Subject: Unbelievable STD Facts from Medhelp
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Post at 27-4-2012 20:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #120 nutwing's post

Neo health gives out higher end stuff as compared to the free Hong Kong health clinics

Curious if they gave you Flovid 200 (Oflocaxin 200mg)

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Post at 28-4-2012 13:15  Profile P.M. 
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i had similar to nutwing symptoms and it was yeast infection (candidiasis) which is thrush
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Post at 30-4-2012 11:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #122 reggid's post

So for a yeast infection you had burning while pissing and drip?
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Post at 5-5-2012 08:48  Profile P.M. 
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Ok that is just too much to remember
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Post at 9-5-2012 11:58  Profile P.M. 
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Good info. What sucks most about hiv is the worry it causes - a three freeking month window period just for testing.
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Post at 14-5-2012 17:23  Profile P.M. 
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Statistic chances

I it is good to see so many interesting views on the topic.

I believe the question is: Are you going to have sex with the average WG or not?

If  the punter is offered to do it unprotected and he accepts then 2 two things can likely to be assumed.
The punter is doing it whenever offered and the WG is doing it with every other punter too.

Therefore the WG is a high risk candidate for HIV having sex with multiple high risk candidate punters. Why those punters too? Because those punters who accept it with one WG, will accept it with a lot more. So it is like HIV high potential meets HIV high potential.

You cannot assume that if you ( yes you the guy who is reading this right now) can get away with just one time unprotected whatever.

Also the statistic numbers are a general average.  The chance to win the Mark 6 lottery is one in 13.983.816.
Does that mean nobody would play? The opposite is the truth. People think there is a chance with a little bit of luck to get the money. and a lot of people win every week.
And the same is true for HIV infections in HK. They happen every week.

So for a chance of one in 10.000, you really think the chances are small?
You could be exactly the one in 10.000. All it says is that if you do it 10.000 times your chances are 100%.  You could easily hit the jackpot with you very first and only punt of your life, hit the jackpot and get HIV.
We love to see us always as individual and tend to not think how many WG are servicing their customers right at the same time where we do our little punt. The numbers are staggering. If you would take all the cum that is on a single say with the girls in the DB here, then I am sure it is enough to drown a dwarf.

Professional WGs are tested regularly. But I believe it is accurate to say that you cannot assume that our sexy friends from the mainland are so professional.  

A WG who is offering unprotected services should get a nice tip for trying and a friendly good bye from you.

Also there is a reason why HIV infected people ask their non infected partners to use a dental dam for any kind of pleasure DATO or DATY.

Whatever you do with your WG use your brain to think and your mouth to talk only.
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Post at 23-5-2012 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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Some facts

Over 60% of people infected with stds NEVER have any symptoms at all but still can spread the diseases to everyone they have sexual contact with.

People can have HERPES and never know it and then 10 years later have a sudden outbreak!!

You CAN catch herpes, genital warts, chlamydia, gonorrhea,  syphilis etc  WHILE using a condom!

All these are also spread orally!! Girls who do bbbj with lots of men most likely have something and will pass it to you.

Hiv can be spread if she has even the tiniest cut  or sore on her lips or inside her mouth.

Please read reviews and research a girl before you see her!

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SEAJ   23-5-2012 18:18  Acceptance  +1   U got data/reference to back these up as "fact?" Pls link/Tks!

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Post at 24-5-2012 05:10  Profile P.M. 
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You say BBBJ can spread a lot of diseases... but what? Give examples. Cause from what I know... if she's not bleeding from her mouth and everything is okay... the worst that can really happen is herpes.
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Post at 29-5-2012 22:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #128 nooblier's post

problem is how do you know if she is or isnt...
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Post at 31-5-2012 11:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by nooblier at 24-5-2012 05:10

You say BBBJ can spread a lot of diseases... but what? Give examples. Cause from what I know... if she's not bleeding from her mouth and everything is okay... the worst that can really ha ...

Your best source of info is "MedHelp".  Just google it.

There are specialist STD doctors on there who basically argue that BBJ's are very low risk.

But people still seem to contract STDs via BBJ's, so the nasty can still happen.
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Post at 24-6-2012 22:22  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by dogthom at 31-5-2012 11:35

Your best source of info is "MedHelp".  Just google it.

There are specialist STD doctors on there who basically argue that BBJ's are very low risk.

But people still seem to contract STD ...

Well... does a mouth-wash help killing the "std" stuff inside a mouth?

When I visit WGs, I see them doing mouth-washes during the shower scene and that usually puts me at ease.
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Post at 14-7-2012 08:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #128 nooblier's post

You can catch all. I'm a case in point. 6 weeks treatment after 3 BBBJ is Thailand. Don't be a noob!

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ICIM   13-8-2012 05:40  Acceptance  +1   Wow 6 weeks treatment. What did you catch and what was the treatment?
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Post at 14-7-2012 08:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #131 asurada00's post

Bacteria and Viruses are robust creatures. They are also very sensitive to their environment. Many can survive in dark, damp, warm places, but die pretty quickly when exposed to a dry surface, air, UV light etc. Mouth wash would be fine to reduce the number of bacterial, but even "listerine" the strongest stuff out there only kill 99.99% of bacteria in the mouth. It's that .1% that come back stronger the next time, and stronger again the 3rd time, till they are resistant.  Anyways, think about it, if mouthwash worked, we'd never have to brush our teeth agian .

In short, mouthwash is not a cure for oral STDs. Don't assume it helps. It only prevents cum breath with the girl, and gets rid of our nasty taste from their mouth.
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Post at 15-8-2012 04:07  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by zizinzler at 23-5-2012 15:25
Some facts

Over 60% of people infected with stds NEVER have any symptoms at all but still can spread the diseases to everyone they have sexual contact with.

People can have HERPES and never know it  ...

that sounds like a lot of bro science.

as for reading reviews on her?

how will that determine is she has something?
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Post at 5-11-2012 00:34  Profile P.M. 
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Where does these number come from and how reliable are they? Thats what i want to know.
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Post at 27-11-2012 13:52  Profile P.M. 
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To assume that only  CSW 1/1000 has HIV is silly at best.  In the United States there are over 1million people with HIV . That's one out of 300 .  According to the Harvard Aids Review 15% of Thai CSW are HIV positive.  Various sources report the percent of Chinese CSW to be anywhere between 6 and 25 percent that are HIV +.   Depending on province. Globally heterosexual sex is responsible for the highest number of new cases.
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Post at 27-11-2012 17:07  Profile P.M. 
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To assume that only  CSW 1/1000 has HIV is silly at best.  In the United States there are over 1million people with HIV . That's one out of 300 .  According to the Harvard Aids Review 15% of Thai CSW are HIV positive.  Various sources report the percent of Chinese CSW to be anywhere between 6 and 25 percent that are HIV +.   Depending on province. Globally heterosexual sex is responsible for the highest number of new cases.
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Post at 10-12-2012 00:11  Profile P.M. 
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Just a query

Does anyone one here been infected by HIV by BBBJ?

Or bareback vaginal course... Bi sexual no need to respond..

Why need KY if saliva is so natural and provides anti HIV coating
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Post at 30-12-2012 06:15  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for fyi for a newbie stsrting out
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Post at 4-1-2013 09:54  Profile P.M. 
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Holy crap - HIV can be transmitted through unprotected oral sex? I had no idea. I guess I will stop getting BBBJ from now on. Good thing the chance of getting one is 1/10000 (assuming everyone of them has AIDS).

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