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Post at 17-8-2010 17:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by markreyes at 17-8-2010 16:00
I've actually taken a Rio girl to the Wynn (about 10pm) and ended up buying her a Tiffany bracelet for about 14,000 HKD.

I didn't really mean to, but we were there for Starbucks and starting walking  ...

You make a number of points I totally agree with Mark. Especially this... The mere fact we punt doesn't mean it is the only way we can get sex. You have an SO, so do I, so do many Bros here. And I enjoy the sex with my SO, no problem. However there are things I can do with a WG that I enjoy, plus who doesn't like a little variety at the buffet table? WG's are uncomplicated fun.

We do what we can for a WG we are with, we do what we want to do for the WG we are with, because a happy, smitten working girl who thinks she's half a chance to get more goodies (in my case drinks and dinner) is in my experience a much better f*ck. One could mount a strong argument that a Bro who feels he doesn't have to offer some sort of additional coercement is fooling himself into thinking the girl actually wants to f*ck him for free... who's kidding who then?

One the other hand, I agree with hunter's point that the expectations of a PRC girl are vastly different to those of local somewhat educated HK WG and so different circumstances means different requirements.

Reading through old HG reports, Bros have gifted WG's with pizza, KFC, chocolates and even electronics. In additiona to gifts there is also the discussion about how well WG's are treated. Why not treat them nice?

Some Bros have an attitude of "f*ck 'em and piss 'em off". Each to his own, however an observation from someone who has f*cked a lot of WG's, especially WG's I have found in bars, to Bros who practice the "f*ck 'em and piss 'em off" theory.

(1) I get much better service than you do.
(2) If we were at a bar and we both wanted the girl, she would pick me every time.

ONLY because, all other things being equal, who wouldn't rather be treated nice?

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 17-8-2010 17:30 ]

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conqueror77   21-8-2010 07:17  Acceptance  +2   good stuff here ;)
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Post at 17-8-2010 18:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #89 DArtagnan's post

mate just go to the mainland and go to MF KTV and treat all those 1,000 gals like your special GF
after u go there and back then give us your updated opinion pal

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hunter   18-8-2010 10:03  Acceptance  -5   Dude, no swan lake shit pls.
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Post at 17-8-2010 20:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #122 jiebon's post

That sounds like a pretty disrespectful reply,
We're having a discussion here and there's
absolutely no need to to use the tone you're using !!!

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CunningLinguist   18-8-2010 00:23  Acceptance  +1   Yep, bon is not helping!
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Post at 17-8-2010 21:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #123 twiceAweek's post

It's OK - I have a thick skin!  

Nothing in his post I would get offended by ... he's completely off topic, and he's not telling anyone the right or wrong way to treat girls.  His opinion of me is fine by me.

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Mister   17-8-2010 23:39  Acceptance  +2   Useful to have thick skin!

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Post at 18-8-2010 03:51  Profile P.M. 
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Their expectations adjust according to the average standard of living.

Some PRC girls are impossible to please as they get 10,000/night from some high rollers, and some Hong Kong girls will stay with you for that 10,000/month (of course you may be one of many lol).

If you could provide the same proportion of benefit, that might make the situation clearer.


The wage of a young worker in some smaller city in China may make anywhere from 100 - 2500 HKDe / month, with the Hong Kong girl making perhaps 6000-10000 HKD / month.  So you are looking at a ratio of anywhere from 2 to 10 times lower expectations.

For arguments sake, let's use a ratio of 5 to 1.

So, if you spent 70 HKD on a meal in China, this probably would not get too much excitement, nor would spending 300 HKD on a meal in Hong Kong.  However, if you spent say, 300 HKD on a meal in China, that's a pretty good meal and the girl might be impressed.  Likewise, spending 1500 HKD would be pretty decent as well.

It's a little late to be eloquent about how to say this, but the short story is:

Hong Kong girls can treat you just as good as a PRC girl, you just have to do things in proportion.  And that this is not just talking about financial matters.  You have to try harder in just about every aspect as the expectations are higher.  Blame it on the cosmo nature of Hong Kong versus the previously austere regions of China.
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Post at 18-8-2010 06:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by markreyes at 18-8-2010 03:51
... you just have to do things in proportion ...

