Originally posted by helloboi at 29-1-2010 21:03
if you always put a condom on your chances of catching something is really small. I have tons of friends who go regularly and none of them have ever caught anything yet.
imo, i think these are shoul ...
i am not too sure is it right. I think use condom can help you to prevent AIDs but not other STDs like genital warts or herpes. i heard some ppl said that they got genital warts or herpes because the gal's body fluid flows to the bottom of their cocks, which is unprotected by condom and some still got infected even though they used condom, so this is why i also want to know how we can protect ourself while we can still have fun with WGs. It is not that easy to kill genital warts and herps completely - once your health system got weaken, they will show up again and it would pass to all the women who have sex with you and infected to the baby, so it is dangerous.
but i have to say as a man, i still go out to visit WGs..... but please let me know what you guys do to prevent get STDs - there is no condom pants available....