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Post at 17-3-2013 11:44  Profile P.M. 
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I'm Not a fan of the big tattoos or body art even if the artwork itself is outstanding. Small ones I actually can find intriguing and sexy sometimes. I have a lot of respect for the raw artistry of a woman's body, even if it has aged a little, fattened up a tad or suffered a pregnancy. That is what happens to even the most beautiful sometimes. Of course, I, like most do have trouble with the grotesque.  Go ahead and find a nice tattoo but my personal opinion is to give a lot of thought to the large canvas work.

What not to do!

More here: ... os-of-all-time-do-n

[ Last edited by  dooper at 17-3-2013 12:00 ]

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inbkk   17-3-2013 13:27  Acceptance  +2   nice link!
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Post at 17-3-2013 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #81 dooper's post

I never thought I would say this, but I want to put my cock in homers mouth.

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homer168   19-3-2013 19:38  Acceptance  +1   No no no no!
obe   17-3-2013 15:55  Acceptance  +6   Makes two of us
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Post at 17-3-2013 14:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #82 Thai-delight's post

you've been away in the boonies for too long !
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Post at 17-3-2013 15:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #83 twiceAweek's post

I havent punted since last year, which explains my frustration.

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inbkk   18-3-2013 22:57  Acceptance  +3   Quantity doesn´t count; quality ruels!
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Post at 17-3-2013 15:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #84 Thai-delight's post

you don't remember what i told you before you left ?
pay attention man !
a rubber band work wonders !  
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Post at 17-3-2013 15:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #85 twiceAweek's post

I had better go back and read that post.
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Post at 18-3-2013 21:28  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by misspumpkin at 15-3-2013 16:46
Major events like rugby sevens or US navy ships are very busy. I’m already talking booking for the rugby sevens, but these events don’t
affect the walkups

You'll have a busy weekend!

Originally posted by misspumpkin at 15-3-2013 16:46
An interesting fact is full moons are always crazy busy. The day before, the day, and the day after are insane. There are always a few girls
hurt on these days, sometime even seriously.

Howwwwwwwllllllllll! Imagine 7s and full moon fall onto the same weekend... But seriously: Gals getting hurt - that's a


Homey also has some new questions. An easy one first:
Do you plan Candy Crush in the idle time between clients?

You yourself already come with some "decorative extras" - Tattoo (not  my cup of tea), Nipple piercing, shaved beaver. Do clients ask you to wear Lingerie or do Cosplay? I believe some fellow members on the Chinese side of the forum bring costumes and undies to the gals they visit for viewing and photo pleasure. Btw. Homey likes ladies wearing nothing but perfume and black boots.

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misspumpkin   1-4-2013 17:24  Acceptance  +1   Please see below I hope I have answered your question.
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Post at 19-3-2013 16:20  Profile P.M. 
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Wow what an interesting topic, good to have some insight from you MissP. Very clear and am looking forward on your reports on the various types of punters, spent good time with this thai girl called Gucci (sadly she left two weeks ago) discussing about other punters, its always fun!

For the tats, am a tats lover (love to have some reading while doing it ) but have too say that the whole body may be a little overkill imho. Still that wouldnt make you less sexier!

Now one simple question from my end, I see French are on the list for you. I dont mind (am not 100% french) but just wondering why (ie did you have some stupid french guy stalking you with flowers like pepe le pew? )? Just being curious I dont think I would visit you (location is not really convenient) but wonder why.

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misspumpkin   1-4-2013 17:51  Acceptance  +1   Please check below as I hope I've answers your question
bohica   19-3-2013 22:04  Acceptance  +1   Any chance Gucci coming back in the future?
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Post at 20-3-2013 16:46  Profile P.M. 
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bohica          19-3-2013 22:04          Acceptance          +1          Any chance Gucci coming back in the future?

Well just asked her, she will go to Korea for 3 months. For the locals dont get to excited she is going to a place called Tongyoung. And she just had a boobjob from what i saw in her pic they look bigger and more symetrical... Damn i wish I could squeeze those boobs.... Sorry MrsP for highjacking this topic. This is your topic, but given we are just before the 7s and Ive seen many guys with rugby shirts, you must be quite busy already!!!
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Post at 20-3-2013 18:23  Profile P.M. 
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Miss Me ?

hey "Bros sorry really busy at the Mo I will be trying to answer your questions and interact a bit more soon.

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ramont   22-3-2013 00:44  Acceptance  +8   probably a busy weekend
DArtagnan   21-3-2013 06:55  Acceptance  +1   waiting breathlessly for the next instalment!

I am the great pumpkin, and twiceAweek  is my bitch
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Post at 21-3-2013 21:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #90 misspumpkin's post

No worry baby.
Have a good time.

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Post at 22-3-2013 01:04  Profile P.M. 
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Hey MissP, thanks very much for letting us into your world just a bit; it's a very interesting read! I haven't read any other topics, only this one; but so far so good.

I was wondering; do you get to determine your own schedule and how long your holidays are? Or is it kind of like you got to report to someone about this, and have only a limited set time off for holidays?

If you get to say when you work/take off... that's BOSS, LOL.

Lastly, in regards to that ABC/Educated Overseas; I've never been rejected before... so is it just you whom rejects ABC/Educated Overseas, or do your circle of WG do the same as well?

I don't know how I look like; ABC or whatever it is, but born in HK and raised in NY. But I'm definitely not rude; much more like shy, LOL. Thankful I've never been rejected; otherwise be like   on that self esteem.
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Post at 22-3-2013 15:37  Profile P.M. 
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miss P whats your star sign if you dont mind me asking

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misspumpkin   27-3-2013 11:07  Acceptance  +1   I have answered below
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Post at 25-3-2013 08:04  Profile P.M. 
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Ok woke this morning to see this.  So what do the "BROS" think should I do it ??

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Post at 25-3-2013 08:06  Profile P.M. 
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I meant to put this In my discussion thread, can we move it ??

I am the great pumpkin, and twiceAweek  is my bitch
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Post at 25-3-2013 09:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 misspumpkin's post

I'll ask another mod to merge this into your thread later ...  

you should send him pictures of the car trunk  
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Post at 25-3-2013 10:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 twiceAweek's post

Why does he need to a girl for that? I'm sure some guy could accommodate this request at 10% discount, plus throw in a kick to the groin for free.

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gwailoplayer   27-3-2013 08:57  Acceptance  +3   Yes, I will lock him in my boot for $
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Post at 25-3-2013 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #97 Thai-delight's post

he wants to be “shaked and baked ” in the trunk so maybe a female driver would give him a better shake ...   lol
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Post at 25-3-2013 16:22  Profile P.M. 
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I do it for 500!!!!
Dont reply, sounds like a weirdo. You dont want to be the one that ends up in the trunk. Sounds too good to be true!

Edit: the double dollrs instead of dollars typo looks weird. Why would he get the currency wrong twice, we're talking of the main currency in the world here...

[ Last edited by  Frenchexpat at 25-3-2013 16:23 ]
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Post at 25-3-2013 17:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #94 misspumpkin's post

On a scale of fetishes that's got to be one of the most harmless ones


but on the face of it a naive and probably harmless weirdo

then again if he's offering HK$1k, not US$1k, that makes him a cheap (and naive and probably harmless) weirdo ... I get the impression pro-dommes charge quite a bit more for a day of their attention ...

I guess it comes down to: how much do you enjoy actualising people's fetishes??

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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