AND the things you do need not be anything to do with money.  

As long as you make her feel special, giving her other sorts of attention works just as well.  

Which is the whole point:
  there are quite obviously SOME guys out there who are trying to use money to buy affection or compensate for their inadequacy, who might do better in PRC,
  BUT the fact that someone is being very generous to a girl in HK, doesn't mean he's necessarily a showboat or fuckwit.  He may simply be playing the game of his choice.  

Apropos, in Hong Kong one of the easiest ways to get a girl's attention is to treat her differently than she's accustomed to be treated by the guys she already knows.  Being in a cultural minority is a recipe for success - not with all girls of course but with more than enough for one dick to handle.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 18-8-2010 10:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by markreyes at 17-8-2010 16:00
I've actually taken a Rio girl to the Wynn (about 10pm) and ended up buying her a Tiffany bracelet for about 14,000 HKD.

I don't mind staking a WG to a small gambling stake (say under 10,000 HKD or so) so she can play alongside me on the mass gaming floor.

OMG!!! High roller!!!

How many wifes/ mistresses do you have?

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Post at 18-8-2010 13:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by markreyes at 18-8-2010 03:51

Hong Kong girls can treat you just as good as a PRC girl, you just have to do things in proportion. And that this is not just talking about financial matters. You have to try harder in just about every aspect as the expectations are higher.

I disagree. Other than the financial aspect, expectations from HK girls are the same if not lower than Mainland chicks. As someone who focuses only on non-financial efforts, if ever I choose to make the effort, this is what I see. I would extend this observation to Vietnamese, and possibly Thai, girls too.

[ Last edited by  CunningLinguist at 18-8-2010 13:38 ]

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Post at 19-8-2010 00:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 18-8-2010 10:06

OMG!!! High roller!!!

How many wifes/ mistresses do you have?

Thats the thing.... the price of all these gifts and meals are simply relative to your salary.
Seems like some guys here make USD$200K+ and some guys less than $50K

So if you're above-average rich, and you spend HKD600+ on a lunch usually, then buying a HKD14K watch or bracelet is not considered a huge gesture.

Whereas to a guy who makes the average HK salary, that HKD14K is no joke at all. He'd better be getting married to the girl!
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Post at 19-8-2010 00:57  Profile P.M. 
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“Before I learned martial arts, a punch was just a punch and a kick was just a kick. When I studied martial arts, a punch was no longer just a punch and a kick was no longer just a kick. Now I understand martial arts, and a punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick.” -Bruce Lee

To those that have never punted, a wg is just a warm place to put it. An easy fuck with a hot chick. Plain and simple. Instead of wasting tons of money, time or effort chasing civilians, the wg is the perfect outlet for frustration.

After a few trips around the block the mongering becomes more than just fucking. This forum is the perfect example. As much as most of the bros enjoy actually going out there and banging these various girls, I'm sure a lot of them have a lot more fun writing about it. Personally mongering has always been a group activity, while the sex itself varies from mundane to spectacular, a big part of the fun comes from swapping stories about it afterward.

It's at this stage that a lot of bros go off the deep end when it comes to spoiling wgs. When anyone with $800 hkd can bang the girl that's giving you a bbj your ego cries out for something to set you apart from the rest of the punters. You want the wg to WANT you more. Everyone is a customer, but you can be "different." You want to be the one that makes her cum for "real" or the one that she's extra happy to dfk. This sets you apart from the average punter. Everyone wants to feel special from time to time, it's only natural, especially when you're dealing with sex for cash.

GFE is what distinguishes the average wg from a really dangerous professional. Every now and then you come across one of these high level assassins who know how to expertly apply GFE, not just the fake cutesy cuddling type, but the kind that busts your chops a little, and just really knows how to work it. I've fallen prey to one of these before and it is one hell of a roller coaster ride.

But after years of mongering when you've done the 3Ps and the 4Ps. After you've tried the sex swings and seen dancing line ups, fashion show orgies,etc. etc. you realize that for all intents and purposes you will be just another customer and she will be just another wg. It's just business. That doesn't mean you have to deliberately mistreat them, and it doesn't mean that you can't splurge on one that you have chemistry with in order to enhance the GFE. But at the end of the session you can go on with your day without sweating it.  

