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Post at 24-6-2008 00:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #80 cantgetenough's post

Might this, maybe that. The opposite could just as well be true. In the end it's all empty speculation. My point is that you really should be careful about drawing conclusions about a whole class of people - in this case punters - from those guys you see in the halls of a few walkup bldgs.

A guy can satisfy his craving for paid sex in any number of ways. He can do walkups, pickup streetwalkers, patronize Hotel Res girls, visit brothels, use Escort services, go to Saunas, keep a mistress, pickup WGs in Wanchai bars, only screw in Macau, etc. etc. etc.

You are trying to judge the average age of the entire punting community based solely on who you see in the halls of only one of those venues - the walkup bldgs. You can't do that. Just as you can't generalize about all restaurant goers if you only observe who eats at McDonald's. If you only attended basketball games in the States, you might conclude that 40% of all sports fans are black; while if you only went to tennis matches, you would think that less than 1% of the fans are black.

Isn't that obvious?

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 25-6-2008 17:06 ]

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 1-7-2008 02:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #81 Marsupial's post

Well ok, until we see as much variety in WGs as we see restaurants and sports I'd say its reasonable to use what you see from walk ups as a snapshot of the ages of punters.  Its not like the variety of WGs varies as much as they do with restaurants and sports.  There aren't enough fatties, old girls, BDSM girls, trannies or any other speciality of WG that you can think of to be able to compare with variations of restaurants and sports.  

I'm not saying that old people wouldn't know about forums and how to use them, just that if you picked a old guy completely at random (old being 40+ and where the numbers of people start to drop off before you argue about me calling people old) then statistically it would be quite a safe assumption that the person has never used an internet forum before.  Its nothing personal, I'm not saying that the person is dumb because hes not used an internet forum before but then again I won't think hes special if he has used them before.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 1-7-2008 03:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #82 cantgetenough's post

u will be amazed how many seniors know how to use computers and internet.......

My dad is in his 60's and he knew bout this site.......he even asked me which forum name I use........my answer......I dun fcuk around......

Dad, if you are reading this........hope u dun fcuk the same gals I fcuk before......

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Post at 2-7-2008 02:53  Profile P.M. 
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It would appear from your persistence in this that either you're a very simple guy, who, in order to make sense of life, finds it necessary to reduce the complexity of the world down to simple stereotypes; or, that you are so stubborn that rather than admit being wrong, you'd risk people thinking you're dumb. Tho, I think what's involved here is a combination of the two.

WGs, in fact, come in a great variety of types, each girl being unique - but you entirely miss the point that with punting, the venue is as important as the girl herself. And you cannot rule out the possibility that many older guys never do walkups because they don't like the environment. You'd make a lousy scientist bro. You can't just arbitrarily decide that walkup-building clients represent all punters and expect people to take you seriously.

if you picked a old guy completely at random (old being 40+ .....) then statistically it would be quite a safe assumption that the person has never used an internet forum before.

No, that wouldn't be a "safe assumption" at all.The entire second paragraph in your post is just another restatement of your original position and offers nothing in the way of evidence - all you are saying is that since it's commonly thought forum users are young, then they must be young. It's empty, circular reasoning. Do you think the words "statistically it would be a safe assumption" have any persuasive value?. That's the kind of meaningless bullshit people throw around to disguise the fact that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

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Post at 2-7-2008 07:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #84 Marsupial's post

No I find that you're missing the poiint here.  You're constantly saying that I'm stereotyping people and that I think its wrong or none-existent that an over 40 would know how to use a PC or a forum but having worked in IT, I see everyday that the majority of users are under 40 and have seen people over 40 and even over 50 that work in IT support.  So no, I don't stereotype people now do I go and give 40+ people working in IT support a pat on the back, congratulating them on the battle with fighting the times.  Yes, I know use of forums isn't that complex but the majority of the most simplest of problems comes from these older users who come up with the most mundane of problems like typing in email address wrong and wondering why they couldn't send the email.  So yes, I see everyday a relationship between age and how competent people are with PCs.  No, I don't think age is a direct reason why this is the case.  So don't come back with a comment like "Oh so you think that at 40 people magically become incompetent with PCs"

You keep on coming back to me with the same lines over and over again.  It's always "stop stereotyping people", "40+ year old people can use forums too" (I'm paraphrasing here btw).

We could go on all day analysing this from every possible angle, this isn't a court case so I don't think we need to and it would just stray from the original thread subject.  End of the day the poll asked the forum users how old they are.  If you want to start a poll on whether people do walkups more often, or hotel WGs or whatever then be my guest.  I'm going to guess that walkups are the most common and on there we can debate about why this is the case (or not the case depending on how it turns out).  So, the thread poll results only show a small window on the ages of people who use the forums.  If you want to attempt to turn this into a science then you can start more polls and collect more data and then I look forward to your report on your findings but until then its not worth over-analysing everything when all we have is just one set of data and the poll results show what they show - that the majority of forum users are under 40 (over 80% since my last page refresh).  If you feel that the results are unjust then feel free to invite some of your 40+ year old forum user friends and get them to vote or attempt to rally the older users together who haven't already voted and vote.
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Post at 2-7-2008 10:20  Profile P.M. 
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WOW, I just thought this was a survey about how old everone was.....boy was I wrong...
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 2-7-2008 16:21  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by cantgetenough at 2-7-2008 07:43
I'm going to guess that walkups are the most common and on there we can debate about why this is the case....

