Originally posted by misspumpkin at 15-3-2013 16:46
Major events like rugby sevens or US navy ships are very busy. I’m already talking booking for the rugby sevens, but these events don’t
affect the walkups
You'll have a busy weekend!

Originally posted by misspumpkin at 15-3-2013 16:46
An interesting fact is full moons are always crazy busy. The day before, the day, and the day after are insane. There are always a few girls
hurt on these days, sometime even seriously.
Howwwwwwwllllllllll! Imagine 7s and full moon fall onto the same weekend... But seriously: Gals getting hurt - that's a

Homey also has some new questions. An easy one first:
Do you plan Candy Crush in the idle time between clients?
You yourself already come with some "decorative extras" - Tattoo (not my cup of tea), Nipple piercing, shaved beaver. Do clients ask you to wear Lingerie or do Cosplay? I believe some fellow members on the Chinese side of the forum bring costumes and undies to the gals they visit for viewing and photo pleasure. Btw. Homey likes ladies wearing nothing but perfume and black boots.