Sorry for the long rant. My official stance: sometimes you feel like having McDonald's in your car and sometimes you'd prefer an 8 course meal at Per Se.

A wise sage said it best:

"The problem is, you dudes treat the one that you lovin' /
with the same respect that you treat the one that you fuckin'"

Was that from the Tao Te Ching?

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conqueror77   21-8-2010 07:36  Acceptance  +2   Favorable
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DArtagnan   19-8-2010 07:00  Karma  +2   Sweet!
hunter   19-8-2010 01:17  Karma  +3   well said!!! just lovely!! finally
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Post at 19-8-2010 01:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #130 12uronin's post

1st, I still cant crack the meaning of that Bruce lee kicking and punching....sounds awesome though.

That;s a really nice way to put it. Finally we have someone talking more sense on WG vs Wifey/GF and Fantasy vs Reality.

We can spend lots of $$$ on WG but in the end we are still punter.
WG would not think of punter as special. We still pay for sex with her.
Thw weight is always heavier on our better half, we should definitely treat our wife/gf better.

Your last para, excellent!!!
"The problem is, you dudes treat the one that you lovin' /
with the same respect that you treat the one that you fuckin'"

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Post at 19-8-2010 02:46  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by 12uronin at 19-8-2010 00:57

After a few trips around the block the mongering becomes more than just fucking. This forum is the perfect example. As much as most of the bros enjoy actually going out there and banging these various girls, I'm sure a lot of them have a lot more fun writing about it. Personally mongering has always been a group activity, while the sex itself varies from mundane to spectacular, a big part of the fun comes from swapping stories about it afterward.

It's at this stage that a lot of bros go off the deep end when it comes to spoiling wgs. When anyone with $800 hkd can bang the girl that's giving you a bbj your ego cries out for something to set you apart from the rest of the punters. You want the wg to WANT you more. Everyone is a customer, but you can be "different." You want to be the one that makes her cum for "real" or the one that she's extra happy to dfk. This sets you apart from the average punter. Everyone wants to feel special from time to time, it's only natural, especially when you're dealing with sex for cash.

Exactly, and what I was alluding to at the end of post #58.

Good post, dude!

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Post at 19-8-2010 21:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #128 CunningLinguist's post

I guess in my experiences that Hong Kong girls are harder to please in every aspect.  If they are only out for your money, then they don't like you anyways so eveyrthing else you do that is non-financial is useless.  However, if you are trying to date a civvie girl seriously, I find that Hong Kong girls demand more of your time, and they want you do all sort of silly things ie. kissing sounds via phone etc which I find retarded.  Mainland girls in my experience are much more practical and accept your comings and goings a little easier.

Hunter, I'm not married, and no mistresses.  I do have a girlfriend, but more casual than serious.  I'm concentrating more on my career and projects at the moment, and my one experience with a serious girlfriend in Macau pissed me off lol.

I wouldn't consider myself a high-roller, but I don't make minimum wage either.  I don't have many wants, so splashing out a little on vacation and destressing is my vice.
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Post at 19-8-2010 21:12  Profile P.M. 
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each bloke in our club (shorts & sandals) shall bring this magic carpet along to RG

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Post at 19-8-2010 21:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #134 jiebon's post

Is that AUD50 x 1000 Carpet!!???

You flying over here with that mcuh of cash?

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Post at 20-8-2010 07:13  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 18-8-2010 06:59

Apropos, in Hong Kong one of the easiest ways to get a girl's attention is to treat her differently than she's accustomed to be treated by the guys she already knows.  Being in a cultural minority is a recipe for success - not with all girls of course but with more than enough for one dick to handle..


This is and always will be my contention. Most of the girls here do not really know how to deal with the "we will be having sex very soon" attitude of the average expat. Through in a bit of booze, joking and laughing, flattery, touching or legs etcs and pretty soon they realise they are in a different place and sense that "chatting for 8 hours in exchange for  a kiss" is not the deal here, and an expat won't accept that.Put out or go away because, lets face it, I can't truthfully tell why a girl I say is 9/10 is not in local standards, and often the 9/10 + in local standards are not MCOT (although I'd still bang them) so in effect there are a lot of other chicks about. Loads of them.

