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Post at 17-8-2010 12:05  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 10:31
I've been reading some of these reviews, especially in the HK section, and I see a tendency of some of you guys to treat these gals (especially HGs) extremely well.  My question is, why?  I find it very interesting why these gals are treated so well.  Is it because:

a) they make you feel like a million bucks;
b) compensatory behavior (for whatever reason);
c) post-coitus intimacy;
d) you want them to remember you;

If I left any out, please offer your opinion.  After a couple responses, I will opine on this.

I believe the Beth's initial comments suggest he is talking about how Bros treat HG's in Hong Kong based on the reading of reports. Not China. It's fair to say you could impress a PRC based girl more with less than you could a girl who has been based in HKG for some time.

However, fact remains there is never any need to treat anyone like shit.

Some Bros like to slip their dick in, pump away, cum and leave. Each to his own. I personally prefer the look of absolute desire on a WG's face,one that is so thankful I am allowing her to put my dick in her mouth. Not because I think it's real, just because it turns me on. It's like porn only better because I'm in it!

Prior to the act, I enjoy the WG's company over drinks and perhaps nibbles at a bar. Often the bar in which we met. This is not as simple as me trying to "buy" her performance, it's an audition so I can see if she has any annoying habits or not. A couple of times I have not gone fwd with the sex based on that but I dont mind being polite and buying a few drinks to find out (and I dont mean Wan Chai priced drinks).

a few WG's I have become friendly with. A couple of Koreans and several Mongolians. We have gotten to know eachother well and I actually enjoy spending time with them. A couple in particular do my nuts in!

I think the key here though is I do NOT live in HK so often I am travelling and I like some company. I can imagine a Bro who is based in HK or China would find the company part less interesting than I do. That is fair enough.

Interesting topic.
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #100 bethpageblack's post

Better for the HK customers but worse for the HK WGs.
PRC WGs, they can fuck better, can act more lustly and hornier than local WGs.
Guys like that......we dont want no cocky bitch for paid sex.

Over the years, the local WGs fade away and got back to the shore (上左岸).....

Seeking a hot local HK WG is not that easy now, but you still can find 1 or 2 old timer in MK brothels.

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Post at 17-8-2010 12:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #100 bethpageblack's post

yes and no ... certainly PRC girls in HK gives us a lot more choice but its at the expense of
local girls. The other good thing about PRC girls is they've brought the prices down to a manageable
level of sustained punting (well for me at least) !  

now because of the low prices there are a lot less (almost non existant) local girls ...
but of course its economics again, if you want a hot local girl you will need to find
special agents and the going rate is 5K or more !
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #103 twiceAweek's post

That;s why the enjoi kosai was introduced yrs back....going rate 1,000 (ugly) to 2,500.
Tough to find good looking local WGs now......

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Post at 17-8-2010 12:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #104 hunter's post

you need the right contacts for good looking local girls ... but going rate is now 5K
up from 4K 1 year ago.

the CC girls you're talking about are part timers and like you said lower quality !
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #101 TonyToro's post

Tony, I'm not sure if beth's talking about HK or China or Wgs in general ...

beth can you elaborate ?
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #103 twiceAweek's post

I gotta pass on the local street meat.  I actually find the PRC gals a lot more fun.

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hunter   17-8-2010 12:25  Acceptance  +1   u r sucka for prc chicks!! lol
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #106 twiceAweek's post

I'm talking about HGs in HK vis a vis WGs in China.  Basically comparing apples to apples, or apples all shined up with wax vs. apples all natural with and without worms.

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hunter   17-8-2010 14:44  Karma  +1   wax and worm...good terms.
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #107 bethpageblack's post

Everything depends on the chemistry developed between you and the girl ...
for someone like me who can understand but cannot speak mando it will take
a lot longer to develop this chemistry ... and time means more visits and more money.

But I agree with you and Hunt - in general ... PRC girls can be a lot more fun then local girls

oh BTW ... I think you guys would know from my past writing that I'm the type of guy that
goes for chemistry and not a one time bang !

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 17-8-2010 12:34 ]

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hunter   17-8-2010 12:45  Acceptance  +2   U love the GFE chemistry !!
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #109 twiceAweek's post

Your mindset might change if you visited more often!  But hard to teach an old dog new tricks.  I'm sure whatever it is you have going on now is good.
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Post at 17-8-2010 12:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #110 bethpageblack's post

If only I have more time ... that's why I hardly go to Macau and China to punt

but its not about learning new tricks when something like partying in a KTV room with 20 girls
and 10 guys just doesn't appeal to me. But as always ... as with anyone ... if my circumstances
are such that I'm living within that enviroment day in day out, then of course my mind set
could change !
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Post at 17-8-2010 13:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #110 bethpageblack's post

beth, one thing I need to qualify ... with all that I've said ... I've never done a HG in HK !
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Post at 17-8-2010 13:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #112 twiceAweek's post

I like KTV because I really enjoy the booze.  But that's another story.  The camaraderie of a bunch of guys, with one or two or three gals each, and everyone drinking, playing games, making out, or whatnot, it's fun.  Definitely takes the stress off.

