Subject: Thai "Girls"
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Post at 13-12-2024 18:38  Profile P.M. 
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Thai "Girls"

So ive been wondering for a while how do you guys figure out or distinguish between ladyboys and normal thai girls that did some enhancements? Lets say she is short, skinny, doesnt have deep/ weird voice, normal looking and feeling LS. She has a few scars here and there but not around LS.
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Post at 13-12-2024 22:37  Profile P.M. 
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Used to be Adam's apple but now they can get that shaved down. Just go by hand size, there's no fix for that. Alternatively, just ask them. The idea of ladyboys wanting to con foreigners into bed as a trick or something is Hollywood bs. They are very rarely too ashamed to tell the truth. They don't want a big angry foreigner getting violent with them later, for obvious reasons.

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cookiemonster11   15-12-2024 10:12  Acceptance  +1   Thank god... she has small hands
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Post at 15-12-2024 14:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Vuka's post

Yeah, most ladyboys are usually upfront about being TS.

Other signs include being taller than usual and having the "Ladyboy" tone of voice.
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Post at 15-12-2024 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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At least in kh they seem pretty open about it, they’re usually the ones calling u daddy and grabbing ur dick at the door with the ladyboy kinda voice. I think some prettier ones try to hide it, so if she is unusually pretty and tall and speaking really softly, be careful

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