Back to point of thread though - Mr Reyas? 15k? your weldcome to take my wife shopping any time you like as long as you go to Bose shop.

There is no harm in spoiling and treating WGs like princesses. In fact, most of the ones who do get spoilt and treated are very nice girls hence the guys wanting to do so. Maybe it is this reason that the bros here do this - because the girl is nice, and it matters not to them that her life environment has brought her to whoring herself.

However - they are here to make money. plain and simple. the locals girl hookers might be different, but the PRC girls need cash and one would think that most extravagant gifts get converted into cash very quickly. In fact I bet the agents themselves tell them they will buy the shit off them After all, can't quite see how a little tiny girl would traipse back to Hainan with 7 laptops, 4 cameras, 3 iphones and a bag full of tiffany gems. She might like the attention and the sentiment, but I would hazard a guess that shed prefer to have 15k cash in her hand than anything else.

So - here's a challenge to the fluffy guys who romance the WGs beyond giving the girl a cursory lick on the twat. Next time you are going to buy your special girl a special present, ask her straight out "I'm going to get you a present - like a laptop" What would you prefer -to come with me and I buy it for you or I give you 6k and you buy it yourself?"

Two points - no bro will do this because 99% of the time, they will know the answer to the question and it removes all the sentiment from their grand display. Secondly - no bro will do this because giving them 6k for a 700 buck session will make them think twice about it.

Personally - I love fucking WGs but I wish each one did not have to do it. I was very upset recently when one of my regular girls showed me the finger tip bruises on her flawless legs when some bro had grabbed her really hard whilst fucking her - yes I have a heart. They need the cash though so instead of presents and gifts, give them hard currency and let them decide because it may, just may, mean there is one less "hard grabbing" fucker she has to service and surely that is the best result.

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12uronin   22-8-2010 11:36  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
conqueror77   21-8-2010 07:48  Acceptance  +2   Favorable
DArtagnan   20-8-2010 11:58  Karma  +2   Eloquent - many very good points!

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Post at 20-8-2010 11:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by jiebon at 19-8-2010 21:12
each bloke in our club (shorts & sandals) shall bring this magic carpet along to RG

WOW!!!! OMG, this is best pic i have even seen dude. i think all WGs will want you after you show them this amount of money - AUD50 each notes!!!! It is a lot of money already in the pic.
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Post at 20-8-2010 12:11  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by akka at 20-8-2010 07:13
... pretty soon they realise they are in a different place and sense that "chatting for 8 hours in exchange for  a kiss" is not the deal here ...

it's been my experience that those that have a sex drive of their own actually like to make the shift over to the "different place" - there's a population of local girls that actively look for western guys precisely because they also are bored by the arms-length sort of respect that's expected in polite society, and prefer the "we know why we're both here" sort of respect they get in private from an experienced guy.  Once tasted they can't go back.  I'm trying to recall, but my impression is very few girls I know actually date both Western and Chinese guys, the majority seem to be choosing one way or the other.  

PS love your "would you like to buy it together or would you like to buy it yourself?" suggestion.  Works especially well in civvie-street, where a girl who goes into fits of rage at the mere thought of a guy buying a girl's affection has NO hesitation asking for an i-pad / i-phone / trip overseas / etc to mark her special anniversaries.  This observation shows just how brilliant the marketing team of LV are ... I had no idea LV give a 95% refund ... that is SUCH a smart piece of marketing, effectively acting as a banker to transfer wealth from guys to girls ... taking a commission like a high-street Pay-Pal!!

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Post at 20-8-2010 12:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 20-8-2010 12:11 PM

it's been my experience that those that have a sex drive of their own actually like to make the shift over to the "different place" - there's a population of local girls that actively look for western guys precisely because they also are bored by the arms-length sort of respect that's expected in polite society, and prefer the "we know why we're both here" sort of respect they get in private from an experienced guy.  Once tasted they can't go back.  I'm trying to recall, but my impression is very few girls I know actually date both Western and Chinese guys, the majority seem to be choosing one way or the other.

You've never seen a Chinese guy act like they're on shore leave?
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Post at 20-8-2010 14:37  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 20-8-2010 12:30
You've never seen a Chinese guy act like they're on shore leave?


no ... I haven't ... another piece missing from my education??  

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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