Exactly my point! It's obvious that everything you've said is just that - a guess. Yet you insist on offering up sweeping generalizations about who uses computers and forums and who visits WGs. And it's based on nothing but your opinions and guesses. If you go back and read carefully, you'll see that I haven't drawn any conclusions at all on these issues. My point is that one should not pretend to know what one cannot deduce from the evidence, and you offer up no evidence other than what you think must be the case based on nothing but very limited experience and what your lazy mind has grown comfortable with. At this point, the honest thing to say would be that you really don't know how old the average punter is, and to insist otherwise is just stupid pigheadedness. Yet you've committed yourself and now you can't back down because you're one of those small-minded people who value face more than intellectual integrity.

I'm in my late fifties, and have always built my own PCs. I design databases, do extensive multimedia work, and hack my computers down to basic system-level functions. I'm no IT specialist, and never studied computer tech in college - but that was never necessary because a computer, on the user level, is just a simple dumb device. I taught myself to do this when almost 50. It happens all the time that I'll be sitting next to some college student in a coffee shop somewhere who can't manage to connect to the local wireless web, or who doesn't understand why he can't play a downloaded flac file in iTunes ("iTunes plays music doesn't it"). I've seen kids whose computers wouldn't start because the battery was loose, one kid who tried to plug his new iPod into the Ethernet port on his laptop, one kid who somehow booted his laptop into BIOS and sat there staring at the screen thinking he had broken Windows. I could fill pages with these examples.

You display a tendency I see all too often in forums. You think you know more than you do. And it's all bluff and wind.

In any case, you seem to be contradicting yourself - I say seem because that last paragraph is very confused -  you imply that the poll provides useful info on the average age of the punter community. But you also say over-40's are less likely to use internet forums. So if over-40's are less likely to visit the forum, and therefore less likely to vote in the poll, how can the poll provide useful information?

But why on earth would I feel the poll results are "unjust"?! What does justice have to do with anything? I'm not advocating equal rights for the aged, you twit, I'm saying you don't know how to think.

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Post at 2-7-2008 23:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #87 Marsupial's post

If I truely did pretend to know everything then I wouldn't state my assumptions would I?  I wouldn't have used the word "guess".  Since you seem to love stats then I look forward to seeing you start a poll on what most forum users here do the most: walk ups, hotel WGs, Macau and anything else you can think of.  But I see you're just going to nit pick, go on without making any real point, progress to swearing and name calling.

Fantastic that you're more competent with a PC than your average almost-50-year-old, I'd say I wish there were more people like you but then I'd prob be out of a job.

When did I imply that it provides useful information?  I suppose if you can find a use for it then it is useful...  You're clearly campaigning for the right of 50+ year olds to be allowed to use computers, thats the only injustice I can see here.  I merely commented on the obvious:  This is a forum, the majority of people who voted are under 40 - therefore these is some kind of bias.  

You seem to be taking this rather personally resorting to name calling and swearing.  You're so worked up about it you feel the need to a list of specifics of "IT problems" you've seen us young people encounter.  If it were as normal for someone your age to be competent with PCs, you wouldn't have to sound like you're boasting about what you can do.  Please note the "sound like" part of the previous sentence.

Now a possible explanation I can think of as to why more younger people use PCs, but don't get me wrong this is a complete guess because I know nothing on this and its not obvious at all so I have to ask just to begin to imagine this; did you use computers much at school?  Maybe I should have asked this a few posts back then we could have concluded this little arguement sooner.  I really hope you're not going to completely miss the point on this one
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Post at 13-7-2008 13:09  Profile P.M. 
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It is pretty safe to say that the younger people are the more of their life they spend our outright waste on the internet.  And the younger they get, the greater their devotion.  Plenty of reports available these days for example on horrendous numbers of teens & pre-teens for whom the web is like an IV.

The average teen uses the net much more than me, but that doesn't make him smarter, or me richer, or blah blah whatever the hell else; it's merely a fact of life that these days more & more younger people, regardless of the reasons, are incorporating spending time on the PC into their personal lives.  So nominally you could expect to get a lot of 20~30-year-olds signing up at (and maybe participating at) any forum, not just this one.  Though I must say that anyone who draws conclusions based on a 1.5% stake of the potential vote should think twice before publicly commenting on it.