As for you not doing a HG, we should impeach you!  Or, alternatively, get a fund going - 800 plus 5000 in gift money.
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Post at 17-8-2010 13:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #113 bethpageblack's post

I'm guessing it all depends on the bros in the group ... there will be comaraderie but
I'm also sure there are lots of problems that being in a big group brings !
I think its the boozing that takes the stress off more !!!  

hmmm ... interesting !  I like the part about the gift !!!  

need to qualify what I said better ... I've never done a HG before but I've had plenty of experiences
with HG type girls in HK but not working in HK.
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Post at 17-8-2010 13:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #113 bethpageblack's post

I aint gonna donate $1 to Twice for his first HG experience.

I rather spend $5000 on a lappie and give to a HG then giving it to!!!!

I just believe Twice is those kind to faithful mongerer, stick to his regulars good passionate and lustful sex...GFE & chemistry.
I believe he would kick the HG gal ass out the room if there is no chemistry.....twice is badass, worse of all punter. That;s why you dont see him reporting much, all his experinces must be disturbing....

Twice, we should meet up soon for a KTV session. Fun and cost effective...

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Post at 17-8-2010 13:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #114 twiceAweek's post

I was referring to gift money as being for the HG of course, not for you!  Even though it's "unnecessary."

Well, of course sometimes there are probs going in a big group - you just have to weed the bad punters from the good ones.  But you just can't tell unless you hang out with them first.  If it doesn't work out, just don't invite them next time.
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Post at 17-8-2010 15:03  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 17-8-2010 13:58
Well, of course sometimes there are probs going in a big group - you just have to weed the bad punters from the good ones.  But you just can't tell unless you hang out with them first.  If it doesn't work out, just don't invite them next time.

Hunter made a good post about the pros and cons of mongering in groups. Worth a read when weighing up the pros (pun) and cons.

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 17-8-2010 15:08 ]
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Post at 17-8-2010 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #117 TonyToro's post


Bethpageblack and I are partners in crime, both in WG mongering and Civi gals hunting. We are the OGs!! (use to be, until he fucking retired)
We colloborated that thread.
He can memorise it by heart!!!

Beth was a witness for incidents 1 - 16.

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Post at 17-8-2010 16:00  Profile P.M. 
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I've actually taken a Rio girl to the Wynn (about 10pm) and ended up buying her a Tiffany bracelet for about 14,000 HKD.

I didn't really mean to, but we were there for Starbucks and starting walking around, and before you know it, I was in the store purchasing her this item.  She didn't really ask for it, nor was I trying to show off to her.  It was simply one of those in the moment things where you're both walking around, I look at something, ask her what she thinks, she tries it on, and I ask her if she wants it, a little talk ensues, and before you know it, little Tiffany box!

I'm also not above taking a WG to The Eight, Robuchon, or Inagiku for dinner and spending 2000-5000 HKD for a single meal.  

I don't mind staking a WG to a small gambling stake (say under 10,000 HKD or so) so she can play alongside me on the mass gaming floor.


To clarify, I do these things because I want to do them.  I want to walk about and shop a bit, since I never have the time when I'm preoccupied with work.  I want to walk around and drink some Starbucks.  I want to actually have a nice dinner in a 3 star resto instead of eating fried noodles in some sidewalk cafe.  I want to watch some girl laugh and gamble, and pray to her gods as she flips over those cards.

I'm not trying to impress her, as it's 50/50 whether I'll even bother to see her again.  I'm not compensating, since I'm pretty comfortable with my life, and girlfriend, well, one girlfriend is trouble enough without looking for more.

I do these things simply because I'm on vacation or trying to destress, and the money involved will not gut me.

I'm no Stanley Ho, but I am relatively comfortable, and the money I spend is money I earned.

Why not a civvie girl?  Well, the answer to that is simple.  I've been there and done that.  And frankly speaking, having a civvie girlfriend in Macau is like having your balls cut off.

In Macau, I like to be able to wake up when I like, play poker whenever and however long I like, and fuck girls with impunity.  There is nothing more disheartening than being at the top of the world, sitting pretty at the Wynn poker tables, with 300,000 HKD in winnings in front of you, than to hear the words .. "Can we go have dinner?  I'm starving ......... <whine whine>".

From immortal to henpecked bitch, in one sentence or less.

Of course, there is also the problem of dodging her friends when you go to the 18 or Rio, and good luck on explaining your excursions into China.  I've gone a few times on business, and wow, was it bad.  She automatically, and rightly so, imagined non-stop mongering on those trips. Peck peck peck, lost a little more dignity there.

So another reason why guys do this is simple.  I'm there to have fun.

I'm not inclined to go down to her standard of living while I'm on vacation, so the logical explanation is that you'll have to elevate hers (temporarily at least) to yours for the time you're together.  If that means treating her to expensive restaurants, buying her a few gifts, etc, then thats just the way we have to roll.

Do it for yourself!

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conqueror77   21-8-2010 07:13  Acceptance  +3   lucky rich bastard !!! I like how U roll
TonyToro   17-8-2010 17:07  Karma  +3   WG's because less complications...
DArtagnan   17-8-2010 16:59  Acceptance  +5   Nice one!
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Post at 17-8-2010 17:02  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 17-8-2010 15:13

Bethpageblack and I are partners in crime, both in WG mongering and Civi gals hunting. We are the OGs!! (use to be, until he fucking retired)
We colloborated that thread.
He can memorise it by h ...

as long as he wasn't the cause of 1 - 16 Bro LOL.

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