs here in HK - I'm sure it exists, it does everywhere - just not seen any evidence either directly or indirectly ...

maybe it happens in sectors I choose not to explore, e.g. older pros or SWs?

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 20-4-2010 17:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 DArtagnan's post

Nice of you to drop in, DArt. Catching up on old polls?

As I said in my initial post, it obviously does happen. What I'm wondering
is how widespread it is, because my impression is the same as yours --
I personally have never encountered it with any HG in HK thus far.

But one very senior bro did bring it up in a report, before the reference
was deleted at the request of a mod, and I have seen other reports
in which a girl was described as being so hyper that she seemed to be

Not sure about older pros or SWs, but it seems there is a minor epidemic
of sorts of K use among certain segments of the teen or teen+ population.

Anyway, just some idle wondering that was sparked by a report, and it's
probably as relevant as some of the other polls in this section.
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Post at 21-4-2010 05:58  Profile P.M. 
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I've session with some girls that have admitted they smoked a little weed before the session started. I also been with one girl that was on pain killers and that was a pretty awkward session. A lot of the strippers here are on ecstasy when they perform also. Some of these session sexually turn out good, but it's kind of hard to connect with someone when they're not 100% themselves.
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Post at 22-4-2010 15:48  Profile P.M. 
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Making out on E is unbelievable. Its doing the deed that's difficult.
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Post at 23-4-2010 06:39  Profile P.M. 
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when your high on E, making out and groping a girls is awesome. like 100x better hahaha.. but getting your junior up is a impossible task
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Post at 23-4-2010 19:59  Profile P.M. 
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i will never use anything drug. better take a safe live
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Post at 21-6-2010 14:34  Profile P.M. 
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I'm guessing a lot of them would want to send money back home and are doing it for the short term. Drugs would probably not be a something they're into unless they just really can't perform without it.
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Post at 19-8-2010 05:34  Profile P.M. 
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drugs and sex....bad mix.  Sex ok Drugs no good.

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Post at 19-8-2010 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 soulmessiah's post

i agree. i think most WGs needs money for their own use rather than use money to buy drugs. besides, i think you can tell does the WG takes drug or not.
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Post at 29-11-2011 22:48  Profile P.M. 
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I've seen a lot here in HK!

For the most part, HK is pretty drug-free as far as WG's go.  Mostly.  

HK has become a HUGE clearance center for drug trafficking thruought SEAsia  because of it's tolerant drug laws (Death-penalty in many SEA nations versus a few years here).  In fact, recent news is saying it has become THE liquidation center throughout the region.  And, coincidentally, a lot of busts lately!

Anyway --- my experience mongering???  Most girls are NOT part of that scene at all!!!   I have met few bargirls that are high (trust me, I know) and few girls that ask to get high.   It is just not a normal part of the scene here.  

That said, I have seen it a lot!  You can't go out without seeing a few blokes and a few gals stoned out-of-their-minds ---- but they are the minority!  An extreme minority!

Western hookers, in western countries??  Ya see it A LOT!  Shite.., they get stoned for their own fantasy-made-up-reasons. Life is "SO TOUGH!!!!".

Fuck, be an asian maid for a week!!!

I won't even begin to describe the differences!  (But it's a big reason I'm here instead of there!!)
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Post at 30-11-2011 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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I've seen a lot here in HK!

For the most part, HK is pretty drug-free as far as WG's go.  Mostly.  

HK has become a HUGE clearance center for drug trafficking thruought SEAsia  because of it's tolerant drug laws (Death-penalty in many SEA nations versus a few years here).  In fact, recent news is saying it has become THE liquidation center throughout the region.  And, coincidentally, a lot of busts lately!

Anyway --- my experience mongering???  Most girls are NOT part of that scene at all!!!   I have met few bargirls that are high (trust me, I know) and few girls that ask to get high.   It is just not a normal part of the scene here.  

That said, I have seen it a lot!  You can't go out without seeing a few blokes and a few gals stoned out-of-their-minds ---- but they are the minority!  An extreme minority!

Western hookers, in western countries??  Ya see it A LOT!  Shite.., they get stoned for their own fantasy-made-up-reasons. Life is "SO TOUGH!!!!".

Fuck, be an asian maid for a week!!!

I won't even begin to describe the differences!  (But it's a big reason I'm here instead of there!!)

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