Subject: Simple guide for first timers - walk up WGs
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Post at 7-3-2012 22:38  Profile P.M. 
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Time given by WGs

We see the price WGs put here, but what is the time they give?
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Post at 8-3-2012 01:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 perv's post

Thank you very much for the very useful infos, I hope I can try this while I'm here in HK this week.
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Post at 15-3-2012 12:22  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the guide! Really good! I appreciate the experienced and knowledge shared!
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Post at 15-3-2012 12:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 perv's post

Excellent info for us newbies,
re the hotel walk ins, can some one clarify if they come to your room or to their hotel room?
any issue's I should be aware of if they come to your room.
Many times to Hong Kong but this time I'm single so a whole new world is open now

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Post at 17-3-2012 03:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Sexy_boy at 7-3-2012 10:38 PM
We see the price WGs put here, but what is the time they give?

I would not trust the price or hours posted on their ads.  The price will likely be different when you interact with them in-person, especially if the patron is non-Chinese.  These girls are also sole proprietors, so they work whenever they feel like it.  Many girls will say they start work at noon, or that they're 24 hours.  But from experiences, most girls aren't there until 2pm or even 4pm.

That's why I've suggested for mongers to simply go and ring the doorbells randomly and not rely on the ads.
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Post at 18-3-2012 23:49  Profile P.M. 
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I'm new here, just a few questions:

Not to be rude or anything, but are the ladies pubic area nicely trim or natural?

Also are there any walk in's near tin shui wai area?
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Post at 28-3-2012 23:09  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by furryfriend at 17-3-2012 03:47

I would not trust the price or hours posted on their ads.  The price will likely be different when you interact with them in-person, especially if the patron is non-Chinese.  These girls are also so ...

Gah, the damn gweilo tax I guess it's not just the restaurants that have a local and foreigner edition of their menu

Out of curiosity, how much of a difference are we talking?
A moderate 400 to 500 or an outright doubling to a grand 800?
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Post at 10-4-2012 12:02  Profile P.M. 
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Helpful abbreviations

The first page says it all, great abbreviations and tips for first timers
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Post at 10-4-2012 15:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by mantis201 at 28-3-2012 11:09 PM
Gah, the damn gweilo tax I guess it's not just the restaurants that have a local and foreigner edition of their menu

Out of curiosity, how much of a difference are we talking?

One girl told me she charges HK$100 extra for gweilos.  I'd say, HK$100 should be expected.  

I'm just pulling figures out of my ass, but I'd say that 90% of gals in TST and Causeway Bay will do white guys.  For the other areas, probably 60-70%.  If you're black or Indian, you'd probably get substantially lower figures.

I have a feeling they charge more, not because it's racist, but she'd have a harder time communicating with you.  So she charges more just in case you do extra stuff or take longer than usual.

As international mongers, we gotta expect foreigners will pay more than locals.  In the Philippines, there are hidden brothels where locals can bang young girls for US$5-10.
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Post at 10-4-2012 15:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Bura at 18-3-2012 11:49 PM
I'm new here, just a few questions:

Not to be rude or anything, but are the ladies pubic area nicely trim or natural?

Also are there any walk in's near tin shui wai area?

Wow, you're located close to the 141 playground in Yuen Long.  A quick 5 minute taxi ride will get you there.

The clusters in Yuen Long are located near where Castle Peak Road crosses the river.  I've personally partaken in the area.  It's less expensive than in the touristy areas and the selection is quite good.  I used to find a few multi-girl 141s there (which are illegal and usually staffed by young illegal migrants from China).  But the last time I was in Yuen Long (4 months ago), I didn't find any.

Since Hong Kong's public transport is so good, you shouldn't localize your mongering.  Just hop on the MTR and in 30 minutes, you'd be in south Kowloon where you'd have an infinite choice of ladies.

