Originally posted by bethpageblack at 17-8-2010 07:54
now that's going over the top ...
You're doing it again! You're missing the point ... and yes, Hunt, I do think it's condescending that he's telling us (me) I shouldn't take a girl to Four Seasons
Just as he has a right to state his opinion I have a right to respond to it
I'm not disagreeing with you that there is a big opportunity in China.
Clearly there are actually not one, but two markets in play. There's the direct pay-for-play price. Then there's the MUTUAL game of how much more the guy and the girl try to get from each other. She tries to make him feel great, and tries to get cash in return. He tries to show her he's worth more than the other guys, and tries to get her to treat him better than other girls do.
I'm also not disagreeing that guys can get ripped off by greedy suppliers who demand as much as they can get away with. This forum is a great resource for helping bros pay a fair price and avoid the worst excesses.
But neither of those is your thesis: you're saying - repeatedly - that guys SHOULDN'T give generously (for some reason you haven't stated yet) and you're diminishing the guys who CHOOSE TO.
Doing all that stuff is FOR THE GUY, not for the girl. From that perspective it has nothing whatsoever to do with where the girl came from, how short a time the guy visited HK, or anything else that I can think of. HE is having fun, and if he wants to take her to Four Seasons and then strut in Dragon-I, WHY NOT? Just because you choose not to do those things, you're diminishing those who can afford to and want to.
You've made a strong case for saving money by going to China and having more pickings ... and that's true IF YOUR GOAL IS TO SAVE MONEY. But you've not answered WHY NOT give more? Yet you keep telling us we SHOULDN'T. That's ridiculous!
... and yes, like Akka I would also like to hear from the laptop-and-LV brigade

I'm convinced they have a story to tell that would make things more complete!