Poll Subject: STD's and you  multiple choice : choose no more than 10 options [Show Voters]
Hepititus B
Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)
Jock Itch
Herpes simplex
Pubic lice
Chlamydia trachomatis
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Subject: STD's and you
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Post at 12-10-2011 20:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by haroldla at 16-8-2010 17:34

i am not too sure is it right. I think use condom can help you to prevent AIDs but not other STDs like genital warts or herpes. i heard some ppl said that they got genital warts or herpes because th ...

I got herpes from a WG in Amsterdam a few years ago, despite using a condom.  Apparently the juices flowed down to base of my bro and that's where I get it.  First episode sucked, but luckily was between wife #1 and wife #2...

Wondering if anyone ever got syphilis or gonnorhea same way while covered - that would be very difficult to explain to wife #2...
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Post at 27-5-2012 23:34  Profile P.M. 
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Currently 10 people (1.7%) with aids? Meanwhile only 17 (2.9%) with crabs? Something tells me there's a lot of false positive HIV entries, or this board, and by extension perhaps WGs, strongly attract a higher number of people with HIV. The possibility scares me that folks with HIV might be fucking WGs because they need a release but feel bad about getting a gf and giving it to her.
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Post at 6-6-2012 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SFMonger's post

I selected none, even though twice in my life I have had jock itch.  As neither occurence was in close proximity to visiting a provider.  I didn't even know it was frequently a communicable disease.

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DArtagnan   15-7-2015 17:56  Acceptance  +1   Me too, I had jock itch several times before puberty ... definitely not STD even if it can be
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Post at 29-6-2012 13:21  Profile P.M. 
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It's a taboo question. But the usual suspects would be gon, clam.
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Post at 1-5-2014 08:36  Profile P.M. 
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I did catch crabs once, but don't know if it was from a WG or 3 random hippy girls that were pulled at a music festival/camping party.
Looking at the poll though, HIV is more prevalent than Syphilis??? Don't know about that...
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Post at 12-5-2015 00:56  Profile P.M. 
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It's hard to imagine one to get HIV.  Man, that is scary.  Good luck c-hing.  Safe punting ahead.
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Post at 1-2-2016 10:30  Profile P.M. 
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Guys don't be silly, some ppl are answering HIV just for laughs. Are there some who truly got HIV from WGs? Yes prly, but not this statistically high of an amount, compared to the other STDs listed it's just not possible.

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