As for publc area, most ladies seem to have it pretty trimmed.  I've never had a girl who had major foliage down there.
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Post at 10-4-2012 23:30  Profile P.M. 
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great info! thank you very much!
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Post at 14-4-2012 09:59  Profile P.M. 
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incredibly useful! i feel like going now that i've read this! cheers guys
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Post at 14-4-2012 21:19  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks TwiceAweek, a sticky!!! - just trying to make it easy and less scary for everybody
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Post at 15-4-2012 13:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 perv's post

Great post with great info thanks!
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Post at 19-4-2012 03:00  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by furryfriend at 10-4-2012 15:15

Wow, you're located close to the 141 playground in Yuen Long.  A quick 5 minute taxi ride will get you there.

The clusters in Yuen Long are located near where Castle Peak Road crosses the river.  I ...

I can say there are still alot of WGS in Yuen Long but most are in their late 20s to mid 30s and the quality both in looks and service does vary alot, its pretty much random I'd say for a good session. But WGs like Kitty sublime pleasures

Furry is totally right, if you got the time try venturing out. Which is what I have planned for this October
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Post at 19-4-2012 09:00  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by furryfriend at 10-4-2012 15:08
For the other areas, probably 60-70%...

I disagree

Never been refused in any area, and yes I have roamed

Maybe presentation and style matter more than colour of skin??

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 19-4-2012 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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My tips for walk up

Been using this site for years trying everything outcall walk in walk up. But never knew or used the forum til now. Walk up can be intimidating at first. The bldg seem kindacreepy like you don't know if you are gonna get mugged or what but these have been some of the best i've ever had. And as was mentioned there are tons of other guys there too. For me I stick out like a sore thumb because I'm the only white guy in the joint. But just be pollite and if you are not choosing the girl you rang the bell for then get out of the way cus the halls are cramped and usually someone else wants to see. You can try to negotiate the price at the door this is how you get the best price once you're in you're in but I choose not to because you get what you pay for. I rather pay the10 extra bucks and have a good time then have a dead fish staring at the clock trying to get me off ASAP.

For walk ups my biggest tip is this if you see a hottie get in there don't think twice. Don't think that you'll find someone hotter or cheaper.  Cause by the time you do two or three more floors and decide to go back if you can even find the same room someone else is in there and you just wasted 30 min.

Also remember which bells you rang these girls get rejected 50 times an hour what sucks more than that is getting rejected by the same guy over and over because he forgot which door he went to.

Any tips on raising my reading access faster I leave to HK next week and I want to use this forum to the fullest before I get there
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Post at 20-4-2012 02:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #157 Joemama1181's post

You probably wont be able to raise your RA in such a short time but the fastest way is to write up reports on the Newbie section (include pics as they will give you more attention and Ks). Good luck.
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Post at 23-4-2012 21:42  Profile P.M. 
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hi all. im a newb here but i have plenty of experience in other parts of the world. the information on this site is excellent. its great that really knowledgable people are giving this imformation to others. its a great help. i have been to HK a few times since i came to live in shenzhen and its awesome. i havent yet tried a walk up as i have been having far too much fun with the freebees available in this great city. however, i will be tring some walkups soon and this site has provided some great info on who to go for! cheers guys ;). i will let you all know how i get on!
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Post at 26-4-2012 11:05  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Joemama1181 at 19-4-2012 10:49 PM
Also remember which bells you rang these girls get rejected 50 times an hour what sucks more than that is getting rejected by the same guy over and over because he forgot which door he went to..

One time, a girl got very angry and used profanity when I rang her doorbell again.  These doors look alike so I didn't know.

But rude people like her are rare.  If you rang again, just apologize and they usually won't get mad.  I'm sure they get it all the time.

Another thing that seems to irk a few of the girls is if you ask the price without intention of going in.  I used to do that to be polite.  But a few of the girls have remarked "don't ask for the price if I'm not suitable" -- probably because asking for her price would get her hopes up.   

So I've stopped asking for the price unless she's definitely doable.  If she's not suitable, you should just smile, say "si si" and walk away.

Recent Ratings
DArtagnan   27-4-2012 09:06  Karma  +2   good tip!!

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