My 2 red cents.
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Post at 13-7-2008 13:36  Profile P.M. 
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I don't think anyone in their 20's necessarily has too much to worry about though by going mongering.  I first did at 21 but close to 22, in well, unexpected circumstances.  Didn't think I'd be in for FS but apparently was and what a discovery I'd made.

Anyway, at least in my case I still went on to have all sorts of relationships with girls in their late teen's~mid-40's while when I felt like it picked up a WG.  Or binged on one and then the other, or whatever.  Sometimes they're just good for practicing new positions or building up your nerves in your younger days!  They're really damn convenient, that's for sure, but while you're young and single you'll always want both instant no-questions-asked sex and somebody to take care of you, so chances are you will probably bounce back and forth between both and will be constantly re-evaluating both as you try to find your ultimate all-in-one fulfillment, if you ask me.  I guess I'll never know but I don't feel like I have cheated myself out of anything by accidentally starting to monger young.  Instead I'm happy to have more options open to me for a longer period of time.
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Post at 13-7-2008 14:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #89 nobodyiknow's post

Our little controversy doesn't concern the quantity of time spent in forums, but rather the assumption that older people are less likely to use computers or participate in forums at all. All of the over-40s I know, at least know well enough to be familiar with how they use their leisure time, are quite adept with computers and are active in internet forums. Tho, given that the internet seems to have become an important social tool for the young, you're probably correct in assuming that they spend more of their free time online. Tho I've also read that older people, who tend to be lonelier and to have fewer friends, are increasingly turning to online communities to satisfy social needs. It's a complex issue and there are so many factors involved that the wise thing would be not to rush to hasty conclusions.

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 15-7-2008 00:27 ]

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 13-7-2008 14:24  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 13/7/08 14:07
older people, who tend to be lonelier and to have fewer friends, are increasingly turning to online communities for social needs  ...

Oh Shit; so that's why we're all here.  

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Post at 14-7-2008 20:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #92 Jake's post

don't you feel younger already, Jake
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Post at 26-7-2008 23:22  Profile P.M. 
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As an "elder" in both age and IT I feel ths trail has sort of gone wierd.  Why do we need this to develop into contest about what age group is the more tech savy? I have no doubt younger people are more comfortable with new technology and with spending copious amounts of time communicating in the "ether" be it forums, facebook, etc. But who cares? I think too much time in the "ether" is a wasted life no matter what age you are. Caveate: I believe access to 141 is a seriously useful tool!

This started out as a simple poll on the 141 age demographic. The number of respondents so far versus the number of people in the total 141 DB is miniscule, so I can't see how any conclusions can be taken at this point. There are too many variables. Anyway, I'm just interested to see the numbers, why argue?

Also, why should seeing WGs be more of a valid playground for us older guys? I've always had girlfriends and been married for a long time, but had some fantastic experiences with WGs from my mid twenties. I have strong memories from some of the contacts when I was younger.

I know some of the WGs enjoy being with some of the younger guys.  Let's face it, the WG's have likes/dislikes too, just like us, and may naturally enjoy the time with a young, fit guy versus some guy 20+ years their senior (like me).
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Post at 26-7-2008 23:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #94 Froddo's post

  I know of many WG who likes more mature clients !  but who knows anyway, they may tell us different
things based on who & what we are !

You right, this started out as poll with a simple question, one of my objectives is to have more participation
and I though a simple question would achieve this.

Lke you said, active members miniscule comp to the number of members registered ...
we need more members to participate in order to get a wider, more varied reports on WGs.

So ... all you guys lurking out there, please put your fingers to the key pad and participate !
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Post at 28-7-2008 07:18  Profile P.M. 
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[quote]Originally posted by twiceAweek at 26-7-2008 23:37
  I know of many WG who likes more mature clients !  but who knows anyway, they may tell us different
things based on who & what we are !

I'm sure you are correct, for my sake anyway as a "mature" client who is certain some WGs like me lots. My comment wasn't meant to slight us older guys, quite the opposite. It was aimed at some comments in the trail by older guys who were a bit negative about young guys visiting WGs. I've visited WGs from my mid twenties and I disagree with any judgements made against mongerers based on their age.
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Post at 29-7-2008 18:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #96 Froddo's post

If I'm still mongering at over 60, I'll be very thankful for having lived a good life

I just hope the WG's I visit then aren't the same ones I visit today....
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Post at 29-7-2008 23:06  Profile P.M. 
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Well not everyone can be a legend like Max Mosley but we can try
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Post at 30-7-2008 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 26/7/08 23:37
...  but who knows anyway, they may tell us different things based on who & what we are ...

Gosh, you really think they'd do that.  

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Post at 30-7-2008 17:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #99 Jake's post

Yep.....WGs hates me ............ cos I look for good time and waste their time.......to them time is money.
I get fed up with them after few visit /take out and refuse to believe all their lies..........guess what all you wise guys said is true.....WGs prefer mature clients.....except Jake who is a hammer and crazy fcuk.....

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9


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